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Everything posted by Killian

  1. Garlic Chicken
  2. Anyone have a map for the layout of this faire?
  3. Concrete Blonde
  4. Belinda Carlisle
  5. Squirrel Nut Zipper
  6. I can understand that, I don't normally like ordering things online, I like to see and touch the item first.
  7. There are sites that sell hat blanks online.
  8. Swing Dancing
  9. Which is what I did with mine, I got a hat blank and had a tricorn within an hour of getting it.
  10. Hahahah I will go with my second thought. Chewey
  11. Dirty Dancing
  12. You might want to see if you can get your friend to draw you in a wanted poster.
  13. Very nice, I am impressed.
  14. Ifin anyone opens a Guiness, I will smell it and be there right quick like.
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