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the Royaliste

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Posts posted by the Royaliste

  1. $600,000 got the Lady Washington to the Caribbean and back plus a refit back to original shape.

    Besides, they're a lot better than earthquakes...  ^_^

    So I'd hurry and rig your ship for a run to the Caribbean if you want it to be a star in PotC... by story line, the Lady Washington would probably be making a return voyage there.

    -- The Captain

    addressin' these one at a time, I'd be happy to make the journey, I don't need to hurry, 'cuz I can make the Bahamas in around 12 days, give or take the lay days on labor, for under 20K (my expense) each way........like this

    Royaliste in a hurry

    1 day to decommission, 5-6 on the trailer, one day to unload, another to rig in, and a few to sail east across the 'stream'........

    Under a former owner and name, the Royaliste did continuous charter service in the Carribean from 1971 until the late 80's; she's no stranger, nor am I to your waters.....So, believe me when I say they shimmer no clearer than the S. Pacific.....(Eh, Harbormaster?)...and as far as 'labor', 'eck mate, in a third world mentality, all of the Carribean is 'expensive' in comparison, tho' as mentioned, dollars matter little, or so you say. I believe they still want the most bang for the buck, even with millions to spend....

    For all the lubbers readin', California earthquakes go by rather unnoticed on a ship, not so with a hurricane, matey.

    Lastly, the 'Lady' was blown to small pieces as the Interceptor, they'd need to call 'er somethin' different.

    (and for the 600K they spent, I'd almost sign the pink slip over!) LOL

    and if they use her, it's a win-win for me, as with either of the two larger ladies than mine, I stand to pick up a lot of business in their abscense. Although I see her name right along with mine on the Tallships Challange 2005 scheduled for late spring .....BTW, 'Captain', guess I never caught what you were captain of..Do ye sail?

  2. No coincidence I believe.

    And the west coasters forget - there are plenty of tall ships on the Eastern seaboard. 6 in Key West alone, more in St. Augustine, Jacksonville, not to mention the Carolinas on up to Mystic, CT. The Pacific side doesn't have the corner on tall ships lads, or even pirate ships.

    So we are back to the Bahamas, and Johnny Depp's palatial 40 acre private island. I wouldn't be surprised in the least.

    -- The Captain

    Not surprised in the least, mate!..I believe I said I don't know how many or their names...what are they????????????? I'm only basing my humble opinion on what I've seen in Hollywood and on the History and Discovery channels..But, that said, even the recent 'Captain Kidd' episode featuring Scupper, used west coast ship footage. I wonder why? Timing?..Location?..Availabilty?...all issues, eh?..P.S. You can leave the Schooner Wolf, Freedom, and Compass Rose off the list I mentioned, as far as those seaworthy. I'm already familiar with them. I have little care where it's filmed, just speculatin', like the rest!.........We'll all see next year, eh wot?...Altho', I'll bet ye a 10 spot, Hurricane, that the actual sailing ship footage doesnt get filmed in the Bahamas....Dunno where, but I'll hold to the bet..........

  3. At any rate I have to agree with the Royaliste on some of these points. Having been to Taiwan I can tell you it looks VERY much like California ., parts of Japan Washington .,Germany ect look very much the same !!

    Latitudes my friends latitudes!!! Much of Mexico and the caribbean and yea the Philippines .,VietNam Indo Africa., All share the same latitudes and infact have much the same Fauna. Yes Coconuts and Banana's Avacado's Mangos and the like. Bamboooo !!!

    Many places in this world share the likeness of foriegn lands on the given Lats., I been to many of them as has Cap'n Glen of the Royaliste.

    for example

    All of the Jungle scenes and Islands of Cutthroat Island were filmed in Thailand with ships and barge sets from Square Sail of the UK.

    I'm still standin' on the sea miles for needed ships. It was pointed out to me that they want to use real ships....Cutthroat Island was a barge deal.....Maybe they'll go Chinese..as far as that part of the world, all that be sailin' is a bunch 'o 'junk'!............

    ...like I said, a lot 'o sea miles, 'cept for mebbee the Endeavor, and that's only one ship...............

  4. Hmm, ' that's interesting'....I usually stay a fathom or two away from the 'speculative' threads, but this one brought some variables into play that I've a need to scrutinize.....Logistically, if'n I accept the needed 'chip' that production folks have some sense aside from money, then..........The Bahamas, altho a wonderful vacation spot, have a few big hurdles for the marine aspect of the movies, starting with the simple fact that it presaently sounds like production will be during hurricane season, which, aside from the obvious damage during, affect the sea state for a while either side of each cell....That translates into delays for filming. Number two would be that personally I just don't know the availability of enough period vessels in the 'eastern' area as opposed to the 'west', both in terms of availability, and the 'put my vessel in harm's way' concept. I would also wonder on simple issues such as V.A.T. taxes and such for the comings and goings of makin' two movies. Now, lookin' 'west'............A long list of available vessels are here; the Rose, Lady Washington, Hawaiian Chieftain, Lynx, Royaliste are already 'armed' and 'dressed'.. Add the two L.A. 'Johnson'(Irving and his 'ole lady) brigs, Argus, Pilgrim, Swift, Spirit, and a host of those who's names slip my mind at the moment, and thar be a lot 'o 'ships' on the left coast that are in sailing and fighting shape.....

    ...Then, it ain't like us left coasters are devoid of islands...we've many, from the Coronado's to the Farralones, they just aint 'high' on the public's list of where the trends are.........unless we factor in those little ones farther west, ....Hawaii..............

    On the weather gauge, 'tis only an occaisional hurricane that jumps o'er Mexico that'll even come close to wreckin' stuff, some 50-70 knot blows and ruff seas, but it mellows quickly, as the Pacific be the sailor's 'big tank'..(naytical term for Mare Pacifica)

    ..to close, it sounds grand, but too many loopholes for my short budgeted mind.......(yeah, I know Disney's got lotsa money, but do they really just 'throw it away'?)...the Bahamas may get 50% 'o somethin', but I've me doubts about it bein' the 'ships 'n water' stuff........


  5. Hey All-

    Have any of you bought one of Loyalist armes cutlass'

    and used it for stage fighting? I'm interested in their

    Dutch cutlass and was wondering how well they held

    up to stage use. They offer their cutlass' for around

    $80 to $125 scabbards included.


    Redhand :P

    Ahoy Redhand,

    I haven't read all 12 pages of the topic, but 'fairly be ye warned sez I', the Loyalist "Dutch 17th century" cutlass is a model 1801 French cutlass - it is identical to the "French cutlass" they offer. It is a very good cutlass and an excelent bargain.

    So if it is an early 19th century cutlass you are after, then that is for you. A Dutch cutlass of the 17th century would either have a shell guard (or double shell), or be a brass heavy cast hilt with a 'dog headed' monster with scales on the grip. See Gilkersons "Boarders Away -with Steel" for an easily obtainable overview of the subject.

    Many 'Dutch' cutlass' were walloons, disimilar to the French cutlass. Loyalist stuff looks as though it will hold up to light duty stage combat, but they are 'light' compared to those we swing around. I've seen their 'colonial' style figure eight, and it's a nice piece, dunno 'bout the French model 1832, as my French one be original, not repro, and it's super heavy....I've switched to a variation of a u.s. model 1917 for general 'bangin' around...my thoughts, just passin' 'em on....

  6. Aye, Cap'n... too many yups indeed. Luckily we're up in the mountains east o' town (on the side of Monte Sol, not far from Museum Hill, if anyone's familiar with the city of Santa Fe).

    Luckily for you, you moved to Sausalito, away from any trace of yuppies or rich snobs, right? ;)

    Not quite, amigo! I be 500 yards offshore and a whole world away from Sausalito!..Otherwise, you wouldn't catch me dead in town!...The two groups mentioned don't even recognise that there are 7,000 of us anchored here!

  7. St. Augustine is the oldest, continuously occupied city, founded in 1565 by Pedro Menendez.

    must be a 'city' versus 'village' thing..The Inuit have occupied theirs in Alaska for a few thousand years, nevermind the now-extinct Anasasi on nearly every mesa in the S.W......

  8. So, by your claim, the email he sent me without my solicitation on 11/4/04 at 9:40 p.m. 'never happened'....someone's lyin' to someone around here, and it ain't me, 'cuz I piss a lot 'o people off, but seldom from a lie.

    :o:o:o That is what I am saying. He didn't join pyracy until this morning around 11 oclock. I have his registration email from pyracy to prove it.. Neither of us have any idea what you are talking about. But you go ahead and keep telling your story royalist. :o:o:o

    Here's the email from the 4th, you are delerious, your hubby's been emailing and posting for months

    ...from 'capt. Scurvey Dog, 11/04/04, 9:50 p.m.

    ----- Original Message -----

    From: Captain Scurvy Dog

    To: the Pyrate

    Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 9:50 PM

    Subject: no worries mate...

    i not be anywhere near mad at Bess just pirate role playin' even though she is wrong... what i said in the post about POTC is true. but i can't have me character belittled by a wench now, can i?! hahar. fair winds to ye mate

  9. My interests are my business, mate!...And you repeatedly had my addy, never replied, and blh-blah. That said, I care not what your good wife thinks about me or mine also. Get a grip yourself woman, and give a great big kiss to that racist-sexist arse of an old man 'o yours!...He's already explained to me how 'wenches' have no 'say so' in his litte world.

    Racist? Sexist? Wenches have no say? What on earth are you talking about?

    I just asked my husband if he had received any communication from you and he has not received a word. So why would he reply? That makes no sense at all royalist. Do you see what I mean? Get a grip on yourselves.

    So, by your claim, the email he sent me without my solicitation on 11/4/04 at 9:40 p.m. 'never happened'....someone's lyin' to someone around here, and it ain't me, 'cuz I piss a lot 'o people off, but seldom from a lie.

  10. damn.. I gotta be th" bad guy( glad you all ain't English" )

    .....but it was just something  missing "something"..... don't know what.. can't figure what "it" is: ...... otherwise....it was cool..............dang... maybe I'm to jaded......

    it was cool bits,,,,... and when I figure out what "it is...." then next year....

    Yes it was missing something - your payment of $75. If you didn't pay for the evening's food, dancing and entertainment, then there's really nothing for you to criticize.

    I'm sorry to be sounding bitchy about this, but Jack and I put a lot into this (including paying for ALL of it) and it really bothers me to hear someone who didn't pay a cent to get in criticize it.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aside from this probably better left to personal email, I was led by Claire to believe that 'Tales' members were waived on the fee...Perhaps you should clarify this next 'time', last time I looked, Patrick was a Tales member. I'd best be updating myself on who are members and who aren't, as it also affects people's access to my ship.

  11. It seems to me that Capt. Scurvy F. Dog simply posted what he believed to be accurate information to the best of his knowledge.

    Iron Bess, not wanting anyone to have any information other than what she provides, insisted on pressing the issue. Yet, seems like everyone is yelling at Capt Dog.

    It's one thing to support your crewe, but it's quite another to jump on the bandwagon if you really have no interest other than making a bunch of noise. So, if you're not interested in the call for extras or the potential casting call (or whatever the hell you want to call it) then why not just let people share what info they have. Hell, we're all adults here, Ms. Iron Bess. I would't be too concerned about others getting 'hurt' as you put it. Maybe just let Dog share what he knows and everybody else just butt the hell out.

    How 'bout that?

    My interests are my business, mate!...And you repeatedly had my addy, never replied, and blh-blah. That said, I care not what your good wife thinks about me or mine also. Get a grip yourself woman, and give a great big kiss to that racist-sexist arse of an old man 'o yours!...He's already explained to me how 'wenches' have no 'say so' in his litte world.

  12. Mr. Dog... you come off as a bit of an ass.  Generally, when one is right (or when they are wrong), it is poor form to continue name-calling and to gloat.

    So stick to the facts and stick a sock in it while yer at it.

    ye should change yer name ta Dessert Pyrate... cause i'd eat ye up & spit ye out, boy! :D:ph34r::ph34r:

    So, instead 'o popcorn, 'ere's me 2 marevedis worth, whether ye want it or not, just as you've rambled on previously. Your contributions to piracy are being outweighed by the fact that you are appearing to be a complete buffoon.I never sought the beginning of this 'tug 'o war' as it was already rolling when I jumped in, but you are startin' ta piss me off, mate. I have a tendancy to stick up for my crew, DP bein' an able bodied seaman,'n signed on to the articles,(As opposed to some people's 'fantasy' pirate activities ), so....As I have watched you spout vehemently on a repeated basis, I can only wonder where it comes from. After surgery two days ago, I'm relatively 'wacked out' on pain meds, but as I search the forum at 4 a.m. sideways on waaay too much codiene, there's 'you' surfin' too!..What you be smokin', lad??..ye'd best find somethin' else to do for fun, you become quite redundant in a sorry way hereabouts. Please do not P.M, email, or otherwise contact me. This is a forum full of relatively good aquaintances, and you are burnin' the bridges that got you here. Have a great day, mate, I've shipwork to do, and a public pirate function to perform. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, but...the digital footage you repeatedly 'refused' from me when you asked for 'quality',(for free!) but 'wouldn't be as good as the DVD from Redd'... as you claimed.... 'twas good enuff for 'the Mouse'.......and it was all the same footage, just a different edit.......

    ....an' as far as DP be concerned, 'e's a pretty big boy, mate, ta be 'spittin' out...an' 'e's always packin' that 'four letter word'......'CREW'



  13. I know not of what ye say...I has never disgraced yer ship, Matter of factly I holds her in high regards & were not "flaming", eh! (If'en I comprehends the meanin' of thee word, basically a lie, correct?)

    If'en we were all in a real pub, talkin' eye ta eye, the insinuations would not come as easily... fer ye would be able ta look me in thee eye & tell I be truthful. I will e-mail ye thee casting office # so ye yerself can call, Captain Gary. But mark me words mates, I will think hard before I post fer such again.

    I'm simply referrin' to 'accepted' conduct on internet forums, as they aren't 'real', and feelings are usually a consideration in cyberland..

    Flaming is simply the act of aggrevating discourse with intent to rile or degrade as opposed to more civil conversation. nothin' to do with 'lies' or whatever... never implied that 'you' ever said a word in regards to the Royaliste, just pointing out that others have and we frankly don't give a hoot in the overall scheme of things...Toooo much paranoia floatin' around here.......now, I'll be havin' some 'o that popcorn me damn self!

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