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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. "Hold her as she is!" I yelled to Africa, as the top three feet of the main mast snapped. Fortunately, Tunny and Goose had rerigged the mains'l after the squares'l spar had broken, so the mains'l didn't drop to the boom. All we lost was six feet of white pennant, kept up top to make the Rakehell easier for the Relentless to spot on the water — the Rakehell had burnt sienna colored sails and a black hull, so she was invisible at night, and tough to see during the day. Tunny climbed up the rat lines to secure the hanging bit of mast, then yelled down, "The Relentless isn't waiting for us. She's hull down on the horizon already." Africa gave me a look that said all to plainly, "We should have left them when we had the chance." Inwardly fuming that Jacky would leave us stranded in the storm, I ignored the big man. To larboard I could just make out the coast of Hispaniola, a dark shadow in the morning's dull light. I would not risk a French port with a ship that couldn't get me out of it in a hurry. There was nothing for it, but to head for Havana and hope we'd find the Relentless waiting for us. "Come on, old girl, just get us to Havana," I muttered, while wondering what had happend on the Relentless that she would leave us.
  2. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Went from working at a Title Company (Yuk), to working in my boss's garage making huge billboards for expensive subdivisions in the SF Bay area. I did everythig from 8' x 12' signs, 30' banners, and flags, to small model house placs. Oh, and I did graphics on sales office awnings. It was a blast, till the guy retired. Sigh. That was my last "real" job. Now I work at home. < I've eaten sea urchin. The flavor was okay, but I didn't care for the texture. Generally, I like sushi. V Pass the question on.
  3. Okay, since a little humor always helps, here's my dedication - to all those on the Pub needing a chuckle. From the movie Muppet Treasure Island "When You're a Professional Pirate...Your're... Al...ways... in...the...Best...of...Com...pan...y! **Last bit sung with a Tim Curry flourish!** Cheers all.
  4. Received your second package today, Boots. The story and the present were both very touching. I'm going to use it in my compter room as a coaster for my pirate tea mug. Tell your grandmother, thank-you very much.
  5. Another? Are you talking about Tattoo the rum, or tattoo, ink on your bod? Didn't think you were sportin' any ink. Or is this virtual ink? **ice is beginning to melt**
  6. Extra cuddly? (Thin ice here, Jacky.) Very thin ice.
  7. Was this after you were tied to a post by a bevy of pirate wenches? No wonder you're "tired."(Don't worry, I won't post that picture! ) I try REALLY hard not to get drunk. Been there, done that. Yuk. But, after a few glasses of wine, I get pretty mellow, and chatty/friendly, which on a normal basis, I'm not. So I guess, in a way, I'm kinda like CrazyChole, I need a warm-up wine for social gatherings.
  8. As Ioan watched the hussle of guardsmen on along the dock, he wondered who had stirred eveyone up. He was even more curious when he saw the Rakehell slip, like a sneak-thief, out of the harbor. In one respect, he wished he were still on her. He hated to admit it, but, other than the little adventure with Jane, he was finding life on board the La Maligna boring. Why was this ship hanging around Port Royal? They'd brought no cargo, the hurricane was long gone, and, so far as he could tell, they weren't short of provisions. So, what the hell were they waiting for? With a sigh, he came away from the rail and went looking for the quartermaster. With no tasks to perform on board, maybe he'd ask permission to go ashore and enjoy the cozy comfort of the closest tavern for the rest of the evening.
  9. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ It wasn't a pirate event, but an SCA horse event. My little Arab gelding, in the middle of a ten horse quatrille, stopped in the wheel formation to take a leak. Chaos ensued. We were the hit of the day. Although the head of the drill team wasn't too happy! < Been watchin World'd Deadliest Catch on DVD. I'll never look at another crab in quite the same way. V Animals ever embarras you in public?
  10. Like a dark ghost on the water, the Rakehell neared the spot where she had anchored the morning of the hurricane. With all lights doused, she was invisible. Yet, there were no lights, as yet, showing on shore. No signal. "You think dey come?" Africa asked. "We're early. They didn't expect us until much later, but I wanted the ship away from the docks." "Den we sit?" "Aye, we sit...and wait."
  11. Boots, I recieved your plunder package today, and a fine bit of plunder it was. Postcards from your home, a fine cow skull magnet for me frig, and a bag o' jewels to dazzle the eye! And, no, your letter wasn't too long, it was very nice. A friendly pirate ya be! Thank you, sirrah!
  12. So, ya pirated someone else's birthday, eh. Or someone pirated it for ya. You go girl! Happy almost, but not quite, but coming soon, birthday!
  13. Due to circumstances beyond a pirate's cntrol, these plunder packages won't get ut until tomorrow, instead of the 27, like I thought. **In my best Carly Simon impersonation** "An ti ci pa tion..".
  14. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ At our place, we bury it. < Sooo, looking forward to a real Spring. Oregon likes to fake you out, then it snows — like it did two days ago. V Get Spring fever, or just another season on the calender?
  15. Though it was a struggle, the Cat, Jimmy and I managed to get the debris cleared and battoned down. The storm was fierce as ever. I looked over out starboard side, and could barely see the Relentless. "Get her back on course!" I shouted at Africa. He was new at the helm, since we had lost Ioan in Port Royal, so had let her fall off the wind. "Bring her up, blast you!" In frustration, I stumbled my way across the deck to take the helm myself. With Africa on one side, and myself on the other, we got the Rakehell back on course. But by this time, the Relentless was almost out of sight. All I could really see of her were the stern lamps. "Time to let the girl run, Africa." He gave me a wide grin, and started barking orders to the crew.
  16. Did I not say ya were a darlin'! Thanks for finding it, Luv.
  17. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ On my part, it's more a case of non-functioning memory. Someone greets me like we're long lost friends, and I have no clue who they are! < I've sailed on the western coast, but also enjoyed an afternoon on a small sailboat exploring Lake Powel, in Utah. Spent a week on a houseboat there a long time ago. V What's your favorite, short-term get away?
  18. Boots and Mary, glad the plunder was to your liking. My pleasure indeed.
  19. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Yes to all of the above. < I love to read. I read three, sometimes four books at a time. If I run out of books, I read the back of cereal boxes, old magazines, newspaper ads...anything. I'm hardly ever without a book. V Are you compulsive about anything? (Other than sex!)
  20. Me. But, wiry and tough. No sissy girl.
  21. Fort Carlisle loomed far on our starboard side. Maybe it was because we weren't heading for the open sea, or it was because of the Rakehell's sienna-colored sails and black hull, nearly invisible at night, or even the chaos on shore, but she continued to slip through the dark waters of the bay, heading toward Kingston. All on board kept silent, or spoke in whispers, each one knowing what fate would await us if we were fired upon or boarded. If we weren't blown up, there would be no explaining why a third of the hold was full of French gunpower and arms. If not hanged for pyracy, we'd be hanged as French spies. Africa's dark form came to stand next to me. When he spoke, his voice was low and deep. "We be needin' all our luck dis time." "All of ours, and a good deal of Sebastian's, I'm afraid. Let's just hope there is someone in Kingston to help us unload, or by God, this cargo is going overboard. I'm sick of the Rakehell being a floating bomb."
  22. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I've dreamed of it, but don't know if I could last that long. I like my creature comforts too much. Maybe for a month or two? < My husband and I subscribe to Latitudes and Attitudes, which is a mag for people who live on and cruise the world in their boats. I love to read all about their adventures. V Could you sell house, car, furniture, etc, and cruise the world for 5-10 years, like some people do? They even take their kids and home school them onboard.
  23. Why would I part with it? 'Cause you be worth it, luv. Shoulda been more.
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