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Capt. Lazarus Gage

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Everything posted by Capt. Lazarus Gage

  1. My sisters name is Vanessa Williams.
  2. I recieved a faulty email from National Geographic this morning. I signed up for the reminder email and it sent it today saying it would be on tommorow the 8th. Just a warning, that is not the correct time if you get this email, it is still Sunday the 12th at 8ET.
  3. Bilgemunky.com CaptJackspiratehats.com (collect them all!!) & NoQuarterGiven.net
  4. Dead people are eating my nachos!
  5. I can eat three 12" subs from subway at one time.
  6. Gibson to Speak Ancient Tongue at Oscars Saturday, March 4, 2006 3:14 PM EST The Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — Mel Gibson will give audiences a preview of the ancient language spoken in his upcoming movie, "Apocalypto." During a brief appearance on the Academy Awards on Sunday, Gibson will speak Maya, the only language in the film. His last movie, "The Passion of the Christ," was performed in Latin and Aramaic. "I wanted to shake up the stale action-adventure genre," Gibson told Time for a story on the magazine's Web site. "So I think we almost had to come up with something utterly different like this." "Apocalypto" is set in pre-Columbian Mexico and is being shot on the fringe of southern Mexico's rain forests. It addresses the end of civilizations and contains warnings about environmental degradation and political fear-mongering. If you've seen the previews you'll know what I mean.-Lazarus
  7. It would seem to me that the wood cut pictures we have of pyrates is hardly a basis for deciding wether or not sailors in the GAoP actually wore boots or not. Woodcuts are not photos and were not made by anyone actually at an event, so whoever made these woodcuts would have been drawing on thier mental image of what this person looked like or personal accounts from others. I would also imagine that these woodcuts were made and used in books written for the general public and a certain amount of embelishment would have probably taken place on the artist's part. As an example, the picture of Anne Bonney, she surely wouldn't have had her breast's exposed. At any rate I would think if a pyrate of that time came across a pair of boots, common or not, they would have picked said footwear over shoes out of practicality. We must also take into account the fact that a far greater number of written records did not survive as compared to did survive for us to study. The point is we'll never know, and given the nature of pyrates in general, if one had the chance to have a pair of boots they would probably have worn them. I personally have a pair of boots from CA Boots and wouldn't trade them for the world, BUT I do not do any historical re-enactment. I f I were to start (which would require me to move since I live in Ohio) I would buy a nice pair of straight lasted shoes and stockings, but since I only get the chance to attend pyrate "events" I like my bucket boots just fine. -Lazarus
  8. ^Doesn't have a shirt on in his profile picture.
  9. Men say the darndest things!
  10. I took three years of German and didn't learn a damn thing.
  11. I was looking through the membership roster the other day and if you take a look, I'de say 90% of the people on it have made less than 5 posts, if any at all. Why even bother?
  12. Interesting people, pirates do make.
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