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Capt. Lazarus Gage

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Everything posted by Capt. Lazarus Gage

  1. Thanks for the advice.
  2. Tryin to find the perfect thing is a pain.
  3. CABOOTS is the only place for me.
  4. I also am looking for the perfect sword, but only have around 200$ too spend, any advice?
  5. LOL this discussion is just too funny.
  6. I'm a sucker for snow globes.
  7. I have too check that out, i've been wanting to get scallywags and plunder.
  8. I can't wait for POTC 2 to get here.
  9. You lucky sea dog you.
  10. Still looks like the movie is going to be great!!!
  11. If you like POTC get Sid Meyers Pirates, i've been playing it for more than two months strait.
  13. They also used the theme from Requiem for a Dream for the LOTR Return of the King trailer.
  14. Does anyone know of a fencing group in Cincinnati??
  15. Great info, I'm about to make me own head scarf and a new sash.
  16. I agree with Mr. Hands
  17. I dunno about makin it yerself but if ye be lookin for a great hat to buy, I would check out Captjackspiratehats.com I just purchased a hat from The MacKay and was not dissapointed.
  18. Sounds fun.
  19. I got me a grand new chest the other day from me local Hobby Lobby, if ye be havin one in yer area ye should check it out, mine is about 2 foot high, by two foot deep, by four foot wide. Twas around 65$ dollars on sale.
  20. Bird feathers eh???
  21. Us TV as far as I can tell.
  22. I'd have to throw my pieces of eight behind Bart Roberts or Teach. -Capt. Lazarus Gage
  23. It's actually going to be a TV miniseries, and it should be coming out in 06. Angus Macfadyen will be playing Blackbeard. - Capt. Lazarus Gage
  24. Or just drop me a line on here if ye be wantin.
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