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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Aye, my pleasure anytime, passin' on our history....The knee's comin' along, but still cain't stand on it....Got some gears meshin', tho'...got a call on early plans for the 400th anniversary of Samuel deChamplain, so I've stuff to do while immobile..'mobilis in mobili'....
  2. Buggar!..The knee is doing well, but I can't even stand on it for several more weeks. At this point the transplanted cells are cartilageous, but jelly-like. Can't stand on 'jelly', so here I wait. By seven months, it should be 'putty-like', according to the lab. A little after a year, it should be brand new cartilage, allowing me in the rigging. Until then, the women'll do it! :) Speakin' 'o which, they're off for holidays, but should be returnin' soon!..(I hear they mighta got new cutlass' for Christmas!)....Thanks for the concern, mate.
  3. The common scuttle is that the American Revolution was fought on land and won at sea. Since we teach Rev War history at sea, I heartily reccommend the link from our website, Rev War on the Frontier These folks are great, with knowlege spanning the frontier waterway accross three wars......
  4. Many thanks for the information, Hurricane. Some folks must think we have some kind of 'crystal ball' of knowledge on events, but it's actually damned hard for us to get much information at all given the fact that we're always on the run, and it's either 'Kat or meeself at the helm, with the other gettin' some badly needed winks.....'who's reading the crystal ball?'...duuuuh
  5. Thanks, Kiddo!!.....This past summer seemed to stimulate all of the crew members into wearin' pirate attire on a more regular basis......Also, it's been a kick seein' the reactions in every town we've docked in where we need stuff during the day, and the shopping parties are always dressed as pirates!....email on the way, eh wot....
  6. New cartilage in my left knee and a new pair of shades...cool!
  7. Not to hijack the topic, but when and whassup with Gasperilla??? We're totally dumb on Florida events....
  8. This is too far out for any of us putting our 'John Hancock's' on a roster, but we are doing our best to make this work into next year's schedule. If it all works out, we'll be sleepin' aboard, anyhoo!.. Unfortunately, that it sounds like a three day event, instead of two weeks, I'm not sure we can commit to the sea miles ( We'll be in Halifax, Nova Scotia in late July) and related time travel involved. For those aboard, little has changed in respect to that aspect of an actual traveling ship. I'm hoping it works out, but my prickley hairs on the neck are starting to have marching orders! ROYALISTE Moored on Skull Creek, Off Port Royal Sound
  9. Ahoy here, mate!..altho I sail on the 'real time' type of ship, ye'd best check the accuracy of such bold statements, as, although a white ensign was sometimes used, the official ensign for two very long time periods, but for sure from 1638 until 1790, was a white field with many a 'fleur...Give a looke, eh? The Real Deal on a French Ensign ROYALISTE ON Skull Creek, Off Port Royal Sound, Deep in Pirateland...........
  10. Aye, 'Pearl, there was a heap 'o photo snappin' that particular day, as the local paper did a feature yesterday....Due to a rigorous schedule in a cpm machine to rehab my cartilege transplant, I had to stay below deck, so no pic's 'o me!....Life's pretty smooth here on Skull Creek......
  11. Hmmm, I'fn ye be a tryin' ta board THIS ship, ya'd best be makin' yer peace with Davy Jones, 'lest ye kin make it thru a wall 'o grape!!!..Carronades, swivels, blunderbuss..all spewin' grapeshot so the pikes, cutlass','n boardin' axes be havin' an easy go of it!!!
  12. Aye, a fine photo, indeed,but....As Blackjohn mentioned, I really need provenance to deal with accuracy fobs. Otherwise, it's 'just a personal modification', and they tend to look the other way......
  13. ..Hmm...O.K., men, 'I'm from Missouri'! (not really, but)..'Show Me!!'...As much as I'd love to believe where this is going, I've seen no factual evidence of a naval style, whether 'contract',private or not, of any blunderbuss equipped with a cavalry rig sling....Now, since there is little evidence of a seaman havin' one,(no use, eh?), and most pirates were seamen, well then...show me, as I'm always interested in factual based historical indiscrepancies..I have to greet a hundred thousand doubting assholes every year that 'know it all'. Like Joe Friday, I just need the facts...In difference, many muskets sport swivels for use as wall guns, although most were planned for that use....Our arsenal aboard includes several blunderbuss, privateer 'contract' stlye, and larger Brown Bess types with a Grice-stlye lock. We're seamen, so when we care to sling 'em, we just grab a hunk 'o line, throw a hitch around the forestock, a hitch behind the triggerguard, and head ashore....but then again, we're simple sailors...
  14. Harry, ROYALISTE will be in the area for '07, so perhaps we should talk about this. Victor Suthren has been trying to aim us that way, so we should look at all the logistics. we prefer a berth, as it's qite hard to deal with the public interest on the hook.....
  15. We had the best intent to try and make this year's event, but.... the amount of sailing time, weather, and insurance covenants made it pretty tough..We would like to add a little pizazz,( ROYALISTE generally comes with 'pizazz') but we couldn't make it this year, perhaps in '07, as we'll be still in the Atlantic...I dunno what kind of insurance, if any, that WOLF or any other local boats may carry, but ours strictly prohibits us south of Atlantic City before Nov. 15. As for the weather, we had to lay over for gales in NJ and NC, each for several days. That put us a wee bit north in Charleston by the middle of Nov. Our last northern event this year was in Long Island, and a bang up pirate fest it was,so...We're already invited next year,so that puts us in NYC again at mid October.....with purrrrfect weather, we might pull it off, but the gales were there this year....ya just never know, but that's still four weeks to make the Keys from NYC; a tuff order, mates....Real Time Sailin' for Real Time Pirates..... :)
  16. We've sailed and raced with Skip for many a year as Master Mariners in SF, but regarding his music, we play his CD, 'Billy Bones and other ditties' as background at most all Tallship events we appear at... He's a fine old salt, and it was good to hear his 'Two Hornpipes' in POTC II...That's all I'm sayin' for now, eh? ROYALISTE Raidin' the Southland, Moored on Skull Creek.....
  17. Ahoy, thar, Ace!...Glad to 'hear' from you and the rest 'o them scallywags.... ...'Tis been 17 months since we left the BAy 'o St. Francis,but....We've spread RRR particular flavor 'o piracy, swordfightin', and historical privateerin' accross a huge part 'o North America!..We're on Skull Creek on Hilton Head Island for a month or so, then...either Florida bound, or...mebbee an accord with the Maritime Museum a wee bit north in Beaufort, NC, that notorious home 'o Blackbeard...it's still lookin' like Halifax next summer, but we may be bookin' RRselves instead of doing the whole 'Challenge,(might be lookin' into a few things, such as the Hampton Blackbeard Festival) as them ports be havin' a hard time findin' doubloons, and, well,....you know 'bout piracy....Savvy?? ROYALISTE Raidin' the Southland, Moored on Skull Creek.....
  18. Congrats, Kiddo! ROYALISTE Raidin' the Southland, Moored on Skull Creek.....
  19. Here's a sad one for the day... Overboard on Picton Castle
  20. That's mighty nice 'o ye, mate..We are in Beaufort, after a spooky shallow time of it after dark last nite. Methinks we'll layover here today, and head off to Hilton Head tomorrow(Sat). Probably best to catch us in Hilton Head, as everyone's froze up here right now, and the ship's a mess!....
  21. That's mighty nice 'o ye, mate..We are in Beaufort, after a spooky shallow time of it after dark last nite. Methinks we'll layover here today, and head off to Hilton Head tomorrow(Sat). Probably best to catch us in Hilton Head, as everyone's froze up here right now, and the ship's a mess!....
  22. We'll be at Hilton Head Harbor, on Skull Creek...If the golf balls get to heavy, we'll give 'em a broadside with some different kind 'o balls, eh?...we kinda of chanced upon this one; I guess they had a boat blow up at the fuel dock, taking out the whole enchilada..Just finishing up the new dock, and here we are to take up the space!!....We will be hunting a yard to haul out in March, and the best rate is in Northern Florida. But as we have checked so far, no dockage enroute available, so we may look around up this way...as far as the leg, well... the cartilage transplant takes around eight weeks to 'take', and I'm on week number two....
  23. Ahoy, M. Studley....Plans have changed, as they always seem to do aboard ship...The Pyrate Ship Royaliste will cast off from Charleston's Cooper River marina around 0800 Thursday, with plans to push all the way to Beaufort by Thurs. eve. Then we will be heading to Hilton Head for a month or two...All of this is provided the crew can prop me up well enough to helm her off the dock and off towards Beaufort. Once off the dock, Capt. Kat will be doing a long stretch at the helm, and I'll be dealing with the knee repair....
  24. Thanks for the info, mate...I'm back aboard, but the crew'll be doin' the sightsee'n' this week, as I'm lookin' like a veritable prisoner in me own cabin for a while..The knee job ended up to be huge, so I'm in a 'no load' mode on the knee for many weeks. Lookin' for the next stop 'afore we sail into Beaufort; with the day length, tide, and distance from Charleston, we have to make it a two stop leg. Not likin' the looks 'o Edisto or Bohicket, with our draught..hate to be droppin' the hook with me stoved up, so it's kind of a delemma,eh?.....
  25. Probably best to wait a week or so 'till I'm back.Shouldn't be too long, as we hafta be outta there by the sixth...Not so much for anything 'cept I'm a better source for info on all the antiquities etc. onboard...The two there presently are just learnin' their 'history'...fair sailors they be, 'tho.......
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