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Everything posted by CaptainSwan

  1. ~sidles back into mad Jack and fills up his tankard.~ OY Kendra, I's sorry ta see ya leavin but if ye feel it's not right fer ya ta be 'ere than ya must go, but ye'll be missed sorely.
  2. excellent. Take a look at the site. We're in PA for the summer but in Sparta NJ during the winter...Sparta is Northern jersey. www.knightrealms.com
  3. Sure luv ~walks over and tops Petee off. Looks around the rest of the crew.~ we should all be double fistin' tankards ta-night...first party as crew, should be done up right. ~takes a step back when Pettee's given the order to fire~
  4. ~swan takes up 2 large bottles one rum and one ale and walks the deck filling anyone's tankard with either. When tankards are filled she swigs from the bottle of rum and leans up against the rails of the ship bending one leg behind her. Notices Mad-Jack's cocked eye brow and winks at him again as she sips the rum~
  5. ~swan Winks to mad-jack and rolls her eyes on the "no incest" comment by diego. She goes bellow decks and changes to a pair of breeches comes up and climbs the rigging to the watch. She scans the ship's rigging and shrowds to note the knots and technique used on this ship. WHile she's up in the basket she lights a black sweet smelling cigarette. When diego calls all hands she descend the rigging quickly and smoothly to deck and stands listening.~ Any help I c'n offer any one before party?
  6. ~stops in her tracks.~ Blast it all. Forgive me sir william make that 9 throwing daggers. I forgot this one. ~turns around and pulls out a very small dagger from her cleavedge, and hands it over.~
  7. ~swan finally comes up. She's wearing her usual bi-layered skirt, off the shoulder white blouse and tightly sinched corset. Around her wrist are two fine black leather gauntlets. She is carrying a staff in her right hand and has a bow and quiver crossed over her chest and on her back. She looks to mad-jack and grins with a small nod.~ Mad-jack...I heard you were a fellow watchman with me. I'm swan a pleasure to meet ye. ~looks around and knits her brow for a moment.~ Sir William I've come to declare my weapons 8 throwing daggers 2 flintlocks 1 parrying dagger 2 swords 1 cutlass 1 staff one long bow and a quiver of 30 1 whip and 3 sets of shackles ~Swan begins disarming..1 dagger from each boot, pulls open a slit on each side pulls out 1 throwing dagger from each garter and a flintlock from her right garter and a parrying dagger from her left garter. She removes the 2 swords, cutlas and second flint lock from her belt. Hands over the staff she was carrying and pulls the bow and quiver from over her shoulders and pulls the whip out of her quiver as well. She loosens her gauntlets and pulls out 2 more throwing daggers, then pulls out 2 throwing daggers out of her corset. She grins.~ I had two sheathes built into my corset instead of stays. ~she spots her new crew mates and nods to them~ Welcome aboard, glad ta know ye.
  8. Aye, I can shoot a long bow, use a staff, my throwing daggers are deadly acurate, short sword, long sword and I am particularly well acomplished in the florentine style of fighting, and knives and dagger fighting comes to me with ease as well. Any other means of fighting I can learn quickly and proficiently as you see fit to have me learn
  9. Naturally I expected the title of Captain to be dropped, Swan suits me fine for my call name. I prefer the night's watch in the basket if it suits you and the rest of the crew. Thank you Sir for the acceptence and welcome.
  10. The ship's master has extended the invitation for me to sail with you fine folk as lookout/seaman aboard the watch dog. I have excepted the charge and look forward to setting sail with you.
  11. That sounds fantastic. Have fun darlin'. By the way I'm Swan.
  12. mm I agree with foxe on cotton or linnen breeches. Cotton is nice and light. I would definately recomend these breeches I've warn them before. They're light, loose and comfy and are not so flowy that the matterial would get cumbersome and pull you down. Hope I helped.
  13. ~chuckles~ Cheers, Charity I be agreein' with you.
  14. Meself, I've been single for 2 years and not really actively seekin' a mate. But, some how while I'm not looking it seems all the lads be lookin' at me. Very flatterin' really the only problem bein'...how da ye pick the right one?
  15. 1) Do you need any LARPing experience: NO...none at all. We have new people comming every month. There are rules and you should make up a history and full character (all on the site) so that you know who your Character is and you have a good grasp on her. We are a real tight nit family group of 70-140 people per event. Out of that number we have about 6 pirates and we're all trying to recruit some new sea fairin' folk. The site is easy and well written out KR Link For the most part it is a fantasy realm..my other character is an elf and there are all sorts of things....basicly if you took the Lord or the Rings and had a few POTC characters running about you'd have KR. There is a central plot that happens during the weekend and it is optional to be actively involved in figuring it out and battling for the town, or keep to yourself. As Captain Swan me and my two friends keep to our selves RP with a very few other people and just try to stir up some trouble. We have a pirate in dubbed "The Crown Royale" and run by two out standing Pirates who are good friends of mine. 2) Fee for participating from Friday night until Sunday evening including "room" and food is $45. There are Cabins...4 beds per cabin, some people have claimed a cabin to themselves others bunk with their mates. I brought out Captain Swan last month and I'm itchin' to get me a crew that will spy, steel from, and make an interesting time for the town. Last month I robbed the Baron's manner clean and no one knew and I would LOVE to have more mates with me to do dasterdly deeds and share some good times with. AND bring more GOOD people into Knight Realms and introduce LARPing to curious folk. If you would like to IM me Hiddenshadows22, Sexydiva2themax or BlackSwanCaptain....I'm bound to be on one of those screen names for a few hours a day. Captain Mad Eye: Sparta New Jersey is our Winter site at camp Sacajawea. Our spring summer and Fall site is Hickory run state Park, Camp Shehaqua in White Haven PA. Have a blast at Pennsic I've been watning to go myself for 4 years now but I never make it.
  16. Ah excellent, what I'm thinking of is to get a good group of pirates together for the LARP I go to. It is not all pirate themed but I'm playin' Swan and I would love to get me a crew to terrorize the town a bit. Let me know what you think....the LARP is in White Haven PA.
  17. Not quite what I had in mind luv...but damn it all anyway I'd enjoy that just the same. Tell me a bit more and we'll see what I can work out with my first mate up here with me.
  18. All right m'loves. I'm searchin for a good crew and some close Mates to join me in my piratin' ways. I make my home in New Hampshire where my Land claiments tug at me heart strings. But the sea and the love of piratin' pulls me south to Pennsylvania and New Jersey at least once a month for some good ol' times and adventures to be had. Any one interested in strikin' an acord and joinin' me let me know and I'll lay out in detail for ya the glorious world of the Black Swan and where she'll make bearth next.
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