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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. The glint in Fletcher's eye could only be seen when the lightning flashed overhead. Fletcher laughed, and pulled another gun from his belt, "So, Bobstay, who's outgunned by who, exactly?"
  2. Fletcher, who had been hiding behind the capstan, finally stood up, pointing his pistol at the mutineers, "This evens the odds a bit, don't it gents?"
  3. "Be that as it may, I have no intention of giving in to your scurvy desires!"
  4. "This is mutiny, you'll all hang!" Their grinning expressions told him that mutiny was probably the whole point, and they didn't intend to hang for it.
  5. Heavy breathing was now the only thing that could be heard on deck. Unfortunately, the heavy breathing was from someone behind him.
  6. Oops, guess I wasn't being too clear on the getting the family to pose thing. What I should have said was, get someone in your family to do the quick poses for you, so you can work from a real person. It really helps you see weight, angle, line, etc. But you know, after all this talk and instruction, which is good, don't get too hamstrung worrying about stuff. Just draw. Draw because it's fun, and you love it. Over time, your eye will learn to see, and your hand will learn to put it down on paper.
  7. He stooped and checked the body for any signs of life, knowing he would probably find none. But to his amazement, the man opened his eyes, grinned, and then attempted to stab him with a short knife.
  8. Gertie is dead on about the quick sketches. Back in my Life Drawing classes, we worked from a real model, who at first changed poses every 30 seconds. All we had time for was the barest "feeling" of the pose, before they would change to a new one. We did them in charcoal or soft pencil. I have sketchbooks full of nothing but hundreds of gesture drawings I did back then. When the instructor changed the time to a minute, it felt like you had all the time in the world! LOL If you have family members who would pose for you, that would be great. Those gesture drawings are vital for eye/hand coordination, and getting down the "movement" of the pose, since you don't have time to think. They are also very liberating if you find yourself getting "tied up" over a drawing, or staring at a blank page wondering what to do. Gertie, sounds like when we meet at NorCal, we can talk a little art shop.
  9. LOL Yeah, I caved, and had to throw something up there. Been a while, but I'm getting back into drawing. Was doing mostly collage lately, which I like, and is a bit liberating from line work. From my school days, I remember anatomy being one of the most eye-opening lessons. You can't draw a body really well until you understand anatomy, even if all your doing is cartoons (not saying you are, just trying to make a point) Gertie has given you great advice, and you obviously have talent, so learn as much as you can. And don't stop learning. There are always new techniques to try, materials to use, and let's not forget computer graphics. I really wish I knew more about how to work stuff in photoshop, since the possibilities are endless, but like anything, ya gotta have the basics down first. So draw away! Drawing is the baseline, and has always been my favorite.
  10. Pacifique Absinthe mixed 3.1.1 (three parts ice water, one part Absinthe, one sugar cube) In a word... Sublime
  11. Ransom


    From the album: Ransom's Favorites

    A drawing from one of the Art Journal rounds.

    © Copyright by Ransom

  12. You might also consider setting it up as a blog site, with a link here. That way even more people would see it. Blogspot.com makes it really easy to do, and it's free.
  13. Here is a link to the PTC photo thread from the first round. It will give you ideas of how different the cards can be. There was no theme for the first three rounds, so it really was "anything goes." Pretty much still it. Round One Cards
  14. I agree- a bit o' advance warning would help! - especially with me very full June schedule. And I also can't wait to meet you at NorCal, Ransom! BTW-They've finally upgraded the website with all the vendors and the entertainment! Well, since myself and a few others from Tales of the Seven Seas are part of the crewe of the schooner Aldebaran, I guess that makes me part of the entertainment! LOL We do the ship to shore cannon battle each afternoon. Loads of fun. Oh, and Capt. McCool, yeah, you have to get to NorCal at least once. It is HUGE!
  15. It is a rather cute wee thing, isn't it? So, is Iron Jack going to make himself one to add to his cannon collection?
  16. Oh, I am SO in on this one! Great theme, Pew!
  17. I'm with everyone else here, this round of cards really were grand. You guys are awesome. Okay, Pew, June works for me as the starting point, but I, too, have NorCal to prepare for (Can't wait to meet you there, Gertie!), so giving out the theme now would let me get a head start on what I plan to do for Round, The Fifth.
  18. Very well said, Foxe. Well said, indeed.
  19. Heck, I don't know what you guys are talking about. My Pew card doesn't look anything like what you're describing. BTW, who is going to wrangle the next round? (Please, Pew, do not "Voluntold" me for that! )
  20. Oh, he's alive and well on Facebook, but really busy with work, I guess. He lately posted that he was dealing with a computer programing issue, or something like that. He's still around, never fear.
  21. Ransom


    Facinator Cocktail 2 dashes Absinthe 1/3 French Vermouth 2/3 Dry gin 1 Sprig fresh mint. Shake with ice, then pour into a cocktail glass. (Copied from the Wormwood Society's list of classic absinthe cocktails) Absinthe brands you found less worthy to drink on their own could be used for something like this.
  22. Actually, I'm kinda glad they are being forced to scale back the SFX. That's what I liked about the first movie, the SFX were at a minimum. More land-based filming works fine for me. I won't miss Orlando or Keira, but I will miss Pintel and Regetti, Cotton and his parrot, and Marty.
  23. Ransom


    Yesterday I sampled two more. Kubler 53 Swiss Absinthe Superioure — Aroma and taste heavy on the anise, but was a refreshing contrast to the ham, cheddar cheese, and crackers I was eating at the time. I liked it. Duplais Swiss Absinthe Verte — The color is very pale green, and the taste light. I thought it a bit bland, but that may be due to the fact that I think I mixed it too weak. Deserves another try. Pacifique is still my fav. Just the bouquet will seduce you, and the taste is marvelous. BTW, from what I have read so far, it would appear that the French wine industry was behind the campaigne to malign absinthe, because it was becoming so popular it was outselling their product. Some of the anti-absinthe poster art is pretty amazing.
  24. Ransom


    With Michael's blessing, I have started this thread for those among the pyrate brethren who take a break from drinking rum once and a while, and flirt with le Fee Vert. I admit, I am a newbie at this, and have only sampled two brands thus far. Thus far, I have tried: Lucid...The smell is not its best feature. And Jamie warned me it would taste on the sweet side, and remarked that it reminded him of Good & Plenty candy. He was dead on. As stated on the Wormwood Society review, it's a good starter, but not top of the line. Pacifique...The bouquet is marvelous! As is the taste. In comparison, Lucid tastes like Thames Embankment. Alas, I had already bought a bottle of Lucid, but will use it in cocktails, not straight, already too spoiled by the Pacifique. So, anyone else? Rate your favorites, post links, etc. Oh, and let's not forget those spoons! LOL I told Jamie, that even if I ended up hating Absinthe, I would collect the spoons. The Wormwood Society is a great site, as it gives reviews of hundreds of different brands, plus much more info. Check them out. Wormwood Society
  25. Pacifique Absinthe...courtesy of the small sample bottle Quartermaster James sent me. Absolutely sublime. The bouquet will seduce you before ever you taste it.
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