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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Just found this on E-Bay. I can't afford this but I'm so going to clip the pictures. E-Bay page
  2. Good Lord almighty let's not be giving Patrick any more ideas.
  3. Or the first Gag!! Now you know why there were no flying insects reported...
  4. I found this while rumaging about in Flickr. Our own Patrick Hand.
  5. A good way to determine the method would be to "reverse engineer" the method, first by obtaining an accurate period depiction of the Thames and any warfage that existed then. Determine tidal range. Assume a deeper channel than exists today (less flood control = deeper natural channel). If the warfage for the deeper ships was in the tidal area, assume some help from the natural reversal of flow. Are there any mentions of tow roads next to the river? Many canals in Upstate NY have have roads for mules to tow barges far inland. The same could have been used on the Thames. Written records? Naval accounts?
  6. That is my question exactly..WHERE!? A frame like one of those might make me spring for a full Don Maitz portrait. And I have a room that would not be overwhelmed by such. In short, I WANT ONE! Nice one, John, I had to laugh at that...
  7. Sometimes I think that William was a member of the Spanish Inquisition in another life. Downright diabolical, he is.
  8. I just had to post this somewhere. Never mind the portrait of Richards as a pirate, just look at the frame. I did notice, however, that the lock on the left gun (as one faces the frame) in on backwards. Otherwise, excellent. Does anyone know where who made the frame? EDIT: OK, found the artist, Paul Karslake, Ron Wood's Brother-in-law. And yet another cool frame! Who makes these things?
  9. The Victoria of Duxbury is for sale. Less than $900,000. This is the epitome of class on the water, a boat I have seen once in person and coveted ever since.
  10. Yes, looking at all of those entombed cannons is enough to make you weep. Sure, they're out of period but what noisemakers!
  11. Still got 'em. They're good. Perhaps I'll post an update in random topics. On the other hand, perhaps this is the right place: their father is a weasel and their mother is a rat...did I say that out loud?
  12. Not my fault..it was the only picture I could find of angry weasels and I didn't have the time to photoshop. Still, very funny.
  13. And insult the weasels? No way.
  14. Having looked at the "Down and Dirty" rat that everyone thinks is so adorable this morning, I believe that it is a weasel. See, rats really do get no love.
  15. A fop rat. Or are you more like this: Or more down and dirty: Nope, this is you:
  16. Ratatouille! Made with real rats!
  17. I've always thought of you as an immoral Pyrate. And so are we all!
  18. I'm always on the lookout for females wearing minimum garb, standard...
  19. My, but you're greedy. You set a good pyraty example.
  20. Agreed. Go with it.
  21. Mary, I must say that you have a great perceptiveness regarding this matter. I cannot speak for everyone, of course, but there is something about putting on the 'right articles of clothing' to make one behave towards the proper mind set/time period/persona. Absolutely. It has been said that clothes do not make the man, but I submit that it helps immensely. Further, I will extend that to include not just costuming but our daily dress as well. A nation that dresses like slobs will act accordingly. Damn, you've uncovered one of my soapbox subjects. *Kicks soapbox back under mouldy tarp* Um...what were we talking about?
  22. I can't spell fer sh...um...shoe buckles either. TGFSC (Thank God For SpellCheck) So, you're a lass. C'est la vie, say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell. And on the 'net, keeping that to yourself is probably a good thing. Billy is often on location and sometimes doesn't check in for stretches at a time, so don't take offense. And the e-bay sword is, as Iron Bess said, a wall-hanger, best viewed from over ten feet away. Keep looking, $200 will buy you a very serviceable smallsword.
  23. One of my favorite lines from a movie is from "Out of Africa." As yet another disaster befalls the heroine, her servant observes that "God is happy, Sabu. He plays with us." Capt. Jim: Making God happy since 1957.
  24. Anyone "only 16" that uses capitalization and punctuation in online posts will definitely be welcome. OK, so its a pet peve of mine. As for swords, some of the not-real replicas, especially the licensed movie replicas, can cost as much as the real thing, so shop around. And welcome aboard, lad.
  25. Thanks. I will never pleat another ribbon on a brim. It has 36 pleats, each with two tack stitches. OK, maybe I will, but I'm going to make the pleats longer.
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