“Aye sir, it’d be a pleasure.” I replied. I made a swift glance to the group and back again, giving a wary nod to Mr. Pew as to convey my thoughts about the men. I had no substance for my ill feelings for the group, and it wasn’t all of them mind you either. The man that had spoken up first, Bill Flint, seemed like a fine man, and the one named Nathan seemed to illto cause any trouble, but the other two didn’t act quite rite. Nothing apparent, just a tad off kilter and as anyone can tell you, you can’t take anything for granted at sea. The men had finished eating and their tankards were dry,I approached Mr. Flint as he started to stand. “If you’ll just follow me gentlemen, I’ll lead you to the armory as Mr. Pew suggested.” The walk to the armory was silent and the air heavy, I had a feeling these men didn’t like the idea of giving up their arms. “Time will tell” I think to myself.