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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Plunder, I finally got some plunder! Huzzah. To Red Cat, thank ya, girl, for all the bits and bobs of ribbony, and sparkly nature. Ah, Jacky, ya be a darlin', and that's a fact. Thank you indeed for my plunder. You couldn't have picked better. And that souvineer be a special surprize! I thank ya, luv!
  2. With relief, I saw Sebastian rein in, speak to one of the guards, then turn his horse away. I spoke to Africa,"Keep her steady, but moving at a crawl. I don't want it to look like we're running from anyone. Loiter her a bit in the bay, as if we've no care in the world, but keep her crawling toward Kingston. And keep an eye on the forts. One hit from them, and we're all going to meet our maker. Hopefully, it will take awhile before someone realizes we're not authorized to leave, but if they fire a shot over our bow, we've no choice but to heave to." It was just something such as this that had worried me all along. Had it not been for the blasted hurricane, this damnable cargo would be long gone. Not for the first time, I cursed the day I'd seen that French ship. I hoped whatever influence Sebastian's clan seemed to have would hold good a little longer. One more night, that's all we needed. Just one more night.
  3. It was the last rank of soldiers who turned to watch us go. Since we had made no scuttle and scury at our job, I did not think they would be interested enough to fire on us. As the gap between dock and ship widened, I breathed a sigh of relief. Then I saw the rider cross paths with the soldiers. I knew him instantly, and felt my heart sink to my feet. With sudden fear, I prayed he would ride past the men. We were safe away, there was nothing more he could do. If I called out, it would only draw more attention to us. Pounding my fist on the rail, I whispered, "Ride on, Chere, ride on."
  4. I hadn't been in my cabin very long, before Africa was calling me up on deck again. "What now?" He pointed to the docks. Ranks of soldiers trotted among the usual crowds. They inspected carts, wagons, and talked to people—who mostly shrugged their shoulders or shook their heads. So far it did not look like the ships at anchor were being boarded, but that could change. What, I wondered, had gotten the governor so riled up, he'd send out soldiers? "Holy bloody hell," I muttered, thinking of our illicit cargo of powder and arms. I turned to Africa. "Call the other men. Nothing loud, but make it quick. Get this ship ready to sail, but act as if it's business as usual." "The wind be not much. We not goin' anywhere in a hurry." "I don't care, just get the Rakehell out of this damned harbor," I hissed. "Unless you fancy being hanged." Within fifteen minutes, the Rakehell was slowly, ever so slowly, leaving the docks.
  5. My pleasure, Rumba. As I told you, I thought, concidering what life has dealt you lately, that a special plunder prezzie was in order! Enjoy. And Chole, glad you liked your gift — from one tea drinker to another.
  6. Nothing worse than a wet gnome. Grumpy little devils.
  7. Don't you just hate a guy who talks too much?
  8. With the key to Sebastian's room safe in my pocket, I returned to the Rakehell. Africa greeted me with a cocked eye. "Where you been all dis time?" "That is none of your business," I fired back. "Is everyone on board?" "Yes, even Goose come back." "Good, tell them that as soon as it's dark, we make for Kingston. We're finally going to get rid of this blasted cargo. Once that's done, and we are paid the rest of our money, we'll provision the ship and then decide where we want to go next." "Dat good. I don' like this port, and Jimmy and Tunney be gettin' bored." "Speaking of the crew, we're still one short since Ioan jumped ship. Anyone on the docks asking to be taken on? But I don't want any lubbers. We need a soul who knows his business." "I see a few hangin' bout. Don't know if dey know 'bout boats though." "Well ask around. If the new man can cook, so much the better." Then I went below to my cabin.
  9. Okay, out in the mail tomorrow - OderlessEye, Duchess, and Captain Sterling. Quartermaster James, fear not, yours will be on its way soon. Ah, plunder! As Martha the pirate would say, "Tis a good thing!"
  10. Just finished an excellent book entitled The Island of Lost Maps - A True Story of Cartographic Crime by Miles Harvey. In an attempt to understand why a man named Gilbert Bland would, under a fake name and credentials, go into famouse libraries across the country, take a razor blade and cut valuable maps from books, Miles Harvey follows in the man's footsteps, talking to the librarians from whom the maps were stolen, to map dealers, map collectors. Interspersed with this biography, he give a history of cartography, famouse cartographers, and how they stole from each other. He also shows how cartography influenced politics, not just exploration. A very good read, indeed.
  11. "I tol' you we should have run from dis storm." Africa shouted over the wind. "Now we lose our squares'l and da new boy. We keep heading fo' Hispaniola, our luck goin' to get worse." His ranting was due to his fear of the French colony, but I couldn't let him spook the crew any more than they already were. "Bollocks! The Rakehell has weathered worse storms than this. We've lost canvas before, and we'll lose it again. Just clear away the mess, and get back to work. And tie a lifeline to yourself. I don't want to lose you the same way as Seth." He staggered away, tieing a rope around his waist. Just in time, as a huge wave hit the bow and crashed over the deck, knocking everyone to their knees. I gave a grunt as my lifeline caught, then pulled myself up. "Jimmy, Red Cat, get that goddammed mess off this deck. Now! Tunny, give Africa the helm. You get aloft and cut that broken spar loose before it fouls the main. And where the hell is Goose? If his arse isn't aloft with Tunny is two seconds, I'll throw his skrawny, worthless, stew-burning hide overboard. LIVELY!" As the crew jumped to it, I helped Jimmy and Red Cat clear the deck of debris.
  12. Nice! Will you be able to wear this with your frock coat? Style'n it for sure!
  13. I do that as a matter of course. I never leave any personal info in my PM file. Good tip though.
  14. Yeah, Rumba, I could use that list. Go ahead and PM me. Thanks!
  15. Pretzels and a glass of wine. (Jill, that salad sounds killer!)
  16. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Is that a trick question? CATS, one greyhound, two horses, koi, and a flock of chickens. < There are many times when I prefer the company of animals to people V Pass on the question
  17. I heard the crack as the spar went, then, as if by a huge water buffalo, I was shoved to one side by Africa. We both went crashing to the deck as rigging fell all around us. I couldn't move - then realised it was because Africa still lay over the top of me, protecting me. "Get off me, you big oaf." He grinned. "I guess you okay." Pushing a tangled mess of lines and splintered wood away from us, he stood, then held out his hand. "Yes, I'm fine. Let's get this mess cleared away and see what damage has been done aloft. Cut everything loose that's in danger of going overboard, and stow it or lash it down tight." I heard Red Cat yelling, but then Jimmy Cox came running up, shouting and waving a hand. "The new lad, Seth, has been knocked overboard. He can't swim, Mam, and I aint seen him come up since he went over." "Damn and blast, what side did he go over? Can anyone see him? Why wasn't he tied to a lifeline?" The sea roiled like a boiling pot, and rain pelted the deck like grape-shot. There was no sign of the lad, and putting a boat over to look for him would be useless. Young Seth became the first fatality of the adventure.
  18. Guess ya gotta go plunder a Spanish galleon before you can afford the set. Too bad, because it's pretty awesome.
  19. I took the keys, and smiled. "Colombe? Nay, I think more a mouette. I still need to see to my ship, but I'll return here as soon as I can. But, Sebastian, come what may, the cargo must be unloaded tonight. If you cannot come yourself, send others. It's too dangerous to leave any longer." After a quick, but passionate kiss, I turned for the street door as Sebastian turned the opposite direction and headed toward the door to the alley.
  20. Whatever tension there had been between us vanished like mist. Mr. Spindlethorpe took Sebastian's coin and departed. With sparkling eyes, and a wry grin, I addressed my dark pearl. "I seriously doubt that we will ever be able to totally decipher each other. I find I like the proposition of long contemplation on all that makes us different, and yet so much alike. I can think of several places such contemplation can take place." My impulse to step forward and kiss him was stopped short by the arrival of two men I did not know. I gave Sebastian a resigned shrug. "It seems we are doomed to eternal interruptions."
  21. At that precise moment, Mr. Spindlethorpe, propriator of the Royal Grace, rushed from the next room. His hands clasped together in agitation, he looked at the fallen chair. "Was there something not right with the food?" At his pinched look of confusion, his funereal tone, and his bad timing, all I could do was laugh. "I'm sorry, sir, it's not the food." I gave Sebastian a knowing smile. "It's just that...we're...we're a little hard on furniture." Then burst out laughing again. Poor Mr. Spindlethorpe seemed more confused than ever.
  22. He said nothing, so I took my hand away. "I'm sorry." Was all I could think of to say. And I was, for it seemed he had no wish to give our feeling any time to grow. Passion was all that had been wanted after all. Yet...I had thought there was more...had hoped. "I see I have spoiled your mood. Please, finish your breakfast. May hap the bar maid can be called back to give you a more congenial companion." I rose, feeling like a lead weight hung where my heart had been. "I need to return to my ship. I will have the remainder of your cargo unloaded in Kinston tonight, unless you wish to change that plan." I hesitated slightly, then with a soft voice, said, "I really am sorry I could not be...what you wished."
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