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Everything posted by Blackbead

  1. M'Lady Alyx, I thanks 'ee! What I was looking for was the pewter-based flat, medallion or shaped pins. Check out me website for a few that I've found that are only pewter. I want something more colorful, howver, and ye might have give me exactly the idee! I know where to finds them long pins . . . and I'm not talking about under the barmaid's petticoats! I think I'll try to put a few together before I head out for New Orleans. Next time ye see me in me pirate's market, come take a look and I'll be given ye a very SPECIAL deal for giving me the idee! Blackbead
  2. Ahhh, I be thankin' ye, ma'am, to be sure. I know I've seen these and they are all of a piece, soldered together, ye might say. I'm looking for more plunder to have in me booth at PyrateCon and I figure some nice pewtwe hat pins would go well. I might take ye up on makin' some of me own, though! Gor'bless ya, ma'am, gor'bless ya! Blackbead
  3. To ALL interested pyrates in the DFW area and ESPECIALLY to Captain Satan and Flintlock jack: The Brotherhood of the Gulf will behaving a formative get together at the Trail Dust Steak House at the corner of IH-30 and Hwy 360 in Arlington on Thursday, March 15th. The actual get together will begin at 7:30 but Captain jasper and I plan on being there early to start the pre-St. Patrick's Day festivities. We hope to see you there! Blackbead
  4. Ahoy there, mates! I be lookin' for makers of hat pins. Specific-like, one that be a skull with crossed bones on a heart shaped backing. Anyone spy something like that . . . lately . . . eh? Blackbead
  5. Those guys were perfect for those parts but I understand that the movie was originally written for the likes of John Belushi, John Candy and Eddie Murphy. I'm sure they would have been fine but I am SO glad that the film came out as it did! ". . . Cats and dogs living together! Mass Hysteria!" And, meanwhile, on another continent and thirty years earlier: "I don't suppose that's a drop of anything wet in the house? "Help yourself to the buttermilk." "Buttermilk! The Borgias would do better."
  6. Thor's Day it is! I thought about having it on Piatnitsa but I figured everybody would be busy. Hope to see you there! BB
  7. My wife and I watched "GBs" again for the first time in a loooonnnngggg time the other night and I swear it has some of the greatest lines in comedic history in it: "Is this true?" "Yes, this man has no . . ." ROTFLMAO!!!
  8. Funny you should say that . . . the Brotherhood of the Gulf will be having a meeting in Arlington on March 15th at the Trail Dust Steakhouse at the intersection of I-30 and Hwy 360. ALL DFW area pyrates, well, ALL PYRATES EVERYWHERE, are welcome! Blackbead
  9. Mr. Addams: I be thankin' ye for the comeback. I may never find the story again but I'll never stop living by it. Too many people I know live each day like they have an unlimited supply of them. A fair wind to ye, sir . . . and a fat merchantman! Blackbead
  10. The spell of making, eh? Well, how about: "Ash naz durbatuluke, Ash naz gimbatule . . ." You can just barely hear it during a couple of scenes in the movie, but to those of us who know it, it's like a faint smell of death on the wind . . . Blackbead
  11. Ahoy there, mate! Do you participate with a pirate group here in the north Texas area? I belong to the Brotherhood of the Coast, a group that is still in its formative stage but is growing all the time. Be ye interested in being a part of this crew? If so, drop me a line at blackbeads_tc@yahoo.com. Hoping to hear from ye! Blackbead
  12. I agree! One of the pieces currently featured on me website is a necklace I did which contains a skull and crossbones cameo on a locket. And the necklace that Captain Jasper wears has an incredible metallic S&CB with a locket behind it that came from Hot Topic. I can't go by one without stopping in - and driving all of the youngsters crazy! Imagine this fiftyish old guy in there checking out the jewelry! But I don't care . . . ye finds 'em where ye finds 'em! Blackbead
  13. Oh, and lest I forget . . . Elwood P. Dowd: Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it. Well, that's from the movie "Harvey," of course. And, say, why don't you and your friend there come with me downtown to a very nice pub I know. It's called the Pyracy Pub and it's on the corner of . . . well, you know where it is, that's wonderful. I'll see you there then . . .
  14. Mr. Addams - a query, pray thee: The quote you use as part of your signature "Live while yore alive . . . then die and be done with it!" I recall it from a story about a young boy and his grandfather going to a fair . . . and, of course, it is attributed to Johnny Gunther in Death Be Not Proud. But, do you know the story of the boy and his grandfather? It's a sentiment that I've lived by for a long time, ever since reading the story, but I've lost the name of the story and the author to the mists of time and I'd love to get them back. So, can you give me a star to guide meself by? It would be a boon never to be forgotten . . . Blackbead
  15. Excellent, Sir, Go'r bless ya! I'll be awaitin' for the postin'! Blackbead
  16. I be liking the idea of a vendor's pub! We'll have to check it out! And I shall be bringing some supplies for the school - and I mean paper, pencils and the like, not rum, cutlasses and powder! I know that when I were a lad, we always had all the rum sharp, edges and things that go bang that we needed no matter WHAT! Blackbead
  17. Now ye be talking, lad!! When might ye be having one ready for a man of a much wider berth??
  18. WELCOME (back)! Now, about that drink . . .
  19. Hmmm, I see an abundance of jokes about palm trees and "movie tonight" in yer future! So, to get things off right - "Put your shirt back on . . . not you, ladies!" And God bless ye, mate, fer the rum! Blackbead
  20. Aye; brothers UNDER the skin tho' ye may be! But I dare say, from what they say of ye, slappin' something as lovely as Elizabeth Swan might occur but it wouldn't be across her face; instead it'd be one of her nether cheeks that would feel the palm of yer hand!! This event is getting more and more exciting. The only problem is that I'm going to be spending so much time vending and not enough time drinking and pirating! But I plan on bringing many gee-gaws, pretties, plunder and swag for me pirate friends to buy and there'll be things for both gentlemen and gentlewomen of fortune. So bring a few extra ducats . . . ye might want a new pin for your hat or a pretty necklace to twinkle in the moonlight or even a new (replica) flintlock to hang from your belt. Blackbead
  21. Ahhh, now this be what I like - two hands for the price of one! And one of each gender, that be a special thing, too. Be welcome here, m'Lady pirate . . . and if'n ye be buying, a spot of rum would do me well. Never been to Torontuga meself but I be hearin' great things about "the Great White North." But, ye must oppress your acting folk like Ol'Jimmy did Dick Clyfton's followers . . . so many of them seem to be runnin' south of your border! Saw your website and may I say some fantastic costumes, especially of you as Elizabeth. Greetings and salutations and the like, now, sit yourself down and let's start drinkin'! Blackbead
  22. Captain Jasper and I dress in garb for every faire, arts 'n craft, flea market, and any other type of show that we do in our second business so we be used to being gawked at, smiled at, and explaining why we are pirates. It's good for business and we hand out a LOT of cards that way. We stopped to eat one morning on the way down to Middlefaire at a McDonald's and the whole crew wanted to be in pictures with us! Sparrow said that the Black Pearl was "freedom"; I be thinkin' that having the gumption to be a pirate on any ship, any deck, any fast food restaurant . . . now, THAT'S freedom! Blackbead
  23. Cap'n William: No, sir! That be Kevin McNally; Isaac C. Singleton, Jr. be the tall, scarified African-American fellow that plays the Bo'sun of the Black Pearl. You wouldn't look like him even if'n ye shaved every hair off your piratical head! Blackbead
  24. I'll be there! Blackbead with his treasure chest, his replica flintlocks, his pirate toys and most importantly, his treasure from around the world and the most beautiful beaded jewelry on this, or ANY side, of the Spanish Main! I got me copy of the chart showing how the smuggler's market is going to be set up and I noticed some mighty big names. Gives me great hope that this event will become a yearly party for us all. See ya there, me hearties, and till then, a fair wind and a fat merchantman fer ye all! Blackbead
  25. Now that be a conversation stopper if'n I ever heard one . . .
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