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Everything posted by Darkmalkin

  1. Darkmalkin


    I've been painting at Siouxland every year since it began. It's one of my favorite faires.
  2. I'm going to Cozumel next month.
  3. Here's mine:
  4. Actually, Royaliste, that was MY Pan avatar that you posted as cannon fodder. I was wondering what I had done to earn such an honor.
  5. Oh, kewl! I'm glad to hear that the old Star makes it outa her berth once inna while. I used to live right there within walking distance of her, many a year ago. Being penniless, I spent a lot of time hanging around down there and daydreaming.
  6. The Star of India was under way? I didn't know that they did that with her. The last time I saw that was in 1976 (granted, I haven't been home for awhile)
  7. ebay is probably your best bet. In my experience, the diligent searcher can find just about anything on ebay
  8. Yep, it were excellent ... although I didn't remember Russell Crowe as having that big boil-like thing right between his eyes....
  9. I've seen them in person, and they were good. Never bought any o' their CDs tho, so I don't know how they compare with the live performances.
  10. Burned inta the ceiling wif fire: "Go ugly early -- beat the 2:00 rush!"
  11. Yes, an aperture is an opening, or a hole.....ewww.
  12. My kinda holiday! Fire, burnings in effigy, and things that go BOOM! WooHoo!
  13. I does! I does! [Flaming marshmellies fall from the sky like tiny meteors]
  14. "Tis an honor, ta be pillaged by such as ye, it is" said the Valkyrie, bursting inta something that might pass for song, if cement mixers could sing: The wonderful thing about marshmellies Is that marshmellies are wonderful things They bounce off yer buddies like rubber And flamin', they're such fun ta fling They're flamin', flyin, fiery FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN But the most wonderful thing about marshmellies is YE CAN EAT 'EM WHEN YER DONE! YE CAN EAT 'EM WHEN YER DONE!
  15. Har, I'm still making supper, but mebbe I'll step out ta the garage, say hi to Zelda, and grab a beer out o' the fridge. It's been the kind of day that deserves ta be dissolved in alcohol...unfortunately, I have more of the same coming up tomorrow, so I'll have ta control meself a little... My secret cyber key ta me program finally came through, though, so I'm not as unhappy as I was a couple hours ago.
  16. Oh, by the way, FABULOUS picture, Rosalinda. 'Tis an original watercolor, is it not? You are REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY talented.
  17. "FLAME ON!" cries the Valkyrie, as she and the Wienerdog of Doom begin juggling flaming marshmellies in a dazzling figure eight, to the tune of "Happy Birthday to You". "This is better'n a laser light show!"
  18. I have a big black cat that I accidentally ran over with me car when he were a kitten. I brought him in to recover and he never left. He weighs about 15 pounds now. We have about 10 outdoor cats, and a shortage of varmints, like Ole Black Jack, except for the big ole possum that lives inna old garage...the cats are scairt of it, I think. The coons and deer are pretty safe, too.
  19. Many happy returns, an' here's some marshmellies for ya! Allow me ta ignite em in yer honor!
  20. Well, those Himalayan winters be COLD, matey!
  21. I've got it! Ye've made yer sunken living room inta a huge seascape-affair, sculpted in jello, wif goldfish and gummie worms, lil' pirate ships and skulls and sunken treasure and stuff embedded in it! For Guy Fawkes' Day! HOO-HA! Drinks all around!
  22. [thinking so hard that smoke pours outa her ears] The fifth of November is Guy Fawkes' Day (gunpowder treason, and plot! Guy Fawkes is traditionally burned in effigy, another FIRE holiday, brought to you be yer friendly neighborhood pyromaniac.) Hmmm. Socks, what's wif the socks? Is it yer toenails ye've painted fer Guy Fawkes' Day?
  23. Is it a marshmelly?
  24. Quilted yaks? I didn't know yaks could quilt. Seems like all those tiny scraps of fabric would be hard ta handle wif them hooves and all.
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