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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Yes, agreed. Spare the innocent. Next year it is. Perhaps something sooner; who knows?
  2. Another Decemberist. Next year we will celebrate all of the Decemberists during PiP. Happy natal to ye mate!
  3. Nice meeting you Mad Pete! Actually I'm grieved that I didn't meet you both and so many others from this wonderful Pub. It's the best part of PiP.
  4. I have beautiful plumage. Your plumage doesn't enter in to it; you were supposed to be on guard duty! The only reason you were even at your post is that you had been nailed to it! Shall we continue? This could go on a while, especially if I substitute "Pyrate" for "Parrot."
  5. Just stunned? William, I didn't know that you were part Norwegian Blue!
  6. Yep, that's one you don't fix.
  7. 34251, way out down south.
  8. I did wonder about that...
  9. Let a guy know when you'll be in the neighborhood next time. I live about 15 miles from Janny and Don.
  10. Not to worry Cross, FB status is the highest form of regard.
  11. Now, now, Dogge, this is not an either-or choice; both can be FB's in their own right. Now, about that gun envy...do tell.
  12. Awesome. Jealous. Next.
  13. Please add myself to the Mercury, sir, God willing and the creek don't rise. And how dare you sneak down without telling me.
  14. I hereby nominate Israel Cross for FB status.
  15. Mission: thank you, thank you for your reporting. I'm gonna give you a big hug when next we meet. Warned, ye have been.
  16. I cannot even begin to tell you how I pined (actually pined, really) to be there and see my family. I shall not miss another. Pining sucks.
  17. I have seen period boading axes with belt hooks, indicating carriage on, rather than in, a belt.
  18. In defense of Missions statement, everything he said is perfectly true; he is not a dyck. At least not this time. Some of us are not there because of choices that we made, obstacles that we found could not be bested. This is not a failure to overcome, simply a fact. Nor do I feel slighted by anything he said. Still, I can annoy those who went with my requests and hope for the best. And so, since it is next week, thanks Brig. So, everyone else,where are these pictures? Hmmm? There is always next year, so it's time to start working. And I can state that I probably won't post while I'm there, either.
  19. As another member of the December club I both accept and return your salutations, good sir. And if the coming year is any worse than this last I shall probably not survive it, as it was that bad. So I here lift my flagon to a prosperous solar voyage for all of us.
  20. Hooray! Huzzah...um...I mean...Ewww! Vision of Maddogge in a pasture...as breeding stock...ewww! Probably wearing that chemise, too...
  21. What were we talking about? Another thread pyrated!
  22. (Cue the Music!) Anticipation, Anticipa-a-tion is makin' me wait; It's keepin' me wa-a-a-a-a-i-tin'
  23. Waaaitiiiing......
  24. Aye, the "2009 Pyrates in Paradise, Marooned Pyrate Crew," or maybe a "Pyrates in Paradise; The Few, The Sad, The Left Ashore," available to those who made plans to attend, then couldn't.
  25. Does that mean that you want me to depose Captain Sterling, you traitorous pyrate hunter? Or is it that you want to be an honest pyrate again? Wait till Sterling finds out about this...you'll be hearing from the Captain of Marines, no doubt! Thanks for the vote, though. We'll make a good pyrate out of you again; you'll see!
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