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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Ah, Captain Sterling's House of Secrets...
  2. What? No picture? Go here.
  3. Aye, and he takes out an incoming keg of fused gunpowder by shooting his ramrod at it after first heating the end red-hot in the fire. It would seem that their BP man has done reenacting and knows that it is possible to do so or perhaps worked on Patriot where a ramrod was accidentally shot on the set.
  4. and don't forget about the nightie or the sheepskin, ye have to warn a number of the guys as well...just ask Bilgemunky And this is the guy who wants to organize a "Ghost Hunting" expedition. Into the dark reccesses of the fort. Yeah, right. Hush now, Sterling, or no one will want to show up...
  5. She did post a photo of herself. See this thread. (Now, if you'd visit us more regularly, you'd know that. ) if'n ya cant find it there...i have a blown up poster hangin in our shop at work...... that didn't sound creepy.... ....did it??... Jessi, avoid this man. Avoid him at all costs. He'll say something about arresting you in the name of the King, blah, blah, blah...the number of wenches that I've had to warn about the Beach boys...
  6. ...and their name is Jim. Hey, wait! I'm only one guy! I back-nominate Mission as the second.
  7. A sail! A new ship on the horizon. Watch out for that Maddogge fellow: he's a captain of Marines and a Pyrate hunter. Of course being captain of marines isn't as good as being a Pyrate captain. Generally it means he never learned how to sail...dock-wallopin' landlubber he is...
  8. Welcome aboard, mate. Like readin' do ye? Well pur yer feet up and peruse all the infoplunder gathered here over the years. That'll keep you busy fer a while. I especially recommend Captain Twill for historical information and discussion.
  9. Anyone who can be a hero to a small child, even for a little while, is a hero to me. Bravo for taking the time.
  10. I've got a belt knife, a wooden fork and a horn spoon. I'm set on cutlery. Bring on the Food!
  11. PiP is, if nothing else, a very flexible venue. When we get there I am sure that we will all work it out together. 'Tis that sort of place. Nice collection of serving pieces.
  12. Order a gun from Callenish, have him bring it to PiP, show up and learn how to use it while living the life of a pyrate. Simple.
  13. Intentionally left blank...like my head...
  14. Typical. Caption writer most likely not a historian of any sort.
  15. First figure out yer menu... Rhum and cooked animals works for me...a spud or two...throw in something green if you have it. No, not something green from the bottom of Maddogge's pot, if you don't mind. Hey, next year you could plan on salt beef and peas. Every meal, every day. Real sailor food.
  16. My condolences Lily, Edward. I know words aren't really worth much at a time like this so I'll just say that you are in my thoughts as I am sure the memory of your father is in yours. Keep in mind that no one ever really passes on as long as therr memory lives on in your heart. Fair winds, mates.
  17. Then you must set 'em really low...
  18. Aye, swivels are small cannon, but they are full size nonetheless. So, ye can buy a swivel for $700 or a full six pounder for $10,000. If ye want to get into the game, full size, swivels are the way in. Now Grey Dog has a nice pedestal for his gun (a very nice pedestal given the others that I have seen), but why not a section of the deck and rail? A section about 3-4 feet long?
  19. Aye, touching off a pound of BP would have a tendency to make one a bit nervous until you get used to the idea. Speaking of nervous, does anyone here magnaflux or x-ray their barrels on a regular basis as part of an ongoing maintenence and inspection program? Do you know of anyone who does?
  20. I can understand why you won't allow live fire at the Fort: where would you aim? Unless you fired directly into a dirt mound (and what fun is that?) there is no place, including offshore, that you could point it without the possibility of hitting something not designated as a target. I can see the headline now: "Yesterday, two miles off Key West, a small sailbaot was dismasted under mysterious circumstances. 'There was this whistle, a crack and a splash and the mast just fell to the deck...and there was no one anywhere near us...'"
  21. Belay the scrub brushes and break out the grog lest we start treatin' ye like a dock wallopin' land lubber. 'Tis customary to buy a round fer the house when ye come aboard. Ye can scrub later...
  22. Welcome aboard, mate!
  23. Aye, 'tis Harry we're workin' with! What can go wrong will go wrong but we adapt to it so fast no one notices.
  24. Grand! Any other takers? I'm assuming Mission in the gibbet? Patrick might be easier, say, earlier in the morning...dibs on his sword and blunderbuss this time.
  25. And not enough teachers willing to take the time to go that extra distance to help the kids that are interested... especially if it means staying after school... If no child gets ahead, then no child is left behind...there's honesty there, you just have to fill in the missing words.
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