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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Permission to come aboard, mate.......
  2. Aye, lassie!..Samtrans, drive, hitchike, but c'mon up an' give it a whirl!.......
  3. We heard her a mile to west'ard- the liner that cut us through- As crushing the fog at twenty-jog she drove with her double screw. We heard her a mile to west'ard as she bellowed to clear her path, The grum, grim grunt of her whistle, a leviathan's growl of wrath. We could tell she was aimed to smash us, so we clashed at our little bell, But the sound was shredded by screaming wind and we simply rung our knell. And the feeble breath, that screamed at Death through our horn was beaten back, And we knew that doom rode up the sea toward the shell of our tossing smack. -Holman F. Day
  4. 'NEWS FLASH!'....Avast ye!...'Ere be the skinny so far on the Halloween Ghost Cruise!...Just finished up wif' the fine folks at San Francisco's own South Beach Harbor, http://www.SouthBeachHarbor.com After a bit 'o a parlee, we've reached an accord..The Tallship Royaliste will be doing the evening on the Downtown Embarcadero, smack dab in the middle 'o the Waterfront!...Ye might wanna get ahold 'o me or the 'Quill early on this one now, as it donna get much more 'Prime' than this!...I'm gonna keep Her at the guest dock all nite, so, be careful Downtown, thar be pyrates in the waters an' streets!...Right behind the Giants stadium, an' the whole street to Fisherman's Wharf!..Pretty sure this'll be one 'o the best ever! and, if'n ye be one 'o me regulars, and aren't coming, now you dont hafta worry 'bout those DUI's!..just slide on down to your 'Home' at South Beach!...More to Follow later!.......RR!.......
  5. we ran that past the 'Quill 'afore she pulled it home!..new rounds, cement in toilet paper tubes..good ballistics up to 800 yards, no windage, mebbee further, just can't see the splash farther, even with a 'glass!...........
  6. (Shakes 'ead, back an' forth)...Whew!..An' Aye thought the stuff Aye dreamt was whacked!....Luv it, 'Quill!!!!......Just watch the fence! ((coulda just blasted it outta the way!)).......RR.......
  7. :) Ye be welcome 'ere, mateee!, but, ye be on the wrong coast, me Bucko!........
  8. several of the crew and extras were from my harbor. Love O'Brian, but, bad politics regarding the extras....example: two day's sail for one shoot, mucho overtime, only paid for actual screen time...500 bucks!....bad deal,.. good flick....soundtrack now available from the Royaliste....as soon as my burner lives again!....
  9. Aye,laddie buck!!..Great indeed!...'messin' about in boats.....RR!
  10. ..Fair winds an' a Followin' Sea, Matee!...drink up, an' keep a sidarm at the ready...never know wot ye'll find in this pub!.......
  11. All hands unmoor! proclaims a boisterous cry, All hands unmoor! the cavern'd rocks reply: Roused from repose aloft the sailors swarm, And with their levers soon the windlass arm: The order given, up springing with a bound, They fix the bars, and heave the windlass round; At every turn the clanging pawls resound; Up-torn reluctant from its oozy cave The ponderous anchor rises o'er the wave. High on the slippery masts the yards ascend, And far abroad the canvas wings extend. -William Falconer
  12. There is no dilemma compared with that of the deep-sea diver who hears the message from the ship above, "Come up at once. We are sinking." -Robert Cooper
  13. Zephyr...Not sure of which pirate faire you're inquiry is for..we are planning to put a Bay Area Pirate Fest together for spring, a week or two before 'Blessing of the Boats', and 'Opening Day on the Bay...Mid- May.....Stay tuned, same Pyrate channel!...RR......
  14. :) Aye, lasses..But two wouldn't be much of a deterrent, just another 'slit!'...Didn't call me D'Artagnan as a youth for nuthin'!...Hmm, a bit 'o cross-period chainmail'd ruin me day, tho!...( checks for nicks in dandy little dirk)....And, by the time, and with that much trouble, 'twould be interestin', Indeed!............
  15. Aye, 'Quill!..'Tis wot they all start singin'!...'Ere's RR newest pirate wif' Charlie from the 'Highland Warriors'.....A Fine Job, lass!........ http://www.talesofthesevenseas.com/GBSwordfight1.JPG
  16. Naw!..'Tweren't like that!..We ate the Bloomin' goat....come to think 'o it, the Flippin' Misstre....Whoops!..This ain't the RRRRRRRated side 'o things!!!...(Laffing on deck, spillin' the varnish)........
  17. Aye!...And Thanks again, Bully!...Always 'appy to help, and we'll be speakin' 'o promotin' the next event!.....We'll be keepin' a weather eye open for ye'ere 'lost' articles!!!...'Hey! you back there!..Stop screamin', and Aye'll give ye yer clothes back!'.......Found the Mistress!!........RR.......
  18. :) Aye, there 'Quill!...I was on the exact wavecrest meself...Although, there is just about no location that will allow camping, etc., in conjunction, around here... so, 'twould be a bit of a different flaire..Sorta like the Sturgis Rally..Stay where you can, and revolve around the festivities!......A thought, as the press gang would stay very busy!.....
  19. .....Jeesh!( understated)......... ...although, in me own humble opinion, it went downhill immediately after the old days at Black Point.....
  20. Aye, Matee!..'ere'a a whole hogshead from ye'ere Cap'n!... And many more, Eh?......RR........
  21. Rollinonthedeckagainlaffinmefrigginarseoff!
  22. The damned ship lurched and slithered. Quiet and quick,my cold gorge rose; The long sea rolled; I knew I must think hard of something, or be sick; And could think hard of only one thing-you! You, and you alone could hold my fancy ever! And with your memories come, sharp pain and dole, Now there's a choice- heartache or liver! A sea-sick body or a sea-sick soul. Did I forget you? Retchings hoist and tie me, Old meat, good meals, brown gobbets, up I throw. Do I remember? Acrid return and slimey, The slobs and slobber of a last year's woe. And still the ship rolls. 'Tis hard, I tell ye, To choose 'twixt love and nausea, heart and belly. -Rupert Brooke, 'Channel Passage'
  23. Quite a bonnie idea, Pirata!..Aye'll work on that for next season!..Would be a shocker to those who pass 'ole Jeff inna dark!..Might even increase his already heavy wench load....Hmm, 'O.K.,... 'Let's be givin' up that "black book" now, Jeffie Boy!'..........
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