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Capt Thighbiter

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Everything posted by Capt Thighbiter

  1. Thanks to all you pirates who helped make the Pirates 3rd Salty Ball a huge success. If you would like to get a taste of what went down, check out the Pyrates Way podcast, The Black Fox has 40 min of two sets combined. See all who came next year for the Pirates 4th Salty Ball !
  2. Nice work. Too bad box-locks like this are not GAoP.
  3. Aye an we has a new tune, written by the bosun, commemorating the winds an tornados from the Blackbeard Festival in 2012. We'll be perfoming it this year, and record it later in 2013, for our 7th ( ! ) CD.
  4. Thankee Hook, it's been a real party today. An it ain't over yet.
  5. Forgive me, but were not cocked hats meant to be 'unfolded' in times of inclement weather?? Seems like the X would be needed to keep the suckers sides up.
  6. To All , advance admission to the Pirate's 3rd Salty Ball has closed, however we allowing at the door admission, for a mere $10. This year's Salty Ball is going to be one for the books! Next year 2014, we will need to move to larger quarters, and say good bye to our good friends at the Baymont Inn. The Pirate's Salty Ball - well, what the hell else would you call it ??
  7. Ah, Master Hook, t'will be good to see you an yer Lady. The 3rd Salty Ball promises to be yet again a remarkable event, kind of like a Pirate Festival compressed into one evening. We have some new things we will be trying out and special guest(s) to enhance the evening. For those local to Hartford CT, it a real deal, only $10 for admission and even if ye needs to let a room for the night ( so's ye don't have to drive drunk) the rooms are only $60. Where else can one spend $70 for a solid evening of debauchery and fellowship with your bretheren, with most of the monies spent going to 2 really deserving causes, Testicular Cancer and the HMS Bounty relief Fund. The Brigands put this on not to make a dime, but as a chance for our New England fans and friends to share an evening with us, and to help out 2 good organizations. The Pirates 3rd Salty Ball - make a vas deferens and don't be testy about it!
  8. Aye, the Pirates 3rd Salty Ball. Fer you swabs from strange waters, a full evening of filthy mayhem with The Brigands, the Baudy Buccaneers, the Crimson Pirates and special guest(s), Dancing and singing for all, while the bands pull out their no-holds-barred material. To benefit the Testicular Cancer Society and the HMS Bounty Relief Fund. Feb 23, 6-10? PM, outside o' Hartford Ct. Just cuz it's the 3rd Ball doesn't mean it's superfluous! Cum and have a testacular time. Gonad this to your calendar ! At the Baymont Inn, Manchester Ct, we has a bank o rooms at a special price of $60/room, so's ye can drink yer fill an fall into yer bunk. Here be the link: http://www.facebook.com/events/386090364803573/
  9. What about winning an item in a raffle ( custom made weskit) and never receiving it. Been nigh on 2 years, and I gave up asking. Bloody pirates is too good for 'em. Rum-soaked, incontinent, lick-spittle, grass-combing lubbers is what I calls someone who cheats a fellow sailor.
  10. And they are ALL nice !!! Having fired them at St. Augustine, I wish I could get them all.
  11. Hawkyns we will be not only recording at Ft Taylor, we will be filming too. First time we'll have access to a high def camera and sound equipment. MTV and VH1 , here we come!
  12. LOL, Hook, you're not the first to get fooled by that track! Right after Ft Taylor, we go back into the studio to record our 7th ( !) CD, Working title: Well Hung But we won't release anything until 2013.
  13. The Brigands be flyin' down Fri morn. Hafta make sure I run into the Commodore there, that is an impressing piece of ordinance.
  14. Aww, now that there is right touching, what?
  15. Heading to NYRF Pirate Weekennd next Sat, for some free form pirate music.

  16. If ye likes The Brigands, take yer eyeballs to the Tube of You and search for "Bully Boys" a tune we picked up from the newest Robin Hood movie, sung as Robin and his Merrie Band are returning cross the Channel from France. We could only find lyrics for the chorus, so verses are by The Brigands. With 20+ thousand views and growing. A fun song, also good if you hate the French! "Row Ye Bully Boys" The Brigands
  17. Just wanted to say what a priviledge it always is to perform at the Blackbeard Festival. It was our first gig 11 years ago, when Butch Cannon was only 11 years, and we consider it to be our home festival. It is always the high point of our concert season and we get to see so many old friends! THis year was doubly special because we got to see the amazing comraderie among the various crews as the festival was literaly put back together in half a day after the effects of the tornadoes were realized. THanks to everyone involved ! PS - we ran out of CDs early Sunday, so if you are owed a copy of "Ship Happens", let me know. Yes, Pern I got you on the list already ! We hope the crews that got a free copy, to lift their spirits, share the music - no hoarding please!
  18. The Brigands are very pleased to anounce that we have just concluded negotiations, and we will be appearing at the Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion. Looking forward to seeing all our Southern bretheren and meetin new mates. Huzzah, indeed!
  19. Listen to folks who have years and decades of experience in ths hobby. 1) tools and equipent and high grade raw materials are likely to require much more of an investment then say a couple of cases of BP from one of the on-line dealers. And you still have to make it all work together. Unless you work at Disney and are firing every day or weekend, you have a lot of catching up before you break even - if ever - see note #2. 2) See as how BP is an explosive and not an accelerant like smokeless powder, it is subject to detonation by pressure.Whack a grain of BP hard enough and it will explode. In order to make good BP, there is a certain amount of grinding to acheive the right grain size. If not done by proffessionals - you will go BOOM. 3) Quadruple your house insurance, but DONT tell the Ins company why. An ex GF woked for a BIG insurance company, one of the few female underwriters at that time. She got fired for wrting a policy for a fireworks factory. It later blew up. Grucci, the best known fireworks maker in the USA, if not the world, lost a factory same way. It blew up. 4) Let us all know where you live, because I certainly do not want to live next door to someone who is making homemade black power, and I daresay no one else does either. Advice - if you need that much Goex, there are discounts available for large purchases ( up here in NY and New England , that is limited to 50 lbs). Good luck. Seek ye the web board on greybeardoutdoors, they have a specific one for black powder cannons. http://www.go2gbo.com/forums/index.php
  20. For those who have not yet gotten a copy of The Brigands CD "Ship Happens", we'll have plenty down at Blackbeard next weekend. It has the song "Guns of Hampton" on it, along with 20 other tunes. You can also pick up the Guns of Hampton t-shirt, which commemorates the 25 guns mentioned in the song, from Robins Dockside Shop, who will also have a booth at Blackbeard. Its a cool t-shirt, with Mr. Ben Cherry as Blackbeard and all 25 guns listed on it.
  21. Ha, Fells Point, and no street lamps damaged and no manhole covers exploded. But it was still a good show for us!

  22. Ditto on tricorns being a b*tch to draw. And didn;t lots of folks wear them with the point over one eye, which would make drawing it to look like what we are familiar with as a tricorn even more unrecognizable? A tricorn over the left eye and the artist drawing from the right side of the subject might well be rendered as looking like a backwards tricorn. Great pics. The one of Bridgetown in Barbados - one of my staff is from there and he recognized some of the place names and even the stakes or rocks in the mouth of the harbor, 312 years later!
  23. Cannons... a lot depends on the quality of the barrel and the true roundness of the ball. A badly honey combed bore or a round shot covered in rust and scale or just not round would prevent much accuracy. I know with our 1-3/4" cannon its difficult to hit a car at much past 200 yards. A real master gunner , with a good brass barreled cannon and carefully scaled round shot, I suppose 600 yds? If you want more cannon info go to Graybeard Outdoors boards and go to the cannon sub board. Those guys go to cannon shoots in Montana and stuff and fire all day , trying for real accuracy. Good reads too. True an 18 lb gun would throw a ball 1000 yds, but you better fire a lot of 'em if you wanted to hit anything, hence broadsides. SOMEONE would get lucky!
  24. Now available from The Brigands website http://thebrigands.com , $12.00 as are the other 5 CDs of our music!
  25. Hook, glad ye enjoyed yerself. Next year's will be bigger an better!
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