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Everything posted by Killian

  1. union contract
  2. That's two, two days til Corona Ha Ha Ha
  3. Affairs of State
  4. Aye that be wha the Quartermaster and the Bosun be tellin' me.
  5. Haunted Mansion
  6. We not be pirates, we be not but honest naval salvage, redistribution engineers.
  7. 7 Deadly Sins
  8. Ifin we be drinking that much, I be hoppin' we does.
  9. Torture device
  10. I know it's a tragedy.
  11. Ye be welcome missy. Ifin yer still 'avin questions, I will be wearin' a headscarf at Corona and can show you how it be tied.
  12. Great Pictures, what Faire is that?
  13. Aye, I know lass, ye be disappointed.
  14. The Winchester
  15. Tuck it under the knot.
  16. large shoe collection
  17. Petee is the one who said something about making a sign before.
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