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Everything posted by Killian

  1. our fearful trip is done.
  2. I be rememberin' you, it be a pleasure to be seein' you again. Ifin I'm not mistaken we have a picture of you, from that port. Feel free to stop by and say 'ello.
  3. If the story is good, I will buy you several drinks.
  4. I have to say my kids are well behaved and have good manners, but that is also because they know that if they dont either me, or my ex will come down on them. But yeah I agree I learned not to do stupid things when I got in big trouble, or was it I learned not to get caught doing stupid things, but yeah I turned out ok.
  5. Miss the good old days where a parent would beat their kids with in an inch of their life.
  6. Several vendors at the Escondido faire sells them.
  7. Here you go http://disney.store.go.com/
  8. Is yours short for Morticia?
  9. The entire time I lived in PA, I am ashmed to say I did not attend this faire. Really wish I had at least once.
  10. Remember by the Nylons
  11. Reading the lyrics I can see that, hearing the full song I am sure it won't.
  12. Old Blue Eyes
  13. Aye the Stranglehold is going to be there. We not know' ifin this be true or not. We were told we will be campin, near the "swing" which was the Polish camp. But bein' this be our first time at this port, we knot be knowin' the layout. As fer the tall ships, I will be in Vegas, and I will be missin that event.
  14. sugar flavored chalk
  15. Chris Jennings
  16. Barnabas Collins
  17. Yeah I have been wanting the raincoat now, specially since it looks like the one from the Brotherhood of the Wolf movie.
  18. Stop, stop, stop by The Hollies Ok how about I was out cruising without you They were playing our song Crying on a Saturday Night
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