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Everything posted by TortugaWench

  1. Uh... you got anything without all that... what is that?! Coconut?! ....
  2. *dusts self off* I'm ok... just please don't keelhaul me or eat me. *pokes self in arm* See, nothin' but fat!
  3. Sounds dreadful, Charity. Warm water and vinegar... or so I've been told. *digs in big bag of stuffs* I got some Aloe- apply generously.
  4. *is running down the beach when she suddenly trips over Christine and lands with her face in the dirt* Curses.
  5. Here Daggez *shoves another tankard in his face* 'Ave another drink! And by the by, where exactly the Boarder Raids gonna be?
  6. Here Daggez *shoves another tankard in his face* 'Ave another drink! And by the by, where exactly the Boarder Raids gonna be?
  7. Couldn't agree with you more!
  8. *clears throat* He wore a Blazing Saddle(s)....
  9. Actually, its not that hard IF you don't dwell on the subject a lot. Plus, things such as love/relationships should be the last concern on our youthful minds. *offers Diego a drink of his choice*... Aww, silence... And Merc, I completely understand where you're coming from- but we're still young and have plenty of life ahead of us; not to mention plenty of relationships that, once are over, we had wished had never even happened. (Now that's what ye call ironic!) -Tortuga Wench
  10. *splutters and glares evilly at Daggez* A wench I be, but a temper I possess as well, Capt. Ye lucky thet I be in a forgivin' mood (wit' th' help of some rum o' course) and thet I dont 'ave yer guts fer garters! -TW
  11. Score! *grins evilly* 'ave any last requests?
  12. New I know, but iffen its all th' same... Yo ho, yo ho, a Single Pirates Life For Me!
  13. Tired, very tired and relieved now that my 4-10's stretch is finally ov'r an' I can rest. but also... depressed 'cause come tuesday, I be stuck in a car fer 18 'ours ov'r two days. I need a drink.
  14. (Violen Concerto) Allegro in G Major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  15. Am I too late for the fun?! *pulls out mock water gun* WATER FIGHT!
  16. Hmm, slumber party, any room left? I got RUM! Huzzah!
  17. Hmm, while Jack Sparrow (From PotC), Morgan (from CutThroat Island) and Long John Silver (From Treasure Island) are ALL good choices, I'd have to say that Cotton (and his Parrot, from PotC) were the most entertaining. And though he can't be classified as a 'pirate', Kurt Russell as 'Captain Ron' is most likely my favorite Captain! :) Tor†uga Wënch™
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