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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Here's the lastest addition to our historical collection on public display; most likey private contract from the Great Lakes and NE privateers... We've added two figure eight India-made cutlass' for combat at dockside shows....
  2. Tallship Royaliste and crew is on the West Coast(Oxnard) 'till May 1, then off to the Great Lakes and East Coast. W have a film in April for around a week, and three weekends of Battle Sails. Start early for 'boats', as most have educational programs that filming tends to 'interfere' with....Should you need heavy armor (cannons) we will rent also. All contact information is listed on our website.
  3. Kewl!...Sure, bring the 'ole fiddle along!
  4. Sorry I missed these Q's, 'twas out lookin' for whales, and the seas were runnin', well, BIG. Bos'n...Royaliste IS headin' close to you in the upcoming winter,but..we aren't planning the Gulf Coast until after Tallships Challenge 2007, and even that is subject to change being so far out as far as dates. That might change if we don't see a way to make a chest full 'o dubloons during PIP.Then, we'd do the Gulf for part of the winter. Coastie...This one's epic; I'll post the flyer we are sending around, but basically, we are doing the Great Lakes each way, the St. Lawrence to the Richelieu, Lake Champlain, the Hudson, Delaware Bay, Chesapeake, and ICW. We are hauling her to the lakes, and on the hull for the nextseveral trips, most likely doing the canal if we head west for '08. Royaliste' former owner is putting up another privateer schooner, so we may start doing period battles on the lakes and rivers east.... Ahoy and Avast! Privateer!, a 501 © 3 living history non-profit organization, is proud to announce that the Tallship Royaliste, a gaff-rigged, square tops'l ketch rigged as a colonial privateer, will be cruising many new waters for 2006-2007. After a very enriching 2005 season on the U.S. West Coast, we have decided to actively campaign the privateer/pirate ship throughout North America and the Carribean.Beginning in May, we will decommission the ship in the Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard California, and ship her in pieces to the Upper Midwest, most likely Cleveland Oh.,or Buffalo, NY..After recommissioning the gunboat, she will participate in the ASTA Tallship Challenge 2006 crossing the Great Lakes, culminating in Chicago. We will then do select engagements on our way back across the 'Lakes, into Canada, and onward to the NY Canal System. At this point, we will unstep the masts,transit the canal,restep, re-rig, and proceed to Lake Champlain for the historic reenactment of the Battle of Plattsburgh. This will mark Royaliste' return to Lake Champlain, and a possibly epic campaign down the Hudson River. Proceeding south, we will enter the C&D Canal, and transit Chesapeake Bay. Due to Royaliste' 6' draught, and ability to drop her topmasts easily, we will then attempt a dramatic voyage down the Intercoastal Waterway to Florida for the remainder of the year. 2007 will see Royaliste entering the ASTA Tallships Challenge 2007 racing from Florida northward to New England. Little is on paper yet for this event, so suffice to say that the calendar will change some as events are coordinated. Tallship Royaliste is a living history interpretation/reenactment vessel first and foremost, unlike many vessels that 'fit the part' when the time is right. We enjoy period sail-training, mock battle sails, and historic dockside tours complete with an extensive, 'floating artifact museum'. We prefer to exhibit artifacts from the Great Age of Sail, with an emphasis on privateering, trade, whaling, and of course, piracy! Any parties interested in a stopover by Tallship Royaliste, be it for educational interpretation, battle reenactments, daysails, dockside tours, fundraisers, or just plain gorgeous 'ambience' in your harbor, are encouraged to contact us regarding the upcoming season. With a hope to see you on the 'high seas', fair winds, Tallship Royaliste www.PrivateerInc.org and www.theRoyaliste.com
  5. Ahoy Lass!..W'd luv ta have ye aboard again, 'specially since RR departure to points East be loomin' on the horizon...Here's the booking number, and if'n that don't work(they could be full, but methinks not), email me and we'll make it work!...p.s. good on ya for the history gig! Book your space on board, call toll Free: 1-866-446-5969
  6. The March dates in Oxnard are confirmed, and it looks like Feb. 24-25 in Santa Barbara also...For those of you who have sailed aboard during a battle sail, well...I've got nearly a hunnert pounds 'o powder I'd just as soon shoot up as ship east!..... ROYALISTE Blastin' RR way East!..Aye!
  7. Aye, Rumba, I agree with you wholeheartedly, but..seems to be the style someplaces...as far as here in Oxnard, with our rather 'decibel-exceeding' reputation, I'll pretty much guarantee we'll be 'outside' toe-to toe, depending on who is skipperin' aboard Lynx at the time. ; 'specially since the gendarmes and I have an 'accord' on firin' in-harbor since last years Tallships event. We've had some exceptionally lively exchanges from Northern CA. to Southern CA. in the last year or two.....downright obscene a few times( I especially liked the 'Royaliste sandwich' in San Diego...Californian><Royaliste><Lynx
  8. Ahoy and Avast, ya scabborous dogs!.....We might just team up with Lynx as she heads south again in March...4-5, and 11-12...If so, these'll be the last Battle Sails of Tallship Royaliste 'afore she heads east for years....If you've an interest in sailing or crewing for the more experienced, I wouldn't be missin' it, maytees, if'n ye git my drift :)
  9. Jeesh!...And they say I'm a Bloody pirate!!....Quite a pile 'o dubloons for a pair 'o 'org's' that had a verbal stand against piracy until we sailed south last year! Let's see, last year, we delivered minimum six rounds per guest, from five guns...lessee whatcha get for your money;..keep me posted, eh?...
  10. Seems a few eastern intermediaries are doin' the email thing in regards to our appearance this fall...Just added Crown Point, NY, and feelers are out to Annapolis...chartin' southbound coordinates, surely!......
  11. Bohol is excellent..........
  12. The crane and rigging company I retired from kept me busy in Saipan, the Philippines, Maylasia, and Indonesia. You guys are friggin' crazy!!...Saipan is overrun with brown vipers; ya can't sit down without findin' one outside of military complexes fences....Imagine Cebu with a viper everywhere that there's presently a beer bottle cap laying
  13. Hmm, with a small budget, you might skip Gray's Harbor; they generally don't want to interrupt their educational programs, as their owner, Les Bolton stated in the recent ASTA conference. Hawaiian Chieftain will be in the yard hauled out in Cabo by Feb., Lady Washington is in Ed. mode in Central Ca. then. If in doubt, call 'em, as suggested by the above non-Tallship owner.. We are available, just finished 'True Carribean Pirates' for the History Channel with Lady Washington, Pilgrim, and Spirit. However, we're 'harbor-hopping' from Oxnard to San Diego the last week of Jan. and then transiting back from San Diego to Oxnard the first week in Feb., and we have another pirate documentary filming in April..If interested, timing would be essential, but we're sailing the coast in that period...One thing to consider is that there really aren't any vessels readily available that would resemble the Hispanola.. In the great era of pirate flicks, many old hulks were raised, and sunk again, never more to be seen..Click on any link in my signature, or....CLICK HERE OR HERE!
  14. We are in the beautiful Channel Islands Harbor near Oxnard/Port Huenme, at the Sportfishing dock...half hour upstream from Malibu, eh?....4151 S. Victoria...Most always around, altho we'll be sailin' to San Diego at the end of the month, then harbor-hopping back up here..Takin' my granddaughter to the Zoo by way 'o pyrate ship!.....
  15. well mate, as long as we stay solid below the waterline, and the Perkins doesn't give up the ghost, we'll make the Keys..As far as the lakes, we're booked from Chicago, Ill. to Plattsburgh, NY already, so...see ya on the 'fresh water'! Presently studying the guides for the ICW....not much sailin' from the sound of it, but hellacious scenery!
  16. Aye, Tori!....He's quite a little comedian, Lafitte is!...Mebbee in a few years we'll have some eggs aboard; 'tis an ultimate goal to try and produce little pirate parrots under sail :) We keep 'em side by side, but it is never a given trying to 'pair up' parrots..They like each other, but both being babies, we have to really watch them beaking each other... RUMBA!.....that's why we raise 'em to fingers and forearms, not shoulders; too many nice body parts to munch on from up there!..Hope it heals well, (my nose never does!).....
  17. It'll be a week or two 'till the new carronades are called 'finished'..(heck, they are shippin' the tubes this week!)..five weeks overdue from the factory (they didn't like the first two they cast this time, as they are well informed on the fact that we fire the bloody hell out of 'em)..We,ve gone thru four digital cameras this year, so...I'm now reliant on others for photo's, as another isnt on my horizon..We'll get a few new pic's soon....Unfortunately, we're under legal orders not to publish anything from the recent 'True Pirates of the Carribean' History Channel filming.The folks at A&E don' have much of a sense of humour, eh?
  18. Well, we have it on our 'calendar', so to speak, but that said, we've around six thousand or so sea miles, all of the Great Lakes twice, the NY Canal System, and the entire eastern seaboard to cross..Not merely a plane ticket for us!.....But, if you land, and see square sails on the horizon, and a pair 'o RR's, back to back....
  19. Aye, I'm still prowlin' the Pacific!...In Channel Islands, but we were at the Institute last month filming('twas us who recommended their vessels to the History Channel)....Sailin' down that way at the end of this month, and first of Feb.(me eldest daughter, granddaughter, and son in law'll be crewin' for their vacation)....We'd consider comin' down, but it'd take an invite, and the Institute dealt our insurance carrier bonkers recently....Also, betwixt the two of 'em, they kin muster I think three guns, and I'm an eight gun boat now...(mountin' two new six pounders this week, with really spendy purpleheart wood carriages.)..Shipping Royaliste to the Great Lakes May 1....Royaliste' former owner, and me pyrate'n' crony, will be launching a replica of a rather famous French Privateer, 'Le Revenant', hopefully in time for the summer's 'Tallships Challenge', and I'm gonna loan 'im half 'o me guns so's he kin be a fair match, then...well, two mean little privateers cruizin' the Eastern region, lookin' for trouble, eh?
  20. Sounds like fun!!...Unfortunately for us simple seamen, my ship won't be in that area until around October....Maybe the next year, as we start from Florida northbound.......
  21. I'm a wee bit confused, mate.....It seems by description, you are seeking something like an 'all periods' ''Faire"(vendors, food, stage) as compared to a living history interpretation (cooking on the ground, the world is a stage)....Might be a hard sell until a more image-presenting description emerges........Good luck, tho'........
  22. Good on ya, mate!...Nothin' better 'n livin'your history, eh?...If you decide to go the slow match route,(heck, can't beat the aroma therapy!)..The longer you soak the cord in the gunpowder/water mix, and the drier you get it after, the better it works!...Enjoy...We do! ROYALISTE Headed East, Lookout's Aloft.....
  23. I guess by purchasing a period privateering vessel under contract to the Canadian War Museum, I'm guilty on this count. Because of the popularity of 'fantasy pirates' for the general public, we've allowed a huge amount of the commercial stuff, but with black powder and a mainsheet in hand originally came I. Once the citizens get over the 'glimmer', we do have a credible living history and artifacts education onboard. New applicants for the next two years aboard mostly run the gammut of 'history buffs', not movie freaks......
  24. Seven Iron Cannon. six are U.S. carronades, one long gun. one naval bronze swivel, numerous 1" bore weapons. Live fire accuracy in the 800-1200 yard range (as good as our binoculars) projectiles cast cyclindrical cement. At our rate of fire, you would be bankrupt trying to fire iron or lead. An occaisional adventure in grapeshot(lead) 2 more swivels in the works.
  25. Hmm, in my life, I've had many of both monkeys and parrots; aboard ship, 'hands down', it be parrots, as seen here Ship's Parrots
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