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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Nuthin', and I'm starving! The mom-goose sitting on the nest box in the middle of our pond. Dad-goose, when he came to shore for breakfast of cracked corn. Me husband, who's on the road until tomorrow night.
  2. It was all too obvious that my flippant answer had upset him. That part of me that had been locked away for so long, that spark of trust buried under years of mere suvival, suddenly demanded to be let out. I could not marry, that was true, but could I still love? I didn't know. Who else would understand me better than he? Yet, as I had often pointed out, our worlds were totally different. Which of us would be willing to give up our world for the other? I reached across the table and placed my hand around his, the cup still held within our fingers. "This is new for me, Sebastian. Let me find my way slowly. The offer of marriage I recieved from England was from a man who professed to love me, then he married a woman with a larger inheritance. That woman is now dead. I don't know exactly what he wrote, as I tore the letter up without reading it." I tried to read the look in his eyes, but he was as good or better at guarding his emotions than I was. "We have not known each other for very long. I have been hurt, and you have recently lost a lover through violence. Give us some time, Sebastian. That's all I ask."
  3. His question had my complete attention. I felt the door that I had opened to him, start to close. All inner guards were suddenly back in place. Marriage was not a subject I wished to discuss. And yet, Seastian's tone of voice had not been accusing, merely matter-of-fact. A simple curiosity? Why? I thought back to the night's enjoyments, and through feigned humor, kept the door open - for now. "Honestly, Sebastian, can you picture me dandling a baby on my hip, and catering to a husband, while standing on the deck of the Rakehell? So far as I am aware, there are few in my trade who marry, and for good reason. You, of all people, should understand the dangers involved in what I do."
  4. Here be the pirates that I've sent plunder to so far, and will tomorrow. The others will follow soon, but I ran out of mailing envelopes! Mailed: 3-13 Red Cat Jenny 3-21 CrazyCholeBlack, Boots 3-23 Mary Diamond, Rumba Rue, Jacky Tar
  5. I glansed quickly back to the horizon, trying to judge how much time we had. With misgivings, I shouted back to the Relentless, "Right! Hispaniola it is. I'll stay as close to you as I dare." Then I turned to Africa. "Keep the Rakehell on the Relentless's starboard side, but lay back a bit, and further out. When things get rough, I don't want to be too close to her." Africa seemed suddenly nervouse, a trait he rarely displayed. "I not too happy 'bout Hispaniola. Dat a slave port." "I'm sorry, my friend, but it's the closest safe haven. If I have to, I'll hide you below until we can leave." He gestured toward the other ship. "Why we stay with her? We could outrun dis storm easy. Let them hide in Hispaniola." "No, we stay with the Relentless. Those are my friends on board, and I don't abandon my friends. You should know that. Now, do as I ordered." He gave me a curt nod, then proceeded to give my commands to the crew.
  6. You mean those insidious, creepy, lurking in every corner and creviss little guys just waiting to kill ya? Oh...er...oops...wait...according to the Big Boss, those are terrorists. Never mind.
  7. Pretty in pink...or red...or green,..or...
  8. With quick skill, the crew had the Rakehell alongside the Relentless. With thunder grumbling behind us, and the moon already obscured behind dark clouds, I leaned over the rail, cupped my hands and yelled at Jacky. "We can't beat this! Where do you want to run?"
  9. I was vaguely aware of food being brought, and Sebastian's careful scrutiny. I was also aware of the bar maid's dark glares in my direction, but chose to ignore her, rather than bait her. In my present mood, she would be more a target, than a rival. I hadn't wanted to discuss the recent revelations brought to my attention by a pretentiously loving aunt, but could hardly withhold an explination now. Since Sebastian had also endured her scorn, he had a right to know why. I picked up an apple, and began to peel it with a knife. "The woman on the stairs was Lady Violet Cunningham. Apparently she and her husband own a sugar plantation somewhere on the island. She has just arrived from England, and brought me some new of my family." A long spiral of green peel fell to the table. Carefully, I cut sections from the apple. "Apparently my father and oldest brother have died of smallpox. And, before you offer condolences, rest assured, none are wanted. The man was a beast, and my oldest brother cast in the same mold." The slices of apple fell, uneaten, to the table along with the peel. "She also brought me a letter." I dropped the knife. "It was an offer of marriage, and the opportunity for me to go home." I met Sebastian's dark gaze. "I refused."
  10. Yeah, I got the same one, didn't open it, but since then, when I click into the Pub, it constantly tries to refresh the page. Very Weird. And I have a Mac, so this is something that effects both PC and Mac. Ye be warned!
  11. Still shaking my head at how Red Cat could get me to do things I'd never do on my own - like giggle and duck — I took the spyglass and turned it toward the horizon. The smile vanished from my face as I saw the storm clouds lying low and ominous. "Africa!" I shouted. My first mate approached, and nodded toward where I was looking. "Dat a storm brewing. I smell it on da air." "Yes. Better make ready to run before it, if it catches up to us. For now, put me within shouting distance of the Relentless. I need to speak with Mr. Tar." "Aye." He nodded again, and called to the rest of the crew.
  12. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Pole barn, pumphouse/potting shed, chicken house. < I've got wildflowers coming up in the pastures, and dozens of daffodiles in the garden/flower beds up on the terrace. I plant lots of those, as they are the only bulb the gophers won't eat. V What garden/yard varmints to you deal with?
  13. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ At our house, that's the never-ending story. This year, maybe more fruit trees, and a few more maples to add fall color. Then there is always The Garden, which is a major summer project every year. < It sounds like I dread all that work, but really, I like it. My garden is a joy, and a good place to work off frustration! I don't own a rototiller, so spading all those veggie beds over is a real workout. Cheaper than joining a gym! V Like garden/yard work, or hate it?
  14. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Deer, cougars, bears, skunks, racoons, opposums, ...you name it. < Never really developed a fear of wild things. I hung out at my grandparent's place too much. 20 acres of sagebrush, in a house that had no electricity and you had to walk outside to get from the top floor to the bottom where we slept. V What's your beastie fear? Bugs, snakes, spiders...?
  15. Viscosity - The quality or degree of being viscous. Internal friction; the resistance to flow. A quality expressing this. I have alway liked this word because it sounds like what it means.
  16. Ioan took the captains rebuke. He'd expected it, even though he could not have prevented the lady's condition. If opportunity presented itself, he would explain, but doubted it would make any difference. With a resigned shrug, and a wink at Jane, he returned to what duties were appointed to him. Secretly, he hoped he would not be assigned as her guard dog again.
  17. Sebastian's offer of his arm cooled my anger. It was such a gallaunt gesture, that it brought a smile to my face. Mayhap by instinct he was showing me that my Aunt's assessment of our laison was wrong. There was nothng sordid about Sebastian, or how we had spent our evening. I slipped my arm through his, and placed my hand lightly on his forearm. Regal as any lord and lady, we decended the stairs to the common room.
  18. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Both, or either, depending on the occation. < Just had a long talk on the phone with CrazyCholeBlack. A fun surprise. V Had a fun surprise lately?
  19. "Bloody woman," I growled. With Aunt Violet's condemming look, the lighthearted mood with which I had left Sebastian's chamber, vanished. It was replaced by all the anger and frustration that had roiled through my mind when I'd met Sebastian on the stairs late the previous night. There was also resentment. I resented the fact that she could make me feel thus. I owed my family nothing, since they had held no loyalty for me. Yet her scathing rebuke made me feel...guilty. As if what Sebastian and I had shared was something ugly, when in trueth, it was the happiest time I'd spent in years. No, I would not succumb to her scorn. I was no longer the innocent child of sixteen she remembered. I had survived two years on a ship as a hostage, and five as owner of my own schooner. I had seen and done things that would make matrons of The Quality reach for their smelling salts, and their husbands reach for their weapons. The person I was now would never again fit into genteel society — let along marry back into it. As Lady Violet marched down the stairs, I turned to Sebastian, who had remained silent. "Come, let us go down to breakfast. I will explain."
  20. As keeper of a house with multiple cats, I can take full advantage of your efforts, both artistic and practical! Gee, if I buy a bag, can I send the picture to you to autograph for me? A signed print is almost as good as the original! Nice job, William. Hope it leads to more work for you.
  21. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Ooh, I don't know how odd they are, but "Jeez Louise, Bloody Hell, No big woo, cripers... < Will be busy working on plunder prezzies for the next week, if not more. Too fun. then I gotta start on pirate garb - lots of pirate garb, now that me other half has signed articles! V Pass question on.
  22. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    Really, You mean the bedroom scene with Cocky-Brother-In-Law didn't linger? Sigh.
  23. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ No never had a crush on one, but liked quite a few. Especially one of my high school art teachers. < Just back from four days on the coast - ah, sea air, sea food, and well, sea anything! V Pass question again.
  24. Just back from four days on the coast. Found a few more treasure to add to my plunder collection to be mailed out. One plunder package is already on its way. The others will go out as I make them/put them together. Two tomorrow, the rest to follow. I still need to get some addresses, so will PM those pirates soon. **rubs hands together - ooo, goody, prezzies comin'**
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