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Top 10 items for your pirate kit
the Royaliste replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
Well, at the risk of being glib, I start with one of these: Then I add foulies and a non-period flashlight to stay sane and keep alive. Then, especially if you are new or inexperienced, the rest of your gear will look and become quite appropriate in short order!! ROYALISTE Spreading across the Oceans like the Plague........... -
Fresh scuttlebutt from the ASTA conference being held in Bay City, Mich. Looks as though Toronto is onboard as a host port, but no date announced yet. It'll be ahead of Cleveland. The Royaliste is now positively committed to these events. We'll decommission her in mid-May, ship her to Cleveland, and start the recommissioning process in a yet to be named marina. Bad news is that something always gets 'screwed up' during shipping. Good news is that we'll still be on the West Coast till spring(unless something else 'interesting' pops up).... ..........Whale watching season starts soon; not 'piratey', but waaay cool!
The skinney I have is that they're looking for some actual era Carribean real estate and forts for their edits...Backers wanted four particular style ships, and they were all on the left coast...Mostly relative to 'other than Blackbeard' pirates. Don'y have the Blackbeard skinney 'cuz I don't captain a large bark.......
Hmm, my correspondence reads 'True Pirates of the Carribean'...'aven't the foggiest on the NC info, I was informed that they'd be filming location and fort stuff out east.Related filming on the West Coast is set for the first/second week in Dec. on Santa Monica Bay...'Tis about timing of a particular grouping of Tallships......As far as I know, all principals and extras are covered, and most ships are already crewed up.
Dunno about 'finale', those two were also mentioned,but alas....we're not the writers, just simple independent marine salvors that specialize in non-ferrous metals and stones......We shall see.........
Go for it!!..Pyrates always welcome aboard Royaliste..Personally, I'd like to see Duluth/Superior added, but it takes a lot of dubloons in any given community to put one of these events on..As a former resident of the Iron Range, I'd gladly put in to port, but that said, Superior can be a tuff nutt to crack in the summer, when prevailin' Westerlies give way to strong Southwesters...dead on everyone's noses it'd be, eh??...A fun ride out, anyhoo!.At present, the only addition I've heard of is possibly Toronto('York' in RR century)...
Scuttlebutt has it that the History Channel is doing a period pirate piece on 'the real pirates of the Carribean'...Calico Jack, etc....starts filming in Dec............
Actually, the Eastern Seaboard is a late part of this 'ere adventure. After leaving the Great Lakes and traveling down the historic corridor in New York, we'll work RR way down the ICW, booking all possible venues(ports, museums, maritime assn.s) until we hit somewhere warm enuff to winter, betwixt Virginia and Cuba, and then....Tallships Challenge2007 is on the East Coast, racing from Florida north.........Basically, we're looking at two yars or more for these legs.......
Aye, 'tis a wee bit early, but winter's around the corner, and this'll give everyone something to look forward to! Join us for 2006 TALL SHIPS CHALLENGE® Great Lakes Series July 12-16, 2006: Cleveland, Ohio TALL SHIPS CHALLENGE® Cleveland July 20 - 23, 2006: Bay City, Michigan Tall Ship® Celebration: Bay City July 27 - 31, 2006: Green Bay, Wisconsin TALL SHIPS CHALLENGE® Green Bay August 3 - 9, 2006: Chicago, Illinois Tall Ships® Chicago Hopefully, more ports will be added, as this is the early list, and I know there'll be some select cities receiving some also select ships not on this list....Yes, me bucko's, we're bringing the Pyrate Ship to the 'Lakes, and afterwards, we're plannin' an historic cruise thru the Richelieu, Lake Champlain, Lake George, and down the Hudson across New York!.We're not completely satisfied bein' the scourge of just one ocean, eh? More information on the Tallships Challenge can be obtained thru the American Sailtraining website ASTA
well, sorry ya couldn't make it, as it were a bash, and as at any event, pirate types are welcome to a spot on deck(with a bit 'o notice) for sure!..Ran accross several 'Pubsters', and quite a lot of folks we'd met at one Tallship port or another this summer...By Saturday nite, the anchorage at Two Harbors was a zoo, but as we had dropped the hook on a nice reef in 30 feet of water, it only affected us a little (large yachts with loud gensets all nite), and we stayed 'even' with an occaisional broadside!...Quite a scene of drunken baccanalia, overall, with a lot of 'bikini and kerchief' pirates really soused....Then, quite the array of reef fish to watch with breakfast....Finally, a 15 hour, 60 mile nite transit thru fog and shipping lanes......Methinks we'll stay around the Channel Islands for some overnite adventures for a while, as they're only 12 miles or so, as the crow flys.....
So far, it's been a veritable Zoo here, and the party officially starts today!...Makin' a few trips ashore, but the dingy dock's a madhouse!!....We're sittin' on a great reef in 30 feet, and the fishes are everywhere........Even the ole Seadog's a watchin' o'er the rails!!..undoubtedly the most pirate flags I've seen in one spot, even if they be a stinkpotter's powertub!!.....
On a similar tack to 'Bess, ....In another life I came to California with a guitar slung over my shoulder....Man, everybody and their brother was a guitar player when I got here!!....That said, it was a long tough road eeking out a livin' as a professional guitarslinger, so....Personally, most everyone I run into is a 'hack' with a guitar,but...because learning is a lifelong path no matter what the venue, I also ran a jam session publicly to give all those 'hacks' somewhere to express themselves and move forward.....I'd seldom raise a critical voice on skill, mebbee comp or tone, but....'Tis the same with sailtraining....no one 'knows the ropes' when they step aboard.....keep an open mind and a closed trap, eh??
Cannons! Here is where you get em'
the Royaliste replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
Altho' I'd luv to 'make a buck', I don't recommend buying smaller iron swivel guns. The two foundries I deal with don't cast a liner in the iron swivels, necessitating a bore job by a machinist. The swivel I posted is actually high quality Naval bronze, without liner.(They darken up pretty fast at sea) The bore job on it was over 300 Yankee frogskins, and the guy's a friend of mine!..'Tis a grey area, the smaller guns. That said, the unbored iron swivels are very reasonable...Full size, Navy-type swivels are quite large,and weigh in at around 90 pounds or better a tube...The 32 inch carronade tubes aboard Royaliste weigh in at around 210 per tube, plus carriage. Without a doubt, the loudest, throatiest guns in the Tallship Challenge 2006...it's all about density in relation to bore length and diameter... -
Cannons! Here is where you get em'
the Royaliste replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
......And for those of you who cannot afford large bronze cannons, (we're talkin' thousands a tube, mates)....Tallship Royaliste deals in iron cannons. Any cannon you can buy from Dixie, etc. we'll sell for 10% less....'Proof tested' models right from the gundeck at much larger prices! -
Ahoy!..We've decided to make port for a while with the Tallship Royaliste Program 'afore we head to the Great Lakes for 2006...Now located in the Channel Islands Harbor in Ventura County, California, Royaliste is open to the public for free living history and artifact display at dockside and offering educational sail training adventures for groups of up to six. We now have access to all of the offshore southern islands, including Catalina, as well as many downstream locations for special events. I'll post a new addy for info, but we RR reachable as always thru either of RR websites... I dunno 'bout anywhere else in the country, but thar definitely be 'Pirates in these waters,' maytee's!!!! 'X' Marks the Spot!
Avast ye!..The first day 'o the fest seemed to go well, with lotsa vendors, pirates, and assorted ren faire types doin' wot they like to do!....Got another good earful from New Providence singing whilst we arrived, and stopped in at both the 'Tales' and PRP encampments..Didn't see as many familiar faces at the Rumrunners, but oh well!...Most likely, we'll head up again as soon as the public starts thinnin' here at the ship in harbor..(it's only 20 minutes away, with windy road traffic)......Now, where's the rum, eh??
***Looks up from chart table**** Hmm, plotted out, it looks ta be 'bout 28 miles WNW, but damned if'n I kin figgure out 'ow ta sail 'er there!!..... ***Looks at Hemi-powered Rumble Bee in parking lot next to the ship*** Hmmmm, mebbee 15 minutes if I step on 'er a little!!''...... ......returns to installin' new runnin' lights'......
Ahoy and Avast!...If'n ya 'ave a lot 'o spunk, this event's pretty much 'no holds barred', as anyone wot kin rent a bandana becomes a 'pirate for the weekend'!!!...We'll be repellin' boarders for sure! :) October 1-2 Wet 'n Wild on Catalina
Maaay-be we should bring the 'ole Seadog to 'show 'er the ropes' 'o being a real scally-wagger!......
Just a few more days, eh??..I may be pullin' 'Anchor Watch', but I'm sure if'n I don' make it, that SodaKat and a scallywag RR two from the crew will be goin' ashore for the afternoon!!...But I may find a way after the citizens 'ave settled down 'ere in the Harbor....
Aye, that I do. Me in-laws live in Anaslime (Anaheim), so I have a place to stow me gear and crew while there. Me current traveling mate is trying to figure out how to fly us in for Ojai. At this very moment, I am seriously considering it. :) If'n ye make it to Lake Casitas, then ye'd best be hikin' down the road a piece to the harbor, RR we'll be sendin' out the press gang!....Two more days 'til 'Talk Like a Pirate' day, eh??....Just remember to 'RRRR-tick-you-late!!!
Actually, we are doing dockside tours and living history interpretations at present, altho' the Spirit of Dana Point is doing a daysail Sunday..As far as the 'partying', we do a mighty fine job 'o that aboard ship; no need ta be goin' in to the spendy digs ashore!!
Ahoy, there, maytee!!...The Channel Islands Harbor be the 'waterside' 'o Oxnard, a wee bit up North and a point RR two West of your position....Dana Point was fun, but a might difficult for access due to the raft-up....Nice Little side tie 'ere, and the Spirit 'o Dana Point just tssed out docklines....... ROYALISTE Layin' Siege to the Channel Islands....
Aye, 'Bess!! We're in front of the Whale's Tale and the 'Port Royal'..thar be a tee-shaped dock betwixt 'em on the water, Sat and Sun. the Spirit of Dana Point is also here, but they'll be bookin' back home after the event, and we'll still be 'ere!....(gotta head north Tues. to see the sawbones for a post-op and swap starters for the ship)....Then back in time for Ojai....And, not tooo long 'til Buccaneer Days at Catalina!!!...Yaaa-Hooo!!!
Ahoy and Avast!...If'n any 'o you scurvey dogs RR lookin' fer somewhere to 'Talk Like a Pirate' on Monday, then Head on o'er to the Channel Islands Harbor, and in front 'o the Whale's Tale' restaraunt, you'll find the Pyrate Ship Royaliste..Hop aboard, give it your best piratal oration, and the first 50 will get a free 'Royaliste Tattoo'......Yaarrgh, mates, be there or be 'normal'...(jeesh!) ROYALISTE Layin' Siege to the Channel Islands....