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willie wobble

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Everything posted by willie wobble

  1. once again the wobble encampment will be there just look for the cross of st. George flag NW side behind traders row, with over 1000 campers its a great event. the previous videos are good . im starting to pack the truck now ill be there for the whole week if any of the crew make it over stop by me camp for some wobble juice
  2. This year's Pirate Gathering is scheduled for November 8 -10, 2013 in downtown historic St. Augustine on Francis Field. Thieves Market for Pirate Shopping, as well as a Kids Play Area and let's not forget the Drop Anchor Tavern for liquid refreshments. Friday night drink specials and Pub Crawl. Buccaneer Bash is held Saturday evening - this is a ticketed event for pirates 21 and over - tickets available online at www.PirateGathering.com Black Powder weapons demonstrations daily. Pirate Battle will be held on Saturday and Sunday at noon, combatants must pre-register. Living History encampment and demonstrations all weekend. Live entertainment with Rusty Cutlass, The Bawdy Boys, The Craic Band and For Love or Money to name a few. Just a "buck-an-ear" will get you in the gates !
  3. This year's Pirate Gathering is scheduled for November 8 -10, 2013 in downtown historic St. Augustine on Francis Field. Thieves Market for Pirate Shopping, as well as a Kids Play Area and let's not forget the Drop Anchor Tavern for liquid refreshments. Friday night drink specials and Pub Crawl. Buccaneer Bash is held Saturday evening - this is a ticketed event for pirates 21 and over - tickets available online at www.PirateGathering.com Black Powder weapons demonstrations daily. Pirate Battle will be held on Saturday and Sunday at noon, combatants must pre-register. Living History encampment and demonstrations all weekend. Live entertainment with Rusty Cutlass, The Bawdy Boys, The Craic Band and For Love or Money to name a few. Just a "buck-an-ear" will get you in the gates !
  4. if you are planning on doing a period encampment there is no need to pre register find me when ya get there . but i WILL need to know who is comming and tent and or fly size so i can lay out the field. set up is thursday nov 7 any time ya get there and take down is sunday afternoon stay thirsty my friends ,W.W. www.pirategathering.com
  5. until
    Pirate Festival on Francis Field in downtown historic St Augustine. Pirate Battle on Saturday and Sunday at noon. Living History encampment on the field all weekend, Buccaneer Bash (Ball) on Saturday night, see website for more details www.piorategathering.com
  6. Aye Jim, you've already passed. the Oar house would be a great addition to the camp
  7. Aye John , the encampment will be on st Francis field, period correct canvas just like we do for searles or drakes raid with a battle on the field saturday and sunday. buccaneer bash saturday night and live music all weekend from the Bawdy boys ,Craic, Rusty Cuttlass,and FOR LOVE OR MONEY
  8. nov 8-10 www.pirategathering.com if ye gots any other questions. ill be running the period encampment, if any one wants to camp contact me. disregard the previous post it was 3:30 in the am ,was too sleepy
  9. november 8-10-,www.pirategathering.com
  10. Greetings from the Officers and Crew of Searle’s Buccaneers! THE SACK OF ST. AUGUSTINE is fast approaching and we hope you plan to join us this year! Encampment Set up of the 17th century encampment at The Fountain of Youth begins Thursday 12:00pm February 28th. Camping will be permitted Thursday night through Saturday night, with breakdown and clean up beginning Sunday morning. There are bathroom and shower facilities onsite. Registration Everyone will be required to sign in at the registration tent in order to participate in the weekend’s festivities. There is a mandatory $10 registration fee. This will help offset the increasing cost of supplies (firewood, food, gunpowder, hay, etc.) needed to put on this event. This year The Fountain of Youth has asked that all participants sign a liability waiver form. Please be sure to stop by the registration tent once you get your camp setup. Appropriate 17th century tents only please. Event Schedule Friday evening will feature a downtown procession of Spanish soldiers, followed by a weapons demonstration at the redoubt near the old city gates, with dinner and jollification to follow. You will need to bring your own feast gear with you. None will be provided. The encampment will be open to the public from 9am to 3pm Saturday March 1st at The Fountain of Youth. Pike and shot drill in the morning following the general camp meeting, combined arms drill in the early afternoon. Muster in the front parking lot at 4:00pm to board the trolley for downtown. The trolley leaves promptly at 4:15pm for downtown. Jollification and dinner will be back at The Fountain of Youth encampment. Vehicles in the campsite Vehicles will be allowed in camp throughout the day on Thursday for setup. We ask that your vehicle be moved to the outer areas of the camping site by sunset Thursday. If at all possible please have your vehicle moved to the parking lot as soon as you unload your gear. On Friday vehicles will be let into the camping area for offloading purposes only. Your vehicle will then need to be moved to the proper parking area. The camp will be closed to vehicles on Friday night after the parade (8:00pm). This will ensure that all participants will have an authentic feel for the 17th century atmosphere that the Searle's Buccaneers officers and crew are attempting to portray. There will be no vehicles allowed to park overnight in the camping area on Friday. There will be no vehicles allowed on site form Friday 8:00pm until 6:00am Sunday morning. This means that if you arrive on Saturday, regardless of the time, your vehicle will not be allowed into the camp site. We can help you carry your equipment into camp via the walkway bridge located in the back parking lot of the Fountain of Youth (back by the condos). The gate to allow access to the site will be locked during the above mentioned times. Please see one of the event organizers if there is an emergency or call 904-534-6168. Those with the proper handicap identification will be allowed access to the site at all times. Please contact one of the event organizers if you have any questions about the above stated policies. Participation Guidelines Your participation in this event is at the discretion of the officers of Searle’s Buccaneers. Grievances will be adjudicated on a case by case basis (clothing, weapons, etc.), using the rules set forth by the Rules committee and officers of Searle’s Buccaneers. Any rule not specifically covered will be handled by ad hoc committee. Rules can be found on the searlesbucs.com website and at the registration tent. Again thank you for your understanding in these matters. The men of Searle’s buccaneers wish that everyone has the most complete 17th century experience as possible. Your Obedient Servants, Captain William Kunze & Leftenant Jeff Johnson Delete ReplyReply ForwardSpamMovePrint Actions NextPrevious
  11. this years sack on st Augustine is march 1-3 the web site is somewhat updated www.searlesbucs.com ill try to post more soon , im headed to key west in an hour
  12. fellow decemberists lets all celebrate with a toast and a song from the Decemberists Mariners Revenge
  13. Aye, your kit is fine for the gathering
  14. Yes in past years there has been period camping but the city has closed that downas well as the Tabernia, there is modern trailer camp at the west end of the field but a permit from the city is needed. www.pirategathering.com/ capt. William and i just did sword,knife fighting class last week for the event ,and didn't hvae to visit the hospital afterwards Oscar henry if you have any questions im the next town over. stay thirsty my Friends, W.W.
  15. Anita have you found your Quarters yet , if not contact me i may have a line on it for you. W.W.
  16. The crew of Searles Buccaneers will be at the Orlando Science Ctr www.osc.org saturday 9/15 , 9am -4 for there anual Pirate Week . we will be on the second floor with our display and firing cannons on the deck. any one is welcome to join us dressed out just tell the parking garage and the entrance you are with Searles Buccaneers to get in free and parking. after that Capt. William has open house for any and everyone that would like to stop by or stay for the evening .1106 Rainbow Dr. Orlando fla. around 9pm we will head down to the Belle Isle Yacht pub (4 blocks away) 7521 S. Orange Ave . to sing Sea Shantys with the Rusty Cutlass at this cool little pub and bring ye mug for special grog!!! your welcome to come by for all or part, space is some what limited at the captians house but we'll fit ya in RSVP capt William 1-407-272-7674 ( he may answer his phone) Willie Wobble 1-321-266-1333
  17. row row your boat , gently down the stream..........
  18. wes ,if your coat is a 46 that means the pants would be b'out 38-40 ?
  19. Cuisto , when and what airport are ye comming to? are ye planning to camp at the fountian of youth or in town?
  20. Happy HooYa, sweetness
  21. Its getting closer and im getting excited as i hear more behind the seans events for the Raid on st Augustine this year , an xtra event in town friday night at the Tabernia D'gallo and the battle Saturday night and many other things camping at fountian of youth across the inlet where Robert Searles back in 1665 came into to raid the city its going to be a great event this year if ye can try to make it , I see there is many o'l friends and new ones comming from all over the U.S . Hope to see Ye ,Willie Wobble
  22. White Sox and Tennis Shoes TOO!!!
  23. It's This Weekend Friday - Sunday
  24. its not till this weekend for day visitors , I just don't have the time to camp this week
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