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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Actually, unless some serious structural issues are found, she should be sailin' soon...her engine room's full, but..I've filled the engine room more than once, it takes me three days by me onesies to have all the engine fluids changed, filters, etc..and up 'n runnin'..they have more help, so...hope for the best
  2. Usually, unless really holed, a wooden vessel will hit some point of stability in the water, hence the reason to put the liferaft in the highest place; it may not need to be deployed........Should be alright, barring complications.....
  3. She's bow to, and the Coast Guard is waiting for the tide to release her...
  4. It sounds like this is going to happen in Ontario,so..any of you pirates planning on attending this event should email Poison Quill at Tales of the Seven Seas, I may do a quick roudtripper just to see Blake's expressions! ...........
  5. Well, half a year later, Make a Wish has a date for the Southern Ca. premiere of the 'Adventures of Buccaneer Blake and the Pirates of Pier 39'..April 16....No location or time yet, more to follow...Unfortunately, I most likely won't be able to make it due to it being past the time of moving my ship to Pier 39.....hard to leave 'er MT from now on....Security and all, eh wot?
  6. Most likely not; those crews change up pretty regularly, and back and forth....Seems as tho' the bulk of the Lady's crew are aboard the Bill of Rights this month.......
  7. Aye!..We're still on schedule for Oxnard, barring something ugly like engine trouble (all good at present!)....This April 'Spring Fling' really looks promising, as 4 ship battles just don't happen regular enuff...... ROYALISTE Strikin' Terror in the Seals at Pier 39......
  8. If you like Tallships, spring, and Mock Sea Battles, then this is your week to come to San Francisco!..From April 2, and April 6-10th, sail with the like of the Privateer Lynx, Lady Washington, the Royaliste, and the Bill of Rights. Details here....SF Sea Battles click on 'Raids'.........
  9. Dunno if you collect stuff, Flint, but I ran across this today whilst surfin' http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...6519131665&rd=1
  10. Flint, dial up the Discovery Channel, or the History Channel, mate. Both have recently had new programs on both the Hunley and the Monitor....don't have a schedule, but I see them when surfin' the tube...
  11. Purty much depends on who tied the knots...a landsman's knot would be suspect, and so would some sailor's.....coulda been free momentarily, eh??......then again, there's always Harry H., lotsa great knots, but undone in seconds....
  12. Although a wee bit 'old', (the Rose is still a 'Canadian' on this list), some nice ones, but...they also forgot The Oldest, Baddest of All or at least in my humble opinion.......
  13. Sunset over the Coastal range, and the soundtrack from 'the Alamo'........ ...loadin' powder charges for a sailing adventure on the tide.....
  14. I did like the job Kiera did in 'Arthur'....some o.k. acting......
  15. Well, we heard talk of this and that,something in Vallejo, something over yonder, but nothing firm anywhere I see yet, but wait!...for a real 'scoop', last weekend we started the ball rolling for one to be held on "Angel"(scratch that)..'Pirate' Island!....details are in the works, get in touch for mo'
  16. Hmm, to be reasonably 'authentic', wouldn't that require being French, jerking pigs on a spit, and living in the Carribean??
  17. I'm going to disagree... Pirates may have looked just like seamen, but they were pirates, and there is evidence out there that suggests the attitudes of at least some of them varied radically from those of the ordinary seamen. Since I don't have any Rediker handy, I can't provide any of his first person quotes to back me up. I have to jump on Foxe's stance here, mates...Seamen ARE seamen, whether you call them pirates or whatever, period. Absolutely no difference at the time; a job was a job; a means to an end, namely, subsistence.....I find no difference in the ideaology of a 'pirate' captain, a privateer, and a capt. of a frigate; large gains for effort expended in comparison to say, 'farming'.....and I've read the phrase here more than once, but...what's an 'ordinary' seaman?
  18. Jeeesh!..If a few dozen flints are lasting a lifetime, you are either really 'old', or must not shoot much!..Great to hear about the arrowheads, but 'tis hard to beat good quality English flints....We're pretty ruff on 'em..I'm for pinchin' a few centavos me own self, but seldom on firearms and weaponry the could possibly destroy me..
  19. No way, Jose`, I just thought his acting was rather boring for the part's potential...........kinda like he just showed up for the check
  20. Hmm, no pictures, but..It is a design of Ian Oughtred's...a faerie style if I'm not mistaken.....I'm headed over his way today, I'll remind him...
  21. He didn't exactly knock my sox off in 'Troy'....
  22. My best guess is, 'why start fires as a sailor?...I'm quite sure that the cook's fire seldom went out. When it did, I'd guess that the flint, steel, and a touch 'o lamp oil fired the stove right back up..don't forget 'fire-glasses' either (magnifiers, eh?)
  23. Aye, Coastie!..We straightened out our attraction vessel status a while back, and the folks at Pier 39 are pushing several waivers our way, one for 12 passengers from M.A.R.A.D., and a larger capacity one also..dunno which way to go yet..As far as your relocation, give a shout when you know, (my email's on both websites)and we'll figure something out, and of course you are welcome to sail...
  24. Yes, indeed!..The present plan is to permanently homeport the Royaliste on A dock at Pier 39, and develop a pirate themed attraction. I just gave notice on a berth I've been in for 5 years,so....if'n it isn't kinda 'permanent', we'll be loadin' the starboard batteries and preparin' to come about! Only foolin', methinks, but we look forward to any and all pirates stopping by........We'll be makin' another suprise raid on the Wharf, possibly as soon as this Saturday......
  25. Thanks, KP!..When we're settled in, we'll for sure put an order in and feature your adventures in that prime little location.....
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