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Everything posted by Deadeye

  1. An fer me, in no particular order Music: Reverend Horton Heat, 24 Hits Brian Setzer Orchestra, Greatest Collection Best of Cream the Scottish Rogues Best of Ozzy Elvis' Greatest Hits Book: Kingdom Come graphic novel by Mark Waid and Alex Ross Guilty Pleasure: A Rod and Tackle Box, what can I say, I Love to fish!
  2. Call me a bit, cliche, but I have always admired and found fascinating, Edward Teach. I like his use of theatrics and his flare for the dramatic was interesting to me. he seemed to know what has been repeated in stories through time... a flare for theatrics can elevate you from more than just a mere man, to somthing of a myth or legend. he used his prey's fears against them and that I find to be truly fascinating. Also, it is reported by Cordingly that after the Scot Sailor in Maynard's crew dealt the blow to his neck and shoulder, he said to the man "Well done, Lad" I admire that courage and fortitude even when he new he was about to die. Impressive if you ask me. Maybe not the smartest man, but brave and cunning...
  3. I'lll Be with ye all in spirit. I will be on duty all day, and I just aint stupid enough to try to sneak a drink while on watch. (A Sailor who can't drink... what's next? a Frenchman who bathes?)
  4. One that I really like is Rum mixed with Woodchuck Green Apple Cider. I also have been known to pour a bottle of Private stock into a crockpot, add 3 fresh-cut granny smith apples and cinnimon sticks, and let stew for about 3 hours, pour into a mug with honey and it makes a delicious Rum Cider!
  5. I'm not as think as you drunk I am? Or "take me drunk, I think I'm home!"
  6. Does anyone know if Leather drinking vessels were common during the GAoP? I found a site that makes some really awsome ones, but i dont want to spend my money if it isnt hostorically correct. TIA Deadeye
  7. My Favorite thus far be The Captain's Private Stock. Recently a mate o' mine brought me some Jamaican rum that isn't sold here in the states. It is 90 proof and very mellow. Smooth as a whistle goin down too. it doesnt matter what it be though, it must be either straight up or slightly chilled...
  8. Huzzah to the Raccoon. If Disney Movies have taught us nothing, its that braindead morons will ALWAYS, without fail, be outdone, but furry woodland critters....
  9. Aye! and we Also be without the likes of In-N-Out and Jack-in-the-Box! Bloody East Coast Savages!
  10. Let the Hunt begin!
  11. My Wife has one she pins on her over-spilling busom that reads "Nice, aren't they?" and she bought me one that is a Kilt with a Jolly Roger Sporan, and when you flip up the kilt it has little buttcheeks with a lip print, and blue ribbon on the other side Of Course we all know "the Floggings will continue untill Moral improves!" well I saw a pin once that said.. "in need of Moral Improvment"
  12. Which always seems to be followed by "OH S@#$!!!!" and Sirens and Ginormous bills... and then your mother and/or wife shaking their head and sighing heavily....
  13. Agreed in its whole, Sir! What about Broad Axes? I know a lot of ships Carptenters carried them. I have even heard of the being used for caulderizing wounds. Any sources on those?
  14. Well to be honest, I doubt you would actually wear your baldric while actually AT Sea, but i understand your question and your plight. Your might try C&D Jarnigan, they make a lot of good period leather goods, including a nice sword belt. The other question i should have asked is what kind of sword are you going to hang from it? Cutlass, smallsword, sabre, broadsword... all that makes a difference You might also try Museum Replicas. Most of their wares are Renn. and Medieval, but they might have somthing that could work. One more Swords of Honor sword Bladric
  15. I know what you mean, and it still looks to me as if ms Bonny is carrying a Norse Bearded Axe. Of course, cronologically, that would make no sense, but i call em how I see em. I think i am going to go with some kind of FAI War belt axe, spike or no spike. I know that the FAI War came just after the GAoP, but I think that they are close enough as far as Axes, since axe design hasnt really changed all that much throughout history.
  16. I beleive they also used the term "Slouch hat" I have, but honestly its just a matter of personal preference. I dont really like the look... dont mean to be shallow, but hey, it is what it is.
  17. Honestly, i dont think it much matters. As you said, Greg, different blacksmiths were making different axes. Who's to say that one Smithy was partial to robust spikes, and another to thinner spikes? As I've said earlier, i have heard of "Boarding Axes" that had hammer heads one the reverse side of the blade, but most commonly those are called "Camp axes" by modern sutlers. I would venture a guess that just about any small tomahawk style axe, with the exception of a few, could pass as period enough. Just my $.02
  18. I just picked up a copy tonite of Swords and Daggers: an Illustrated Handbook by Eduard Wagner. Inside are a lot great illustrations of hilts and even blade types. Also included are descriptions and uses of different types of swords drom two-handed to sabres and rapiers and broadswords. I give it 3 Jolly Rogers!
  19. Just Keep me posted, Cap'n! I got the go-ahead from the finacial dept. (she loved the idea!) You can also PM me if need-be!
  20. Keep your head above the swells, thats the most important thing you can do right now, my friend! I think i speak for all when I say we are with you and support you! We'll be here when your ready with open arms and pocketbooks! Have a Drink on ol Deadeye!
  21. I Tell you this, Mates. Just recently i have delved into the realm of experimental anthropology and Real Living History. I always knew that sailors of the great age of sail had rough lives, possibly the hardest around. But since i have started really making my own things (as of now, i am learning how to hand sew) i never really grasped just HOW rough a life it was. And I also find i answer my own questions a lot of the time (I.E. " would a sailor wrap the handle of his tool in a bit twine?" or " would this artical be waxed?") Really exciting stuff!
  22. I personaly wasnt interested in wearing a Montero hat, i had just remembered reading somthing about them and since what we know about the GAoP is pretty narrow, i was just trying to broaden things up a bit. As fer me, untill i can afford a Tricorn from Captain Jack, i am going to go with a Highland Bonnet. It'll also come in handy during the winter months out here on the East Coast,
  23. Believe me, Rummy Lass, There isnt much I wouldnt trade to be back in So Cal.... It Rains way too much in VA, there is no good Mexican food, and it gets way too cold!
  24. I read in one of my Books, I think it was either A History of Pirates by Angus Konstam or Under the Black Flag by Cordingly, about a flat brimmed, flat top round hat made of waxed or tarred Canvas called a Montero hat or somthing of that sort. Anyone know anything about that style? References?
  25. When I get mine, I was planning on creating a nice grip and lanyard using waxed hemp and me marlinespike skills, Perhaps some French Whipping capped at both ends by Turk's Heads or somthin like that. My Logic (what little there is) and experience tells me that a wood haft gets rather slick when wet, so it seems likely to me that GAoP pirates and sailors alike would make some sort of grip for their axes, swords, pikes and various other tools.
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