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Everything posted by TortugaWench

  1. (Johnny Depp in) Blow
  2. Sigmund Frued (sp?)
  3. If anyone has National Treasure on DVD, there under the special features is another take on the old man's story of the map to his young carriage driver (Thomas, I believe) and its an animated movie-like tale that uses one of PotC's tracks as well. Bloody pirates, the lot o' them!
  4. *drops self onto the sand and relaxes* Feels nice to be able to rest... and be back.... Motorcros Sucks... lol.... I need a stiff drink....
  5. *drags self over to the bar and sits down* is it illegal to ask for Cranberry juice in this here establishment, or is it free reign? *looks at Merc and Ciaran* You two look absolutely beat with exhasution... *pulls a dusty bottle from behind the bar* "Ere, have a drink on me, my tab's empty for this month.
  6. *sneaks a peek at the cook* Burly ol' gent, ain't he? Merc, ye be in charge now? *grins and slides Merc a dripping concealed "plastic" weapon.....*
  7. Exactly what would one's creditenials be for this position, Sir William? And exactly what would the holder of this position be required to do?*throws a scrap of paper down covered in writing* "Professional Looter, Liar, Raider, Wench, HellCat and above all else, dishonest! Hehehe..."
  8. The End of the World-Skeeter Davis/Earth Angel-Platters (its a combo pack! )
  9. "Hit any key to continue... which is the any key?"
  10. Aye! Lucky 3's! Three's company and four's a crowd... or so I've been told.
  11. Frosted Mini-Wheats: dry.
  12. Hmm... you don't like to drink?!?! Now correct me if I am wrong Lady Snow, but aren't ye the one who always orders a type of mead (more often than not, clove mead) in that 'I've-sprung-a-leak-Ray-in-my-cup-and-I-seriously-need-to-get-a-new-one-but-I'm-bound-under-the-no-prey-no-pay- motto-and-I-guess-I-could-borrow-one-without-permission-but-knowing-my-luck-it'll-have-a-leak-in-it-as-well-which-ultimately-puts-me-back-at-square-one' mug everytime a newbie is buying?? (just yankin' the chain a bit there, m'lady!) Aye, so ye don't drink much in reality, but we'll be damned to hellation iffen we have te give up havin' a good time too, eh?
  13. Aye, I's remember too- but iffen that be th' case, we'll be waitin' forever!
  14. *checks mirror one more time and shrugs* Touche, Tito. Hehehe, Charity... I seem to always feel like that in them quizes! Especially the which PotC character are you and my outcome was Captain Jack Sparrow. *rolls a pants legs up a little bit* What kind of male captain with these legs is what I ne wantin' to know!
  15. Hmm, no Arbor Mist?!?!? (what would ye do for arbor mist...) *holds up bright shiny fork laden with creamy new york style cheescake* Care for a smidgen, Mad Jack?
  16. Right now... air and saliva... but fixing to be cheesecake
  17. Glad to hear you're enjoying your 'vacation'; ride the ride once for me iffen ye decide to go! Can't wait for stories and pictures when ye get back!
  18. Camels (beware, they spit)
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