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Cap'n Slappy

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Everything posted by Cap'n Slappy

  1. Aye! We've been known to take a tune or two...or six...and "doctor" it up some! In our "Frequently Asked Questions" section is an archieved song that answer's the musical questions, "How does one spell 'savvy' and what the blazes does it mean?" (it's to the tune of "L-O-V-E"...and old song me mother would know) Drink up, me hearties! Cap'n Slappy
  2. Me connection to Pyracy started during a raquetball game in the mid-nineties and an "arrr!" that was the beginnings of "International Talk Like a Pirate Day - Sept. 19" The rest, as they say, is Hysterical. Cheers! Cap'n Slappy
  3. Me whole philosophy can be summed up by that one-time pirate of popularity, John Lennon. "They lept upon him and did smite him mighty blows about the head and shouted, 'We never liked you, all the years we've known you. You were never one of us, you know, Softhead!' They killed him, you know, but at least he didn't die alone." It's getting darker... Cap'n Slappy
  4. Basil Rathbone was one of the greatest of Hollywood's fencers! His fight with Errol Flynn in "Robin Hood" was tremendous! There was also some amazing sword-play in "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon." Good discussion! Cap'n Slappy
  5. Ahoy me Darlin' Buckos! And the Happiest of All Possible New Years! We've updated talklikeapirate.com and given it a good scrubbin'! As a "teaser" I've "improvised" some new words to the Disney "Pirate Song" Enjoy, Cap'n Slappy THE PIRATE SONG Music by the Disney Folks Lyrics by the Disney Folks Improvisations by Cap'n Slappy. Yo Ho Ho Ho a Pirate's Life for Me! (repeat)/ We'll scuttle and buttle and fly a space shuttle/ drink up me hearties yo ho. We're swervy with scurvy our wenches are curvy, /drink up me hearties yo ho!/ Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me... We plunder and blunder - stay out of the thunder, /drink up me hearties yo ho! /We rattle and battle (soloist) "and I'm from Seattle," /drink up me hearties, yo ho! /Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me... We're swillin' and willin' and that homey's chillin' /drink up me hearties yo ho! /We've pegs and kegs and really bad eggs, /drink up me hearties yo ho. /Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me...
  6. Ahoy one and all! Ol' Chumbucket and I started the day at four in the a.m. with radio interviews that went on all day until six p.m. when we took the tour of publick houses here in Albany, Oregon. At about midnight, a doctor friend brought me back home more exhasted than drunk. I woke up sicker than a parrot's what's been sittin' in an igloo fer a week o' Sundays and am still sufferin' from what I can only assume to be "Sarrrrrrs!" (sorry ) Thank ye all for celebratin' with the world! Our site www.talklikeapirate.com received more than six million hits...but she stayed afloat thanks to the quick thinkin' pirates at our server, Peak Internet. So, next year, we're thinkin' "Talk Like a Pirate Day Weekend." Not that it matters to most of ye, what speaks pirate all year... Cap'n Slappy
  7. So, this kid is trick-or-treating one Halloween as a pirate. He comes to the door of a house, all by himself and rings the doorbell. A man answers it and asks, "So, where are your Buccaneers?" The kid looks somewhat confused, but recovers quickly, "They're on either side of my Buccan Head!" Cap'n Slappy
  8. A hearty "thankee" to ye all! Ol' Chumbucket and meself will be doing many interviews (fer ye Los Angelinos - we'll be on the Kevin and Bean radio show 9/19 in the 7:30 half hour slot) Thanks all for spreadin' the word...arrr..."words" on International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Cap'n Slappy
  9. The lads what brought ye, "Talk Like a Pirate Day" have a web site. http://www.talklikeapirate.com and it's full of helpful pirate talkin' links and idearrrrs. We have a bit o' fun and don't take ourselves at all seriously. Have a look, see! Cap'n Slappy
  10. That be a fine tattoo! I hope she finds a good home! Cap'n Slappy
  11. Ahoy! I be Cap'n Slappy of International Talk Like a Pirate Day semi-fame. I hope ye'll all be celebrating come September 19, but if this be the first ye heard of it, take a gander at our website http://www.talklikeapirate.com Let Ol' Chumbucket, Jezebel the Web Wench or meself know what yer doin's are for the day and we will post it! In the mean time...warm up yer "arrrrs!"
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