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Everything posted by Deadeye

  1. Beautiful Coat, Capt. Mac. A bit too Fyne fer the likes o' me, but beautiful none-the-less. Ye'll be the belle o' the ball! enjoy yer new fynery.. Personally I am goin with a highlander's short waistcoat. just need to find one in me pricerange
  2. Good to know, Foxe. I guess Now i have to give in and actually let her start throwing again... it makes such a mess So do you think that if I Boiled the Bottom of my horn, it would become pliable enough to attach some prefab round plate to?
  3. What peaked my interest were the Horn Bottles. I didnt know that cow horn could be manipulated in that way. By the By.. my Wife throws pottery and i was considering having her make me a rum bottle, would clay bottles be correct?
  4. I Did notice, Foxe. And have since been trying to figure out how to adjust mine, accordingly. It makes me a bit sad, since right now, it holds a 20oz pepsi perfectly, coming to just within a half inch of the lip.. *Lamenting* if ONLY i still had my anvil and forge.....
  5. I cant use the link for some reason !@#$%^ Govt computers but it sounds like fun.
  6. You may be absolutely right, Foxe. Please understand, I am not trying to rewrite History, or prove the existance of somthing that never was, Merely trying to open up the options a bit. And NO disrespect is meant to anyone as I Value your opinions
  7. And these from the 18th and 19th century Horn Beakers, mugs and Bottles
  8. I just found this Quote at British Archaeology ...and the research continues...
  9. I'll Look into it. If I'm wrong, hey it aint the first time, an it wont hurt my feelings. I have both a tankard and a horn. I just prefered the horn due to the thermal advantages i stated and ease of carrying.
  10. I dont see why not, I mean it seems logical esspecially for the lower classes since it is premade, sturdy, and wouldnt require a lot manhours so the price would be inexpensive. And i think they had cattle in the GAoP
  11. I Like my Drinking Horne i Got from The Horn Shoppe. It Keeps my Cold Drinks cold and my hot drinks hot without burning your lips. I also tied some knotwork around where i grip it as not to burn or chill my hands off. and you can hang it anywhere or just stick it in the ground.
  12. Very true, i had just seen some pictures, but they didnt list a time frame, so I was curious is they OUR period. I wook all day long in long sleeve Coveralls, so i know its not a problem, just a curiosity. That what i do every day! Us modern Sailors only have 2 short sleeve uniforms, and unfortunatly, the ones we wear the most, Our Cover-alls, are long sleeve. I personally hate long sleeves, so I guess i was a little excited to find a possible loophole..
  13. Thanks Lads. Another Question i had was about shirts. I have seen references to 3/4 sleeve shirts, i think some sutlers even sell them. Is this a Early 18th century Item or did it occur earlier or Later? It would seem more practical for life on ship as the cuffs wouldnt get in the way, but would it be considered appropriate on shore?
  14. Funny, a mate of mine said the exact same thing once........He never did get the hair on his legs to grow back in...... In a related Topic, Bicyles don't go ANY faster when you strap Large bottle rockets to the pegs...
  15. You set my head to spinnin, thats fer sure! So from what I have gathered from this Caddywampus topic is that Pockets for Sailors-Good, Pockets for Continentals-Bad. Check. And i Always thought it was the Aircraft that separates us from Lower Beings.... Get it, Lower Beings..
  16. There's an outfit and gun in this picture??
  17. The Pouch/purse i have is soft leather (Doeskin i beleive) and really has no firm shape, but it is hand made from hand-skinned white-tail, IMHO it doesnt get much more period than that
  18. Just had a question about the storing of accoutrements... What is the proper way to hold various items like pipe and tinder box, coins, combs, things of that sort. I have a primitive leather pouch with a deer antler button that a friend made for me, would that work? could pockets be sewn into your slops?
  19. Sent! Email is BoolaBlue@Yahoo.com Thanks Adam
  20. That would be great, Lad! I am going to attempt to hand stitch a pair of real Linen slops soon. All my past ones have been cotton Canvas, but now i am really striving to be as authentic as possible. Know any way to do Machine sewn seams so that they will be hidden? I dont really trust my sewing abilities
  21. I would give Demonstrations at the faires i worked, whether they be on Forge Work, Sand casting, armor making..etc. I also liked to demonstrate a bit of knotwork, just teaching them simple things like figure-eights, clove hitches, crown sennets, things like that... the parents loved when i put the kids in the Handcuff Knot! I Loved answering questions about attire and accoutrements(however thats spelled) like my Bosuns pipe and Marline Spike. And playin around with the Kiddos is always fun.
  22. I always Like this one The Sailor's Prayer Though my sails be torn and tattered and my mast be turned about let the night wind chill me to my very soul though the spray might sting my eyes and the stars no light provide give me just another morning light to hold Chorus: I will not lie me down this rain a ragin' I will not lie me down in such a storm and if this night be unblessed I shall not take my rest till I reach another shore. And though the only water left is but salt to wound my thirst I will drink the rain that falls so steady down and though night blindness be my gift and there be thieves upon my drift I will thank the fog that shelters me along Chorus: And though my mates be drained and weary and believe their hopes are lost there's no need for their bones on that blackened bottom and though death just off the bow we will not answer to him now he shall stand to face the morning light without us. Chorus (twice) I would sing it to myself, and anyone else who wanted to hear while I was in Boot Camp.
  23. Looks Fine to me, Josh. Might have to get me a few yards and make me a new Circus Tent, err... I mean shirt
  24. Are sissal or jute not period-correct?
  25. Perfect. Thank you much. She would love the Jacobean patterns. I will pass them on to her
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