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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. She seeks him here She seeks him there BriarRose seeks him everywhere Is he in Heaven or Is he in Hell That damned elusive Pimpernel But it is not just a dashing hero but a red flower: And also the root for the word "Pimp": Etymology: 17c: possibly related to French pimpant well-dressed or smart, from French pimper to dress smartly.
  2. "Pyrates of the Internet"...has a certain ring to it, no?
  3. You posted during an edit..I thought I had you!
  4. Ooohhh! Busted in the boxers...you wouldn't be an on-air newscaster, by any chance? I hear they often work without pants. By the way, Chris, you missed the naked lady on the wall behind him...Hmmmm?
  5. Good picture, mate. Is that grey I see in that beard, or just a trick of the light?
  6. Congratulations.
  7. That's it...I'm going to sell the kids so I have time for more pyraty fun... What do you think I can get for them on Ebay? Kidding, kidding...
  8. As usual, outstanding.
  9. Callenish, I have seen a few purveyors who held the weapons until the close of day or fest and then delivered or shipped. Another way around is to "display" a piece, sell it, take it home and ship from there. I mean, we are all going to be armed to the teeth anyway, what's a few more weapons? Also, I remember a sword dealer there my first year. I'm sure there is a work-around or solution somewhere.
  10. I waited to post until I got a "feel" for it. Verdict: It looks more professional, more like a museum presentation than a fan- or enthusiast-based web site. I think that it will be taken more seriously as a result, by those who are looking for such things. I like it.
  11. That's good, Patirck. May we all grow into the people that our dogs think we are.
  12. Actually, the eye (proper term, I think) in the French boarding axes are rectangular in shape. I don't know how early on the French adopted this practice or if the English ever produced a rectangular eye. The image below is the best I can find at this time: note the flat sides and the corners at the back of the eye. At any rate, just passing on the observation.
  13. A Victorian era EIC mark: still looking for something earlier. You might want to Google or library search "merchant's marks", as it appears that many merchants had private marks at that time.
  14. I thought I smelled something familiar and foul. Good ta’ see you about again. An account of yer absence is in order lad. Accomplished something useful, I hope.
  15. I just couldn't resist, Mate.
  16. ...but only in the back, dear...'e seems ta be gainin in the front since you showed up...
  17. Damn. Proximity handicap. Damn.
  18. It went at $800. Just a tad more than I want to spend.
  19. Get creative, ya dock wallopin' lubbers! Take two pictures and apply Photoshop! Then you can all be in the same place at the same time when you're not. Weekend one, have everyone pose to the left of a fixed object and on week two have them all pose on the right. Just don't have anyone from week one in the second "to be 'Shopped" picture. Or put em in and confuse everyone.
  20. Chole.......walk..... Nah... that don't work..... OK..... Ditch th' coffee house, and hitch hike....... Maybe that don't work also...... But there's gotta be someway you can get down there............. Get yourself and what you can carry down there. A place to stay and things to do will present thmeselves.
  21. Let us assume he got the weapons during the escape, and was not allowed arms while incarcerated.
  22. No worrys, mate. Now get yerself well.
  23. But I don't have a purse....... I keep me coins in me pocket...... That m'dear... is called *Fish'n*.... Hmmm...Fly fishin fer trouser trout? Damn, this thread has gone all gutter on us.
  24. Bring 'em. It'll be like having 50 surrogate parents watching them, all armed with cutlass and pistol. Just keep them out of the pub late...
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