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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. In Grants Pass, gas hasn't hit $4 a gal. yet, but it's getting close. Since for me, going into town is a 22 mile round trip, I plan those trips carefully, and get as much done as possible. I wonder if the gas crunch will have an effect on how many people attend events, both the reenactors and the gen. public?
  2. Not to drag this topic out too long, but it really is a facinating subject. Just Google "Vampire" and see what you get. As far as drinking blood, there are two types of vamps — psychic and sanquine. The first feeds off psychic power, the other feeds off blood, but not always human. I found a site for a vampire church, which from what I could guess by their home page, is for psychic types, but I wasn't possitive. You had to buy a $20 book of their tenets before you could access the site. They stated that was their way of weeding out those not totally serious. I also found a vampire name generater — like so many of these, you type in your name and it gives you your vampire name. Mine was Selene Arnauld, which I thought sounded pretty kewl, and which is interesting, since my grandmother's maiden name was Arnold. Maybe that's why I like that Merlot so much!
  3. I have spent the day doing research on vampires (don't ask) — their origins, the ways the myth differs from one culture to the next (most early vamps were not sun-sensative, some didn't drink blood at all), how the legend has influenced pop culture, vampire web sites, books, vampire stuff on E-Bay, and the proliferation of vampire covens, nightclubs, groups today. Pretty interesting stuff. I even found Vampire Vinyards, located in Pasa Robles, CA, which does sell wine, not bottles of O-positive. Gues tonight I'll have to sip some Merlot and watch Underworld.
  4. "So, how long are you going to hold me hostage?" I glared at my Aunt. "Don't be so melodramatic," she tisked. "Besides, it was the elderly gentleman who sent for me. Apparently he was becoming tired of your company." I sat up a little further in the huge bed. "You know, Violet, I won't stay here. Once I'm well enough, I'll go back to my ship." Lady Violet's gray eyes narrowed. "Not until we've had another little talk. By tomorrow you should be strong enough." She paused a moment, and her steely gaze softened a bit. "You know, when we undressed you, I saw the scars you carry. Too many of them...Ale—" "I told you, don't call me that. It hasn't been my name for a long time." Her eyes hardened again. "You are in my house, and I'll call you what I like. And if you refuse Seymour's offer, you're a bigger fool than I take you for." She pointed at the bandages around my shoulder. "There's no reason for you to endure more of that." "All right. Say I accept Seymour's offer. What happens when he discovers you've sold him a barren pig-in-a-poke? How long do you think it would take him to have the marriage annuled?" "You don't know for certain that you're barren." "You've seen the scars. And I'm no chaste virgin. Take my word, dear aunt, I'm barren. So leave off your grand plans for my future. I have a life, and being someone's little wiffy will never be part of it."
  5. I received Patrick's book today. By going back through the posts, I figured that GoF must have Eye's book at least. I can't figure who the other book belongs to. I've PMed Patrick and asked for an update on the mailing schedule, since he was handling all of that.
  6. Okay, I just got a PM from GoF, and he says he has two books, which he received late, that he is getting ready to mail out. He thought they should come to me, but I don't think so, since the only books I haven't done are Patrick's and PEWs. Rogue Mermaid is sending me Patricks, and PEWs new one is just starting the round...so, who hasn't rceived a book, besides Oderlesseye? I asked GoF to tell me whose books he has, so we can figure out where they are supposed to go. PATRICK...WHERE ARE YOU? We need the updated schedule of which book goes where.
  7. After three days of glorious sun...rain
  8. Right now I seem to be addicted to G&Ts — they are so refreshing, and just so...Colonial British.
  9. Being as it is held in Hollywood, the mind bogles at what kind of costumes you would see! Sure looks like a fun event though. And yeah, Patrick, if you go, what's your costume going to be?
  10. Nothing, at the moment. The six new goslings, hatched on our pond to Mr. & Mrs Canadian Goose, on Saturday morning. Too cute! The guy at Classic Car Trader, about selling my 1970 Dodge Challenger That car, and how much it could tell of my life if it could only talk! (I've owned it since 1972).
  11. It was so hot I felt like I was back in the steambaths of Havana. Sweat ran down my face and soaked my shirt as Africa and I adjusted one of the mooring lines that held the Rakehell at a hard angle, keeping lake water from flooding the hold. Colard, showing excellent carpentry skills, was teaching Goose and Ludo how to make the repairs to the hull, and Jimmy Cox and Tunny were on watch, fore and aft. So far we had seen no boats patrolling the lake, and had heard only one distant cannon fire. Then silence. Maybe that meant the Spaniards were willing to make a deal, rather than blast the Relentless out of the water. Which meant they wanted something Jacky had. And once they had their prize, whatever it was, what fate would they have in store for the Relentless and her crew? Hot, frustrated, worried — and dead in the water, I hauled the mooring line with a vengence, in spite of the heat, and prayed Jacky and his ship would survive.
  12. Cheers to Silkie on passing her test, and I hope you have a grand first sailing.
  13. Enjoy your grand adventure, but come home to the Pub safe & sound! We'll miss you.
  14. Tea, nuked Grapenuts with diced, sugared dates. Two bucks bedded down behind the house. My dentist's secretary, calling to say I missed my 10:00 appt today. Totally spaced it! Myself, and how stupid I felt after I hung up the phone!
  15. Black Mab's book went out to Patrick today. A bit late...but not too bad.
  16. Great! The sun is out. Sun good. Me like sun. Got to go into town and run errands, then may do some Spring shopping. That could mean....shoes!!!!! (Or, at least a new pair of summer flip-flops, LOL)
  17. Queen of the South by Arturo Perez-Reverte, and To Lie With Lions by Dorothy Dunnett
  18. That makes two of us. Hope Liam had a grand birthday. 'Course, he did get an early birthday gift of the best kind — a baby sister.
  19. I figure getting soaked, with water or beer, is better than being hanged, non? Speaking of hangings, you haven't been strung up lately — lost your touch, or getting better at running? Cheers, my dear captain. Keep the party going.
  20. Colard's news about our damages went a long way to relieving my mind, but we still had to find a safe place to make repairs. With Colard and Ludo working on the hull damage, and Goose manning the pump, we sailed slowly along the shore, looking for a secluded cove. Eventully we found one, and between anchors and shore lines heeled the Rakehell over even more, and set about clearing the damaged provisions away from the ruptured planks. As I checked on the two men making the repairs, I blessed the fact that the Spanish were notoriously bad cannoneers, and that the shot had only given us a bad bump. It could have been mush worse. Yet all the while, as I helped shift the cargo, or dump spoiled food over the side, I wondered about Jacky, and the fate of his ship.
  21. Chain Shot's mom worked at CHOC until she retired. She's passed away now, but he still has two sisters that live in Orange, so I'll make sure they know about the event. One of his sisters, along with her husband and daughter, came to Ojai last year, and loved all the pirate stuff, so I'm sure they would attend the CHOC event.
  22. As the Rakehell made her way to the great lake, Africa had little time to think about the man he still believed had betrayed them. But when the ship was truely safe in some secluded cove, and the repairs made, then he would decide just what he would do when next they met up with the Relentless, and That Man. Secretly, he hoped the Spanish sent her to the bottom, and her captain with her.
  23. As a parting shot from the galleon nearly hit out stern, Africa shouted at me, "Dat Man betray us to da Spanish." "No!" I snapped. "IF he was going to do that, he'd have done it in Havana." We were both holding on to railings or wheel, as the ship was canted over to keep her port side high off the waterline. "Den, how dey find dis place?" I looked back at the galleon, which was turning in order to put the Relentless in range. The Relentless, who was anchored and couldn't run. And the Rakehell couldn't help her. With a knot in my stomach, I said, "Same as we did. Luck. Bad luck for us, as it turns out." But I had a hunch I knew who had led the Spanish to us, and if it proved to be true, I cursed him to the darkest pits of hell — and would happily put him there myself, if I ever got the chance.
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