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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. The lilac blooming outside my bedroom window A freshly sliced cucumber Garlic, onions, and celery sizzling in olive oil fresh rosemary My perfume? - Indecence by Givenchy or Lavender Vanilla from Bath & Bodyworks
  2. As far as purchasing an inn, I think you can just make something up, without having anything "Official" to do. You can imply that all the offical stuff was done, but I don't think you need to describe it. As for time of day - that's an ongoing issue in PR. Some characters can be as much as a whole day ahead of some of the others. But, I think at this point we're all on the same day, if not the same hour. Ransom and Sebastian are in late afternoon, I think, or by now, early evening. With Trilby and Lady Violet, it's not an issue. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in any of this. R
  3. I stepped closer, tracing the line of his jaw where the bruise still lingered. "Yes, life can deal us more than one kind of hurricane. There is nothing for you to apologize for. I am unfamilier with your world and its ways, but if I can help you in any way, ma pearl, you have only to ask." I glansed at the door through which his sister had retreated. "She must be devasted over the death of her husband, especially if she is newly with child. For her, rest is probably the best remedy." I turned to face him, his dark eyes boring into mine. I read within them a longing to confide, waring with a strong code of secrecy. "For you...?"
  4. "pff, sew," Jane huffed at the man. It never failed, there always had to be one crew member who just drove her crazy. The last sailor that made her want to tear her hair was Ioan, now this Spoons fellow. Maybe it was something about the Rakehell. Did she just attract irritating men? "'bout as well as ye ken cook I'm 'fraid but I'll do wot tha captain thinks's best." Jane replied, throwing her shoulder into an over sized crate to knock it into place beside its neighbors. Goose was getting really tired of people insulting his cooking. No one had died from eatin' it, had they? Good, solid vittels, just as his mum made for him. He glared at the woman, and purposely let her wrestle the crate without any help from him. "I been cookin' for this crew long before ya got here. Guess I'll be cookin' long after yer gone. So I'll be hearin' no more of yer insults. If ya can't sew, ya could'a just said so." With a huff, he slogged his scrawny carcass through the water and went in search of a new spar and canvass.
  5. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Yeah, everal times, but that was SCA stuff. < Back in those days, we always dressed before an event. Evey now and then a gas station attendant would give us a weird look, but I think down in So. Ca. there were so many SCAers that they were used to seeing people dressed in costume. V What's the strangest question anyone has asked you while you were in garb?
  6. Glad you like the earrings, Maeve. The beads came from an old East Indian necklace that I've had for years. I thought they looked like something someone who was into belly dancing might like, so made pieces of it into the earings. Got your plunder package yesterday. Wow. A little bag full of all the trinkets and beads that I love to collect, so I can transform them into something kewl to give away as gifts. Thank you so much. Glad to hear you got your plunder, Quartermaster James. Ya was a hard one ta pick for, I must admit, but I tried me best to get ya somthing ya could use. And Jacky, that bit o' "ink" was just for fun.
  7. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ No < As for wanting to look like someone else, I'd still want to be me, but looking the way Kate Bekensale(?) does in black leather catsuit and corset in the movie Underworld would be pretty damned nice! LOL V Who's your favorite super hero?
  8. Hello Mr. Neede. A new face in PR is always welcome. Glad you decided to join us.
  9. When the first thing you do in the morning, after making a cup of tea, is head for the computer and check into the Pub, so you can see what all the other pirates are doing - or did that night (that means all you insomniacs).
  10. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Easy...The wonderful, glorious, every tasty tomato...the fresher the better. < I like most veggies, but don't put peas or lima beans on my plate! V Pass the question on.
  11. Hummm...derived from a potato...wouldn't that be vodka? Yuck, I think I'll pass. Give me a nice shot of rum, or better still, some French bubbly with a shot of Tattoo. And, per tradition, you're buying, mate. Welcome to the Pub, Potato Ben! Oops, sorry...Short Ben Potato. Gotta ask, where did you get that name?
  12. Inquiring minds want to know...which pirate?
  13. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Seeing something innovative that someone else has done. I get great ideas that way. < I'm not so much an innovator, as an adaptor. I can take a general idea or design, and adapt it, reconfigure it, and make it something completely different. V Innovator or adapter?
  14. I stood, refilled his glass, and hung his coat on a hook in the wardrobe. Returning to his side, I refilled his empty glass, then knelt down, much as he had done with me the previous night, and touched his arm. "You can not control the world, Sebastian. The world tends to send us into chaos more than peace. I take it your sister is with child by this dead captain? I'm sorry, but at least she has family that will care for her and the child." Leaning in, I kissed his cheek. "Ignore the world for a few hours, ma pearl. By the looks of it, your sister needs sleep more than anything else, as do you. If you wish it, I will leave you alone with her, or I will stay and...intercept any who would try and interupt us. As you did for me only a day ago, I offer succor, a warm embrace, and whatever else my person can make a gift of." And with that said, I put my arm around him, lay my head on his shoulder, and gave what comfort I could.
  15. "I see we are both fond of throwing things." I stood, retreived two glasses from the cabinet, and refilled them. I set the new glass next to his hand. "I suggest you drink that. There are times when getting pissing drunk is the only cure for what ails you." I sat down again, watching him carefully. The contained frustration was about to break free. All I could do was wait for it to burst, like some festering sore. "She looks like you. The last time I saw her, she was in a coach the day Killingsworth shot Sterling. I saw her. I have also heard that Sterling died and that his body was being taken back to England. Clearly the two are connected in some way. Is that what has her so upset, the fact that he is dead?"
  16. I watched him, all my own previous anger gone. His eyes were haunted, his hand trembling as he lay the pistols on the table. Carefully, I retrieved the decanter, filled my glass and set it before him. "On second thought, you need this worse than she does." I settled into the chair the woman had vacated. "Clearly, something monumental has occured. Tell me, ma pearl, who is the woman, for I think I have seen her somewhere before." For I had suddenly remembered that day in the square, when Killingsworth had shot a man named Captain Sterling, and a slender pale arm had reached from a coach window and attempted to touch the man's leg as he fell from his horse.
  17. No dog, no "family", just me. ^ Don't kow well enough, but seems to have a great sense of humor.
  18. Ooo, I LIKE the swivel gun idea. Maybe on the cab roof? Yeah, I know a cutlass is the usual weapon of choice, but for me it's a bit heavy, thus I lean toward the rapier.
  19. I think I'll get one of those gun racks that fits in your back window. I'll put a couple of rapiers and that blunderbuss your talking about in it. Then go back and see if I get the same reaction! Only problem is, I don't own any rapiers or a blunderbuss...damnit! Not yet, anyway, but I'm working on it.
  20. Goose eyed his nemisis warily. The last place he wanted to be was stuck down in the hold with this new guest, and figured Ransom had done it on purpose, on account he'd used his mum's spice in the stew. Sloshing through the water, he helped her restow the heavier barrels, always keeping a squinty eye out for rats. He hated rats. "We're ta look for a new spar and canvass," he said authoritatively. " 'Twas a direct order from Herself, so I'll be off looking for those soon as this last barrel is lashed. And that canvass will need to be sewed for a new squares'l." He cocked an eye at the woman. "You any good at sewin'?"
  21. "Oh, I suspect there are many people who might argue that point." I replied, as, without benefit of glass, he put the decanter to his lips. Sebastian looked like a man on the razor's edge between total collapse or total rage. I knew the feeling well, but to see his usually casual demeanor so altered, told me not to push things. The woman looked ill, but there was a sharp resemblance between her and Sebastian. A memory pricked at the back of my mind, but I could not place it. Something about the woman... I held out my glass. "Are you going to share that brandy, or hog the whole decanter to yourself? I think your lady-friend here could use some."
  22. I heard the key turn, and the door open. But what greeted my eyes was the barrel of two pistols, and Sebastains face, of grim expression. Someone was behind him in the hall. My hackles rose. What, a new parmour already? I quickly stood, hands on hips, and glared at him. "So, what do you plan to do with my body, assuming you're about to shoot me?"
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