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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Posts posted by the Royaliste

  1. One must also consider why one owns collectors pieces to begin with. Although I value mine extremely, I'll carry them when the mood strikes..It's my perrogative, just as in POTC. Leave them for my grandchildren to mind??..Already tried that, mate. your heirs may not have the same fascination as you were when alive. So, find your own level of enjoyment for your collectibles, but please dont tell me how to or not to enjoy mine.

  2. :unsure: "Bloody Bloomin' 'eck!..Aye kin just about guarantee one certain Pyrate Ship in 2005, providing the grants happen to get 'er to Lake Champlain"(After one humungus French&Indian War reenactment)........ :)

    "If'n so, methinks me usual rules apply, ye gotta be a pirate to get onboard!! :mellow: "


  3. Their blood ran cold with horror

    As they gazed on the awful scene

    Their faces paled with anguish

    And their gills turned faintly green

    For seldom has anyone suffered

    As they did that horrible night

    Seldom before have humans

    Beheld such a ghastly sight

    There on the deck before them

    The shattered remnants reek

    And a steady stream of crimson

    Seeped into the thirsty teak

    As they stood in breathless silence

    As men who were stricken dumb

    For they had just seen the coxswain

    Break a jug of issue rum.

    - from the South Shore Naval Association dinner menu

  4. Aye!..If your interest is truely there, the WoodenBoat forum is the absolute best in the world. I've been a member for 5-6 years, and the knowledge base from newbies to pro's is finest kind!


  5. :lol: "O.K., 'ere goes..In alla the woodenboat world, a few designers and builders stick out. A guy by the handle 'o Ian Oughred builds about the Kewl-est small wooden boats around. His stuff is the source of most keen little stuff in today's movies. He has many plans available. Found thru most any resource, Amazon to http://www.Woodenboat.com ;)


  6. .."Hmm, 'all-inclusive knowledge of proper knots'...'Ashley's Book of Knots'

    Sailing around the world, and really need specific rigging knowledge..'Anything in print by Brian Toss'

    Period rigging and history..'A Young Seaman's Sheet Anchor'

    General knot-tying, and practical applications..'The U.S. Navy Bluejacket's Manual'..

    Nautical art with knots.'A Marlinspike Sailor'

    All excellent in their proper places....


  7. "Aha!..'Tis still here, by Neptune's Trident!!..Under 'pirate tattoos' 'ere in Rabble Rousing..... :)

    "An' as far as 'nautical stars', the wench in mine was quite a star!"


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