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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Just like in 20,000 leagues. Good option. edit: As a side joke. "Where do I mount the guns?" "Where no one's looking." You need to get a girl, Mate.
  2. Aye, 'tis strange indeed. Full moon, though. Mayhap this will soon pass.
  3. No, but you can burn the oil you fried your chicken in...
  4. That thing was in Key West last year during PiP. Arrr, Pyrate ship! It's even more impressive up close and in person.
  5. I was just thinking civilian Colonial. Blend in a bit. Not sure of their stand on full-rigged Pyrates carryin' weapons and all. Any thoughts on that Hurricane? Diosa? Willie? Anybody?
  6. Seconded. I'll be in the library with my brandy and a bowl o' Cavendish, ready to engage the fairer sex in intelligent discourse. We men can be refined, you know. Some of us even bathe, occasionally, whenever we are in port.
  7. Yakaboots! That's hilarious. With all due respect to Deadeye's boots, of course.
  8. Welcome, m'Lady to our most humble Pub. Aye, though the furnishings may be rude, as are most of the patrons, it is, nevertheless, our 'ome while in port. And I'll have a rhum, iffen ye please, as it is a tradition about 'ere that the new mate buys the 'ouse a round.
  9. Well in that case perhaps I shall...
  10. Good God, Dutch, you're right! And look, he's wearing Felony Fliers! What if he joins up with the Snotties! They might eventually rule the whole show!
  11. Well now it seems that I might be there on Saturday after all...She Who Must Be Obeyed is toying with the idea of moving the aforementioned niece's party to Sunday. Won't know for sure until later, so watch this thread. Anyone going in garb? In case you're wondering about why the big deal over a niece's party, this is one of the kids I (and the State) took from an actual niece, so I guess she's a grand-niece. Still, we've had her since she was 9 months old and she will be turning three. More like a daughter now, sooo...gotta be there. Sorry you can't come Animal. Next time.
  12. You guys look great! Now photoshop yourselves into a decent background...No, better yet come to PiP and get shot (pun intended) in a better background. Recruiting, recruiting...
  13. I don't think they're still up on Sunday for the public. Looks like Friday or Saturday only. I will be down on Friday, as someone scheduled my niece's birthday party on Saturday.
  14. Huzzah, sir! Well done indeed.
  15. I note that in none of the sites that you listed did he use the word "freak", as you noted, or "toting" either. Try this though, since we're inserting words: Gun Toting Bible Patriots. Did he say that? No, but I think it's closer to the meaning he had in mind. The actual quote, speaking to a group of fundraisers addressing why people become single issue voters: "they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." Now the context. The frustrations that he spoke of were mostly to do with the economy, and the frustration that people feel at not being able to get ahead like their parents did. So they vote for candidates on the basis of one issue or cause, as listed, and disregard any and all other considerations such as the economy, the thing that started the whole embitterment to begin with. Are we "bitter?" Some of us are. Insert the synonym "angry" for "bitter" and I think you might agree with the statement. Now for the things we agree on. The 1st amendment. As written one of the greatest statements ever put to paper. But this freedom does not extend to misquoting someone. This is a pet peeve because I think words and their meanings are important. Secondly the right to free speech extends to the security of private conversations; I leave it to you to judge who has tread on that one lately. The 2nd amendment. It could have been written clearer but both Obama and I agree that the 2nd amendment gives individuals the right to keep and bear arms. Anyone who tells you that Obama wants to take your guns away is lying. The disagreement that he and I have is over the definition and enforcement of "reasonable laws" for gun control (keeping them out of the hands of criminals, etc.) and the so-called "assault weapons ban". I think he has those wrong to some extent. I have written and told him so. We can do that here. Still I think that there are enough pro-gun members of congress to stop any stupidity from getting passed. Too many Democrats are aware that the gun ban issue is moribund and political suicide. And, yes, "single issue" voters had a major hand in that. Now they should move on and help make some other changes. Hopefully in the economy. This small rant is probably in the wrong place; it was the misquote that set me off. Since I think that the misquote has been sufficiently cleared up I will now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
  16. Good on ye, mate: another reason to raise a tot of rhum! Here's to Alexander Selkirk! What...? Too early to start? Damn.
  17. Nice write-up. Always happy to see someone considering the Dark Side.
  18. I don't suppose you could direct me to the exact quote and context in which Obama said that?
  19. Patrick pretty much summed up how I feel as well. Except that some of those Hot Topic pirates are, well, pleasant to watch in the entirely period accurate way some lecherous pyrate would. Aye, helps us stay in character, it does.
  20. Would you mind very much standing downwind of me next year? Way downwind?
  21. Bout time someone stole something of Stinky's! Oi Cheeks and I stole his bottle of Pyrate's Choice... oh wait, that was Jim's bottle, that Stynky stole from him....we just kind of stole it back... Actually, Don left 3 in the Oar House II when he disappeared. I gave one out (the one Stynky "stole"), kept one guarded as I and others partook and hid the other in my sea chest pending Stynky stealing the one I was guarding.
  22. There he goes again, makin' off with a treasure chest and booty what don't belong to 'im
  23. Nobody needs to steal your hat. You said you'd sell your own mother - God bless her soul- for $20. (I remember.) Do you mean to tell me that Stynky actually owns a hat of his own, and doesn't simply "stop the music" when one lands on his head? I kind of figured that he shuffles hats around until he finds one that fits and then slinks off into the night to sell it for more mead.
  24. Now that's totally unfair. Hey, wait a minute... I've got your address, too: anything Stynky sends me I'm forwarding, unopened, to you. Truce?
  25. Jim, PM me you address. . . I can't believe I missed this...and, ah, no way in...well, you know.
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