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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. A book-on-tape called Chance by Robert Parker, and read by Burt Reynolds. He does all the different character voices really well.
  2. Tea and a banana Mrs. Canadian Goose, who is sitting on her nesting box in the pond. JT (Nice, it had been awhile ) The PHSB gang.
  3. Very kewl. Too bad he had to drop the pirate ship, but the design does work better without it. I'll be sure to be somewhere that has cable on New Years morning, as we don't get it where we are, and I'd miss seeing the finished float.
  4. Sore — but in a good way. Have spent the last two days working like a slave in my garden. Pulling weeds, trimming winter-dead foliage and branches, spading veggie beds over, pulling more weeds! Most of all enjoying the smell of fresh earth, and the warmth of the SUN!!! Hang in there, Jill. We all have times like those. It's all part of the "That which does not kill us" learning experience.
  5. When the shot whistled over our bow, I turned to Africa intending to do a "See I told you" but he wasn't next to me. Instead, he was at the wheel turning us hard to port. "What in blazes are you doing?" I shouted. "Dat Man have two gun ports open and cannons run out! I tol you he be mad." I turned my attention back to the Relentless. Africa was right, Jacky had run out two cannons. Jimmy, who'd been in the bow when the swivel gun shot had gone over, came rushing up. "What's he doin'? Why's he firin' on us? Near parted my hair with that shot!" Ludo was pointing at the Relentless and venting a stream of Italian curses. Tunny had run to one of the eight-pounders, apparently thinking I'd return fire. Goose stood at his side, ready to run for powder, and Colard, in the process of pulling in sail, let it drop as the ship turned. "Damn," I said. "Maybe he's really going to shoot me this time!"
  6. From one beader to another — lovely work, Rumba!
  7. Waiting for the morning frost to melt off before going out and working in the garden again. Worked out there all day yesterday and experienced = sun, rain, hail, sun, hail, snow, sun...all in the same day. Welcome to Spring in Oregon!
  8. Fingers and toes crossed for a speedy recovery for you, Mary. I'll keep you in my thougts, and send you good wishes.
  9. As we cleared the windward side of the island, and came in to the calmer lee, there was the Relentless, sitting pretty as a picture on the calm waters of the bay. She hadn't dropped anchor yet, but her sails were half furled, and I could see men in the rigging taking up more. Beside me, Africa said, "Best stay out o' pistol range." I grinned. "I told you before. He'll miss. But he has to vent his annoyance with me somehow. You'll see. It will all be well in the end."
  10. edited by author (Nothing bad! I just posted a response to the wrong person! )
  11. Many blessing for you, Briar Rose, on your birthday. May it be a joyful day.
  12. Geez, Jill, isn't going on a two mile run to prove you're not having heart problems a little extreme? I mean, couldn't you have done a couple dozen jumping jacks in your livingroom first? (And no, I don't mean THAT kind of jumping Jack — although he might have enjoyed it.) Glad your feeling better, but if you did have a problem, finding you in the street with the buzzards circling means it is probably way too late to fix it.
  13. They should put those guys in the same cell as the ones just arrested in Grants Pass, who were throwing heavy stones from the freeway bridges onto passing cars, smashing through the windshields. One woman ended up with ten stiches in her face from a bad cut. Other cars ran off the road. These guys (ages 26, 19, 18) were also stacking cinder block on dark roads, and caused a few cars to do roll overs. All just for the kicks of watching someone else get hurt. They finally got caught because the youngest one threw a rock at a passing van, that just happend to be an off-duty policeman. The kid panicked, crashed his car attempting to get away, and ran, leaving behind lots of evidence in his car. They really should bring back keelhauling. As for what I'm doing right now? Getting ready to answer a letter I received from a fellow Pubby who's had a string of bad luck, which included a power line falling on his house during a storm, frying his computer, and starting a fire.
  14. Wish our cruise liner had berthed at Morgans Harbor, rather than Ocho Rios, which under-impressed me — a lot! If we'd had more time, we'd have hired a taxy to take us down to PR, which I really wanted to see, but the ship didn't arrive until noon, and we had to be back on board by five. Post lots of pictures. I want to see what I missed.
  15. Ioan was bored with his latest whore. She lay snoring beside him, passed out from the gin she'd gussled the previous night. Ioan hated gin, but since nothing else was on offer, he'd drank it anyway. Now his head was pounding and her snoring was loud as cannon fire. He rolled out of the rumpled bed and stumbled outside, releaving himself in the squalid yard. It was just dawn, and toward the bay, about a mile off, winked the lights of Port Royal. In the trees around the small cottage, birds awoke, as did the insects — a buzzing and chattering that echoed in his throbbing brain. And in the distance, standing within the shadows of the trees, was a man. Ioan couldn't tell which crew member it was, but there was always someone from the Rakehell watching him. Always. It was beginning to drive him mad.
  16. When I found out that Patrick had never received back his original book, I wrote to Boots, to whom I had sent it, and asked him what had happened to it. I just received a two-page letter from Boots. He still has the book. Due to some unfortunate mishaps, which included tearing a tenden in his shoulder, requiring surgery, and having a power line fall on his house during a storm, frying his computer and starting a fire in his house. Then his grandmother passed away, and he's been in charge of settling her estate. Bottom line, he asked me to reconfirm Patrick's address, and as soon as I do (by snail mail), he will mail the book on to Patrick. He apologized profusely, but confirmed that the book is safe and sound. Let's hope PEW has the same luck, and his lost book will turn up eventually.
  17. Gosh, better late than never. A most happy belated birthday to you, Red Bess!
  18. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    Ya got that backwards. He's mine.
  19. Drinking Jasmine Green Tea, eating a blueberry scone, and swallowing antibiotics — A three-course meal. And Cat, yes the Carib was lovely. I'd go back in a heartbeat. Especially to Cartegena, Columbia. Awesome city!
  20. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Pen and paper. Between writing and art, I can destroy anything! < Longing for better weather. Had one day of sun last Saturday, worked like a dog in the garden, and now we're back to rain and possibly snow. Sigh. V Pass the question on.
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