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the Royaliste

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Posts posted by the Royaliste

  1. :) Aye, 'Quill!, It'll be a bit more 'n a BANG!,,,Weather reports are changing, and it looks as though we are going to lose this nice pattern, and enter; the 'Northerly's'... Please pay close attention to the forecasts, as the night and following morning might become somewhat inhospitable....(Nods)."Thanke ye!"....... B)

  2. Mario- A clarification as my post was incomplete. 500 for the entire filming, (and comp. plane fare)..not a very good deal, on any currency exchange. And to the best of my knowlege, the 'Rose' is still on hold for round #2...And, since I forgot, yes, the soudtrack IS awesome!....turns CD player to 11...

  3. :o NEWS FLASH! :huh: The crew 'o the Lady Washington just left me deck, an' as usual, Aye've struck an accord!...For those 'o you who choose to hang wif' the Tallship the 'morning after',... 'Tis a Sea Battle in the offing, to the best 'o my knowlege, two period rigged , period painted, square-riggers goin' nose to nose, gun's a blazin'...(Told ye it would be the best ever!)...POTC be damned! ..The Tallship's slug it out Saturday, on the San Francisco Bay!....... :o
  4. Originally the 'PELICAN', it was Sir Francis Drake's ship in which he did the Pacific Coast pirateing in the 1600's..posts back aways regarding it here somewhere, about the same size as the ROYALISTE...... :ph34r:

  5. Absolutely NOT!..I guess your perceptions of the Bay Area are a bit off...The dock for the activities is where the ships would tie up, and , as far as 'seeing', they'd be right in 'front' (Richardsons Bay), and, 'eck, when we do our greetings under the 'Gate to the Cityfront, we look like monsters seven miles out, due to the perceived optics over water!....Yo! Ho!

  6. Years back, there was a fest held in Half-Moon Bay, complete with Sea Battles...I and others are trying to gain the semblance of a similar event, but here in beautiful Sausalito..I've not much interest in working towards anything that doesn't include ships and the sea (DUH!)...Others are much better at land events than myself!...The area has a fine spot for vendors, as the Art Festival here is held in that location, and does very well..I believe this site would suffice for a pirate event, but doubt it's abitility to replicate any 'Ren Faire' setting; no room in the City, as pirates weren't generally looked upon as 'tent campers'..All local input and help is appreciated in this endeavor to bring such an event annually to this area..Therefore, should we secure the use of the dock, it would give way most excellently to an annual event!

  7. The best noise in all the world is the rattle of the anchor chain when it comes into harbor at last and lets it go over the bows.

    -Hiliare Belloc

    After dinner one of our mess went aloft to look out, and presently announced the long-wished forsound, Land! Land! In less than an hour we could descry it from the deck, appearing like tufts of trees. I could not discern it so soon as the rest; my eyes were dimmed with the suffusion of two small drops of joy.

    -Benjamin Franklin

  8. ...*Ahem!*...(breathes on knuckles, rubs them on weskit')...'Walked downtown, saw this one, and picked it up off the shelf.."Sausalito Walking Boat Tour",.'A Three Mile Walk With Historical Footnotes'....A virtual tour of the classic vessels in the many harbors of the marina community of Sausalito, describing in great detail facts on each example....And, *TA-DA!*..at the end of Pelican Harbour, the Herreshoff Ketch 'ORCA', and, 'o course, yours truely, the ROYALISTE....... :(

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