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the Royaliste

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Posts posted by the Royaliste

  1. It's pretty much one of those 'if we had ham, then we'd have ham 'n eggs, if we had eggs' kinda things..If I decide not to head back to S.F. after Tallships Challenge 2005 from San Diego, and opt for more southerly climes (think Costa Rica or the Carribean), a trip upstream voyage 2006 would be one alternative for beating most of hurricane season..........But, the river-style approach only leaves me attraction vessel 'at the dock' sources of revenue for the non-profit Privateer!, since sail training is nigh on to impossible on the river........

  2. Well, Two years ago or so, I thought about sailin' down the Misssissippi from the Great Lakes, and now I'm toyin' with the idea 'o motorin' upstream from the Carribean......More like upstream to Minneapolis from New Orleans, not the Great Lakes this time...Any pirates livin' close to the river, whaddya think??..Is there enuff interest from the attraction vessel angle?


  3. This is a partial list of the southbound trip here in the Bay Area, but there's an April event in the works for those on the way 'upstream'.....

    Country Ship (Naval) Ship (Private)


    Young Endeavor

    Young Endeavor


    (Motor/Sail Training Vessel)











    Gorch Fock


    (Motor/Sail Training Vessel)


    Dewaruci, Arung Sumadera


    Kaiwo Maru, Nippon Maru II ,


    Kaisei, Kojima


    (Motor/Sail Training Vessel)


    Cuauhtemoc, (Motor/Sail Training Vessel)

    New Zealand

    R Tucker Thompson


    Christian Radich


    Shabab Oman




    Dar Mlodziezy



    Russian Federation

    Pallada, Nadhezda


    Juan Sebastian De Elcano

    United States


    Jeremiah O'Brien, Balclutha, Privateer Lynx, Californian, Irving Johnson, American Pride, Tole Moar, Hawaiian Chieftain, Lady Washington, Alma, Gas Light, Pilgrim Of Newport, Zodiac, Royaliste


    Capt Miranda


    Simon Bolivar

  4. Seems to me that it is still 'about having fun'...If not, why do it at all??..Seems to me that from a casual observation, I see a zillion copies of 'piate swords' that are cheap copies of model 1860 U.S.N. cutlasses...waaay out of 'period', but..so what, 'tis an accepted looking sword. If you enjoy them, fine, eh??...At the same time, I doubt the average availability at sea to plunder blades that were 'too long', as no prey would be carrying a weapon that was improper for service, no matter how 'nice', it'd have been cut down to become serviceable, as movement on deck was still a priority.

  5. Ok here is my opinion... i think that they should have Anne Bonney or Grace O'Malley ( thanks Merry) meet Jack Sparrow... can ye imagine the battle between the two or three... lol

    Well, just my 'opinion', but I just dont see Disney enterin' into the lesbian/straight guy scenario......... :ph34r:


  6. Being pirates, for the sake of accuracy I believe all of our kit should be soaked in salt water then left to bleach in the sun...

    In fact, right now I wish someone would do that to me!!! :)

    Hmm, 'aven't really seen where this technique works on leather. Bronze, brass, and copper, yes...leather?...just cracked once in a while, but usually just 'dry'...No reply on the human aspect!


  7. Alas, while I have an impressive collection of black powder Civil War era guns, I have had no FIRING firearms from an earlier time. The only (grey area) exception to date was a caplock similar to the one posted above by the Royaliste (sixth post in this very forum)...

    Well, that was until today! Hah! My wife, who typically spends WAY too much on me on holidays, got me a Pedersoli Queene Anne (flintlock) Pistol fer Christmas. SCORE! *(does the happy dance)* :lol:

    So -- sorry, Mr. Hand, while I'm not in the market to be selling ye any firearms, I sure am happy te be reportin' on a new acquisition!

    Not sure 'o your reference, mate..I've posted nothing on a caplock,....'nary a one to me name, 'cept the mods to my cannons.........all flink hereabouts...

  8. aaaaargh..... rats..... I was hoping that this thread would be about buying and selling ( or setting up sorta kinda) on guns......

    being the poor pyrate that I am, I have to go to rendezvous to look for gun parts.... (I have two extra cap locks (just the locks) .... need a flintlock and gun barrel... use to do "Mountaiman".... so have some good stuff to trade...... )

    as an aside... I was looking at the screwbarrel pistol that Dixie was selling for about $150 ..... buy one at a time when I had some money.... but about three of them would make a nice "boarding" set up...... (Capt. Gary... I'd deal with the reloading later....... 8).... heck... I don't need a ramrod RIGHT now..... )

    Due to Poison Quill's Queene Ann, and others, we went to deckside ramrods, eliminating a lot of breakage. They've been 'standard' equipment on the binnacle for quite some time now....And the linstocks for the deck guns make dandy ramrods for all the blunderbuss now aboard..( betwixt the first mate and second officer 'o the guns, thar be 5 ondeck most times now).....Mo' powder, matees!


  9. darkthing (and everyone else), I'm thinking of going tomorrow (Sunday).  But only if'n some crewmates are there!  Anyone else showing up?  If so, what time?

    I'm black, blue, and a coupl 'o assorted colors from plankin', so...with this weather, I'm committed to work aboard ship, mates......Just dropped the tops'l yard, commencin' to pull off the sail for repair..........


  10. Yah... I know that stainless is a bugger to file into shape...... but I don't know how to temper a blade....

    There is a chapter in one of the "books of Buckskinning" on tempering a file ground knife...... but without looking it up, it required placing the finished blade on a chunk of red hot iron, and quenching it when it got the right color......

    Capt. Gary.,... is there a better or eaiser way to do it.....?

    There are lotsa 'favorite' techniques, but without commentary on particular application, you first need to heat material to cherry red, then quench, then reheat; immerse in something very high in carbon, and quench again. This path leads to very hardened steel, needing another heating to bring to temper...I do frizzens 4 times or more for example...

    (just ordered up a new rifle kit from 'Track'..)

  11. 'ere's one for ye'r 'records'........

    In the heyday of sailing ships, all

    war ships and many freighters carried iron cannons. Those cannons fired

    round iron cannon balls. It was

    necessary to keep a good supply near the cannon. However, how to prevent

    them from rolling about the deck? The best storage method devised was a

    square-based pyramid with one ball on top, resting on four resting on

    nine, which rested on sixteen. Thus, a supply of 30 cannon balls could be

    stacked in a small area right next to the cannon. There was only one


    to prevent the bottom layer from sliding or rolling from under the others.

    The solution was a metal plate called a "Monkey" with 16 round

    indentations. However, if this plate were made of iron, the iron balls

    would quickly rust to it. The solution to the rusting problem was to make

    "Brass Monkeys." Few landlubbers realize that brass constricts much more

    and much faster than iron when chilled. Consequently, when the temperature

    dropped too far, the brass indentations would shrink so much that the iron

    cannonballs would come right off the monkey. Thus, it was quite literally,

    "Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey."


  12. Well then I'll consider meself lucky to have been aboard her when she were vistin' San Diego with the Lady Washington. Now I'll be settin' me sites on vistin' the Royalist. :P

    You should also be gettin' in touch with us on the ship's forum crew scuttlebutt to line out some prospective sheep, er, I mean..guests, for RR visit down south :ph34r:


  13. After a bit 'o reconfigurin', the radar installation is complete and functional!..If the rain holds off, the New Year's Sail with be much less 'tense' in the dark nite.........which will most likely lead to more liquor consumption, and that might be a good thing! :lol:

  14. I really don't 'get' the affinity for stainless blades...tempered steel seems to have worked for centuries, and it be easier to work if you are truely 'makin' a sword or dagger.....Just my opinion, no debate 'ere...... :(

  15. I really don't, but my gut feelin' is Maryland or higher....I'm basin' that on the knowledge that last year some folks were inquirin' as to my hull spec's to possibly build a Tops'l ketch, an' seein' as 'ow she is one, I'm guessin' they bought rather than 'build'...just a pirate hunch, tho.... :(


  16. It's getting closer to the truth that I'm most interested in, which is why I asked if you had a source. It's all very well to suggest that I go on the hunt on the net, but you ought to be prepared to give your own sources for anything you say on this board, that way the rest of us can all sort out what we think is reliable and what isn't without having to spend hours searching the net. That way, we can all get closer to the truth.

    But please don't be offended by my request. I thought the set of articles you posted looked a bit dodgy so I asked where they came from - that's all.

    However, I followed your advice, trawled through a lot of stuff related to software piracy etc and finally found the set of of articles you posted.

    For the benefit of everyone else who might be interested, they are the articles of a fine bunch of people called the Pyrates of the Gulf Coast. The POGC are a Florida based group of philanthropists who regularly don bandannas and eye patches and invade Hooters (and do other things too) to raise money for charity. They seem to work very hard to raise money for some very good causes and if any of them are reading I applaud them. However, historical integrity does not seem to be their top priority.

    As usual, your research is appreciated, mate.......Contrary to some opinions, may webtime is valuable to me, and you've saved me some cybertime. Keep up the good work!..My present research in more 'hands on', back to replankin'!


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