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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. No, that's a coat filled with a suicidal maniac, charging the enemy with no hope of success.
  2. I have read somewhere that the first to board a prize was often given first pick of captured weapons, over and above the normal share of plunder. The captain of a rich merchant might have such pistols and therefore they might come into the possession of a pyrate. But even then, it's not what he would carry into battle and would probably sell for cash ashore. This, however, is speculation. I cannot recall a reference to any common pyrate having such in his possession.
  3. You forgot your musket. You know you think too much about pyracy when you know what someone left out of the picture. Will you be bringing this kit to PiP?
  4. As I recall, Capt. Rusty Wild Rice will be bringing a pulling boat as well.
  5. Aye, a pistol first. Shoot the bastard and then take his cutlass. And the pistol he was foolish enough not to use.
  6. Musket drill, battlefield style Here we have some folks who do this for a living. Note the recoil. Those are indeed live rounds, smoothbore. Not that I'm disagreeing with Enigma, just that there may have been other ways of skinning the cat. I prefer the "push the paper with the ball" method. Edit: While paper was thicker for books, paper for newsprint was still thinner than most fabric. Also, the paper of that time, especially the thinner stock, contained a high content of rag (cotton, silk, linen and other fibers from waste cloth) fibers that made it much "softer" but stronger as well.
  7. Mates ye be underestimatin' the ladies: they could not only steal the boat but have those poor souls happy to deliver it, too.
  8. Actually, Blackjohn has it right: the paper of the cartridge acts as a "paper patch" when loading in a period correct manner from cartridges, keeping the ball from rolling out. Patches are for those who don’t roll their own. Edit: Newsprint is .003" +/- 5%, much thinner than the .015 patch. I will go out on a limb and speculate that the "folds and edges" in a ripped open paper cartridge would serve as springs to press agains the sides of the barrel, causing much less friction than a patch. Just speculating mind you. Related (sort of): I recommend the movie Jamaica Inn, 1939, Alfred Hitchcock, Charles Laughton, Robert Newton and introducing Maureen O’Hara. Good costume flick but the characters are shown loading their pistols (repeatedly) in the very manner described by Blackjohn. And who says Hollywood never gets it right.
  9. Of course 'twas all in fun. If you didn't need to market to a wider audience I'd say use a rum bottle. After all it's also something that we pyrates are familiar with.
  10. That is beginning to be the most photographed cottage cheese container in history. The company should be putting up advertising money.
  11. I can build them. As I don't want to spend an unholy ammount, they would be glued up and painted. I'm thinking about 10-12 feet, blades 10-11 inches by two feet. Perhaps a square loom-and-pin instead of oarlocks. Ash if I could get it.
  12. Perhaps a rename to the "Harry S."? Who was Bernie B? There may be a story there. As for restoration work, we definitely need someone a bit more local than I, though I would love to do the work. I may be able to knock off some oars though. I'll need accurate measurements for beam and freeboard and knowing the length would help. Will the oarsmen need to sit side-by-side or is there room to stagger them? Will there be wooden oarlocks or bronze “pintle” type locks? Also I could do the tiller/rudder. For that I will need the transom height and some idea of how deep we want the rudder to go. Filling in the motor well is a must. As for mast/sails does anyone have the originals, photographs or drawings? Still, for the sake of expediency and cost, going for oars and passing on sails for now is probably the best idea unless there is someone very local and knowledgeable. Lastly, and not to rain on the parade, you do know that the boat is OOP in a big way, right?
  13. Let's do the math. .490 + (.015 x 2) = .520. Now .520 isn't going in a .500 hole. Note the (.015 x2) which is the total thickness of the patch on both sides of the bullet. So you probably need to drop to a smaller ball, thinner patches, ungreased patches or some combination of the above. Not owning a Pedersoli, I don't have a recipe for you but some in the Pub might.
  14. Wait, wait, wait....Historically accurate gear without repeatedly sticking your finger with sharpened steel? Not right, just not right... Looks good though, you heathen... OK, jealousy rant over.
  15. Let me guess: your photographer is a headsman for the King.
  16. Capt. Gage, my friend, it is quite impossible for us to insult this sort of invertebrate life-form as nothing that we can imagine is low enough, your eloquence notwithstanding. Now would some moderator roll this troll to the door?
  17. I think that Tattershall Arms makes "Apostles" , but those were out of use by the GAoP.
  18. We may just have to add a skirmish to the list of events: Fops vs. Tars.
  19. What an agreeable lot of pyrates we have here. I always find it amazing how when a group of people united in a common goal start thinking ahead it usually results in an organic governing structure that is both effective and unobtrusive. This is especially true when the common goal benefits all equally, in this case to just have a fun and safe time a-pyratin'.
  20. For those of you wishing to learn the fretless banjo or make the switch to fretless, here is a web site with a little trick to help you transition. Also, it contains the mathematical formula to calculate fret position, should you want to put frets on your gourd.
  21. I have to say I kind of like that one. I can't speak to the authenticity of the design but it is a great way to give a nod to the movies without being too overt about it. Just slip one or two of those into the mismatched buttons on your well-used coat and subtlety is served. Or maybe one as a hat button.
  22. Aye, we know how the battles turn out, but not how they are going to go. A couple of us will control the line and keep it safe while directing traffic..er I mean troops...to the right place at the right time.
  23. And don't just read them and "think" about it: read them out loud. By the time you finish Johnson, you'll sound very period, indeed. In fact you may find yourself having trouble communicating on a daily basis. You'll end up posting back here complaining that no one understands you anymore...
  24. What, now we have to start a Fop Thread? A Lisp List?
  25. Aye, we wouldna' want the wee sharks to choke.
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