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Dread Pirate Slasher

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About Dread Pirate Slasher

  • Birthday 05/01/1966

Profile Information

  • Location
    Southeast Oklahoma
  • Interests
    Leatherwork, Metal work (especially making weapons), Making jewelry, Graphic design, Web design, Pirates (obviously), civil war history.
  1. How about a hurdy gurdy? It seems I was mistaken what one was. I always thought a hurdy gurdy was what an organ grinder played whilst his monkey danced about But seriously, the hurdy gurdy has been around long enough to have been used aboard a ship. So far I haven't been able to find a reference to any being used aboard ships, pirate or not, but it's a fine instrument, and similar to a fiddle, so if I had lived back then, I think I might have brought one aboard.
  2. The clock ticking and the little voice in my head saying "why the hell are you up at 3 am"
  3. One of me favorites... Sweet Victory - Spongebob Squarepants (from the "band geeks" episode)
  4. Listen to your heart - (Roxette, not DHT)
  5. Actually, my son IS a junior Yes, it's from smokie and the bandit. I also say the punch yo momma in the mouth one too
  6. Yay! I won one Let's see...I have one that my son and I quote all the time "My hat blew off, daddy"
  7. Raiders of the lost ark? :)
  8. I'll wade in with an easy one... "They took the bar!"
  9. Aye, I played it for my wife and she made me turn it off and gave me this look Right now.........Ra - Do you call my name
  10. OMG. After reading about it here, I listened to the scissorsisters version of comfortably numb. That thing should come with a warning label.
  11. Hmm... I hadn't thought of a Jew Harp on a ship but I suppose they would have had them. The instrument has been around a long long time. It's a shame you don't hear it much anymore. I actually have a Whitlow Harp in D that I learned to play. It's funny because when I show it to kids they ask what it is and I tell them it's a musical instrument. It's funny to watch them try to figure out how it makes noise. They invariably figure out the twanger and pluck it a few times and say "ok, so now what". Then when I start playing it always brings a smile.
  12. Frito Pie...the cornerstone of any nutritous meal!
  13. Apocalyptica - Hall of the mountain king. Metal Band from Finland....played on cello's (Because I'm silly like that) Apocalyptica.com
  14. Aye, but if ye consult the oracle (google) ye can find just about any manner o' tune ye be lookin fer. I manged to find a little beauty called "The ballad of robin and the infamous pirate ja" here Link If I find more, I'll tell ye where :)
  15. Good question! I would think you would probably have seen a little bit of everything that was around at the time. Smaller instruments would have been best. When I read your post I couldn't help but get a mental picture of the Captain of The Filthy Whore from "Cabin Boy" playing his sqeezebox
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