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Everything posted by Killian

  1. Hahaha the Big guy is Mr. Blackthorne, he's our Quartermaster, the guy next to him in the middle is Captain Syn. So ifin ye has flirted with everyone in that picture, then you and I have flirted. I be in both o'them pictures.
  2. I will be taking the day off, the day the movie comes out to go see it. I hope the movie sparks enough interest to bring the show back.
  3. Some of the crew of the Stranglehold at an Event in LA. And another from later that day.
  4. Aye, I am usually easy to find, I usually be wearing black and Burgundy, and old habbit that ner died, though ifin Corona is as hot as SD was, I may not have me waistcoat or longcoat on. Though I will be attend'n Corona, but sadly will not be at Big Bear. So I will make it a point to be findin you again at Corona for that drink.
  5. I was only there on Sunday, I day tripped it. Though Diego was at the gate when I got there, and made sure to say hello. Though he nad I have talked briefly at Esco. Fiare, but I don't think he remembers me. Hahahaha
  6. The guild I used to be in used to attend that Faire, and yes it's a Faire, not an SCA event. Here are some pictures from 2000, form my old guild. http://www.tournamentproductions.org/photo...lb00/index.html
  7. To Diego, and those of you I did happen to run into, it was good meeting you. Hope to see more of you at Corona, the Stranglehold will be in attendance, you should be able to find us with or near Rogue's Cove.
  8. A coworker of my attended and said it was great.
  9. Make sure to come look for me at the Stranglehold camp.
  10. Ayr, it appears that thee crew of the Stranglehold will be in attendance at this 'ere port.
  11. Ok I think I fixed the images in my post above. And no the weapon is not real.
  12. Hmmm I will have to look into why both didn't work since they were both from the same location.
  13. Not exactly a costume...
  14. I be findin' another link fer ye mate. http://www.authenticwardrobe.com/Pirate/pirate.html
  15. I have actually kicked around the idea of getting the Gunners Jacket from Center Stage Costume, but I ended up getting the Calico Jack from Carlisles. Though I may still sometime get the Gunners Jacket.
  16. Aye just, tryin' to help ye out.
  17. 'ere be the missing links I could nots find earlier. http://www.leatherworks.com/pirate_frock_coats.htm http://www.audreycarol.com/store/Pirategarb.html
  18. Lets see, below is a series of links that I have collected. http://www.centerstagecostumes.com/Catalog...og/FrameCAT.htm http://www.dresslikeapirate.com/scart/inde...0dac203bae8e7d2 I had some others but can't find the links right now, but it should be noted I got mine from Carlisles, I and had it in less than a week.
  19. Some o' the crew o' the Stranglehold will be in this port on Sunday. We should all gets together fer some fun.
  20. "When the Angels Sing" by Social Distortion.
  21. Ifin ye still need crew, I be willin' ta join.
  22. Has anyone played Pirates of the Spanish Main, I have a few of these cards, I like building the ships. http://www.wizkidsgames.com/pirates/
  23. Ye be looking fer the right 'one, or be ye lookin' fer the right now 'ne. I agree with ye, it seems to be when ye ain't lookin' someone be lookin' at ye and ye don' always be seeing' or at least I ain' be noticin', probaly to much rum in me case.
  24. I will most likly be at the Con sunday myself, I have gotten bored of the Con over the years, not much has really changed. Though the weekend of the Con there is one of the better parties put on by a group I am a member of, called the Brotherhood, is a must see. http://www.freaksnightout.com we also do a Pirate Halloween party every few years.
  25. While Cap'n Jack, and Cap'n Barbossa are good, as is old Long John. I have to say Morgan Adams and Dawg Brown. Cutthroat Island is still one of my favorite pirate movies, probably because I have always found Gina Davis to be extremely attractive, and I liked Frank Langella as Dawg Brown, in fact the ship I am on has clothing and props from the Cutthroat Island movie, including one of Dawg's swivle guns and one of the banners from his ship.
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