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Captain Midnight

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Posts posted by Captain Midnight

  1. I remember watching the short clip of that giant squid several months ago; was it ever determined how large the thing actually was? I would have to say the Kraken is probably my favorite of all the fabulous sea monsters. :(

  2. Hmmm... Is there a "Dumber that rocks" category? ;)

    You know full well my head's full of all manner of arcane knowledge, sweetness. But this is goofy sh*t that most don't know! ;)

    Yep, there are the "Dumber than dirt", and "Dumb as a box of rocks" categories...I fit into the "box" category myself... ;);)

  3. Yes, I own the Loyalist Arms' version, in .64 caliber. It is truly well made, and it's a bit shorter than the other pistol (mine has a 12" barrel, as opposed to the 16" barrel of the Middlesex pistol). I have had great service from the pistol, in short, it is me best friend...Also, Loyalist Arms can't be beat for their friendly service. They will communicate with you every step of the way until your pistol arrives, and they back up their stuff. They also sell spare parts for their weapons, should something happen to wear out on yours. I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other, but in my own humble opinion, the Loyalist Arms doglock is a better one, but I base my opinion on general looks and my personal knowledge of the Loyalist Arms weapon, as I have not had the opportunity to hold the Middlesex Trading weapon. I hope this review helps you in some way. ;)

  4. Well, it has been a while, but I have been studying drawings and photos of the cartridge box found in the Phips wreckage, and I have come to the conclusion that that cartridge box is almost identical to the one found on the Whydah, including the way it is shaped, and its wooden stiffeners. After some in depth reading about the Phips box, I found out that the wooden stiffeners were actually stitched into the leather box. I'm almost positive that the lid was made up of narrow wooden strips stitched horizontally across the inside of the flap so that the flap could flex enough to open. Still not to clear on the actual wooden "box" part, quite possibly, it was just a thin wooden box that slid in and out of the leather, much like the tin inserts in later cartridge boxes. That's my theory. It makes good sense, though, and the box would actually hold more rounds than one with a block drilled with holes to receive the cartridges. Anyone else know anything new about the Whydah cartridge Box? :lol:

  5. After many internet and email issues, Capn William's flag is finally complete. The bravado of crossed cannons...


    I think it would make a nice avatar...


    That is an awesome flag, mate! Captain William, you should be proud, and William Redwake, you are a master at making those flags. I tips me hat to ye! :P

  6. I would be interested in any replicas from the Whydah, but most especially the cartridge box and the shoes. I have made a replica of the cartridge box, except for the wooden insert, which I have not seen yet. Does anyone know whether the insert was a thin wooden box (the diagram of the cartridge box pieces seems to support this idea), or was it a simple block drilled with holes to hold the cartridges? I made mine with a block drilled with eight holes, but unless I am badly mistaken, I think the original had a thin wooden tray-like box made up of several pieces which slid into the leather box. I just made the block type for lack of being able to see proper details of the original. Can anyone else elaborate a bit on this topic? :lol:

  7. Thanks Bilgemunky! That is the figure, alright! However, I wonder if they offer just him alone? I really don't want the whole set, just that one. I have also seen these same figures cast in resin in other places, but that takes some of their charm away, in my opinion, as the hand carved wooden ones are extra special. :P

  8. Ok I'll be first to nominate the Wallace Beery, Jackie Cooper version.  Maybe I'm odd but to me it's the best version by far.  :P

    I honestly cannot read treasure Island withoute envisioning Wallace Beery as Long John.  I can't wait till this version is finally released on DVD!  :huh:

    I'll have to second that nomination, Wallace Beery was indeed an awesome Long John, and Jackie Cooper made a great Jim Hawkins as well. Can't say as I think its better than all the others, as I havn't seen the others, but anytime a Hollywood Long John Silver is mentioned, Wallace Beery is the face who immediately appears in my mind. Plus I love the old phrases that they used in that movie, like "Bless my Soul!"( a favorite of Jackie Cooper's), etc. Reminds me of a more inncocent, clean era, unfortunately long gone. :huh:

  9. Ahoy mates,

    I am wondering if any of you might know where I can find a small wooden figurine like this:


    They are usually about 6" or so tall, and are sold as "el cheapo" souvenirs at beach stores, nautical stores, etc. I had one of these when I was a kid, (it is now long lost), and I would like to find one again for sentimental reasons. If any of you might know where to buy them, or perhaps someone might have one they no longer wanted and it needed a good home, would you please kindly let me know? Thanks so much for any help! :ph34r::ph34r:

  10. Ahoy, John!

    I believe we have spoken once a long while back. From what I can tell from me navigational charts, it looks as though I am only about an hour and a half north of you, it would be a simple matter of shooting down through Albany and hitting highway 19 south. It would be nice to meet you sometime, if we could manage.

    What are the names of the groups in Jacksonville and Pensacola? Do you have contact info for them? B)

  11. Ok so after emailing Old Dominion forge and being told that they are not taking sword orders due to a two year back-order log, What else do you have? I mean they look like good swords but logisitcally I dont want to wait two years before I get another cutlass. What I need this cutlass for is not just some pretty show piece. I actually need a functional cutlass that I cant fight with. I am in a stage combat group that requires a high quality sword for functional use. Any ideas?

    I can feel your pain here...I actually love the cutlasses from Old Dominion Forge, but as they are so far out of my price range, not to mention their long backlog, I have take matters into me own hands...

    I obtained a section of an industrial bandsaw blade from a local sawmill. The piece was about a foot wide by three feet long, enough to make several blades. I marked off a nice, historical cutlass blade shape on the metal and had it cut out with a plasma cutter. Then, VERY carefully, I ground in a fuller on each side of the blade, and then ground, polished, and sharpened the heck out of the blade. The result? A light, historical blade made of high quality tool steel, that will take and hold a razor's edge (the steel was MADE for cutting, after all). My next step is to manufacture a double shell guard and antler grip for it, then a scabbard and baldric. Total dollars invested in my sword so far? $0.00 I think the proper term for my method of construction is "stock removal", to form the blade. When finished, it will look almost exactly like the ODF double shell guard cutlasses. I don't intend to use it for stage combat, but it would definitely stand up to real combat if it had to, as it is made from the highest quality cutting tool steel. B)

  12. actually, i have read that there are some serious inconsistancies with this site and that this may not be the QER after all.

    Great and Blackbeard and the Queen Elizabeths Revenge are my faviorts of the GAoP era. I hope it really is the QER after all and not just some other tallship. Anyways thanks for the info.

    ~Tora of Tortuga~


    That should be Queen Anne's Revenge... B)

  13. http://www.snoods.com/hats.html

    This is where I have gotten all of my hat blanks...at $22 there arent that bad and if you want one already shaped up into a tricorn (Which is easy to do on your own), its only $24...but what is the fun in that. Hope this helps a bit! B)

    I agree with Will. I bought my hat as a blank from here, and it was a very simple matter to add some black edging, and stitch it up into a tricorn meself. Gives it that personal look, you know? Add some feathers or beads, or whatever you'd like, and there you have it, all for a nice price. :ph34r:

  14. I bought my pistol, a late 17th-very early 18th century English doglock dragoon which was used in the "heyday" of the GAoP, from Loyalist Arms, in Nova Scotia. It is a beauty in .64 caliber, and Loyalist Arms' service and friendliness was, in my opinion, unparalleled. I believe if you give them a try, you will not be sorry. The pistol comes ready to fire, no gunsmithing involved. For ammo and supplies, I would recommend Dixie Gunworks out of Tennessee. B)

    P.S. I'm not terribly far from Birmingham, I live in Southwest Georgia, about 35 miles south of Ft. Benning and Columbus.

  15. Wow! Thank you, William, for those awesome pics! I never knew so many different tavern scenes existed! B)

    Rumba, yes, Savannah's Pirate's House is an awesome place indeed, you can even still see the entrance to the tunnel which led down to the riverfront, where men were supposedly shanghied, and goods were smuggled. The food there is truly outstanding as well, as it has been my pleasure to eat there on several occasions. A trip to Savannah would not be complete without a visit to this place. Here is a photo of it:


    Anyway, so far, this building has been my design inspiration for my own backyard "Pirate's Tavern". Does anyone else know of or have pics of any pirate buildings similar to this?

    Thanks again, William for those pics. Captain Midnight pulls a small leathern drawstring bag from the depths of his green coat, and shakes three shining, gold doubloons from it, laying them on the bar. "Good barkeep Ray, kindly pour pretty Rumba and Master Redwake and myself another round..." :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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