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Bonnie Red Weasel

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Everything posted by Bonnie Red Weasel

  1. i'm drinkin' coffee. Plain ol' coffee. Not even spiked...
  2. Sounds lovely. And actually, the more i think about it, the more i'm liking the clean nails idea... *slips into her cheerleading attire*
  3. Dirty, not bad - i demand excellence.
  4. a deliciously sweaty specimen...oh wait - what you're doing right now...oh, never mind...
  5. gonna have to get dirtier than that, boys
  6. Scummy pirates...yes, it's one of my lovelier addictions. Well, technically, it's dirty pirates, but who's splitting hairs?
  7. Coffee please.
  8. I just wanted to post an update. Taking your advice (and knocking the side of my head V-8 style for not thinking of it before), I used actual blood from the meat shop, and set the stains with heat. The resulting stains were good, but not quite dark enough for my tastes (perhaps it was the type of muslin, but the remaining stains were very faint, even without any detergent). I just happened to have a handful of chokecherries from the little bush/tree I'm nurturing in my back yard, by the way, but on my test cloth, the resulting stain was more wine-colored than I liked. So I played around with some Rit dyes, and ended up using a combination of liquid "dark brown", a touch of liquid "crimson" and some powdered "golden yellow" dyes, mixed roughly one part dye to twenty parts salted water, and again, let the dye dry naturally, then set the stain with the iron. The result was just what I was looking for - very close to the color of the actual blood, but a little more pronounced, and from the wash test, relatively colorfast. Anyhow, thank you all for your advice!
  9. Yes, i suppose it has. i've been a very busy pyrate...
  10. What do i like in my pirate? Rum. A little marinating can be nice.
  11. I'll be there with my little pirate princesses from land grab Saturday through first Wedneesday (that's Opening Day, i think), then will return Friday night the 3rd, and will stay just past the weekend, coming back home Tuesday night. We'll be camping with Tortuga, in B09 but downhill from the Outlanders, frighteningly enough...
  12. It seems there's an awful lot of information online on how to remove blood stains, both genuine and theatrical (i almost said "man made" to a bunch of pirates...). However, i'm trying to do precisely the opposite. I'm trying to create realistic-looking "blood" stains on a few items of clothing. Because they're for reinactment purposes, and will be worn and washed over and over again, i'm looking for a method that will create stains that will look freshly old after laundering. Does that make any sense whatsoever? Thanks in advance for any and all advice.
  13. I'm afraid not. The lyrics to that one seem to be pretty well published...
  14. By the way, please keep Wendy in your prayers. As you might imagine, she's having a rough time right now. Thank you!
  15. I know I haven't posted around these parts for some time, but I still lurk in the corners and check up on y'all from time to time. Anyhow, a dear friend of mine has gone missing, and even though he's not a pyrate at all, I'm trying to exploit any possible method of mass communication to get the word out about his disappearance. We believe that he may have travelled or been taken northeast from Ohio, as his debit card was used last week in Boston. Following is a link to a news story we were able to get in our local paper this morning: http://www.newarkadvocate.com/apps/pbcs.dl...006/1002/NEWS01 If you, by any chance, think you may have seen Anthony, please email the central search address: findanthony@earthlink.net. Please forward this information as much as you can. Anthony's mother, Wendy, lives out of state, and is staying at our house right now. Today is her birthday, making things that much more difficult for her. Thanks.
  16. I'm looking for lyrics for a lovely song called "Skellig" or "Maid of the Mariners". The refrain goes something like this: The maid of the mariners watches our way as the ships go to see by night and by day with our eyes on the horizon and our hearts close to home she guards us wherever we roam I've more than likely got some of those lyrics wrong, thus my search for the actual lyrics. Thanks in advance for your help.
  17. Weasels like 'em big. i like a man who can throw me around a bit. Although i've dated men who are slight of stature, i find myself more physically attracted to those who are nice and big, tall and around. Honestly, there's not really such a thing as overweight to me, so long as he can keep up with me (read that however you'd like).
  18. Despite my best attempts to express myself through metaphor, "love" which requires a death of self is not love at all. The blessed sea into which i've been thrown has not drowned my being. It has, however, brought about a sort of rebirth, that i liken to a change in atmosphere. i am free to be myself with him. It is beyond that, in fact. i am more fully myself with him than i have ever been. He knows and loves my weaknesses as well as my strengths, and for that, i feel stronger, and am able to accomplish more. i love him more deeply and fully than i ever thought possible, and for that, i am more loving with others in my life. He draws the very best of me out, and i feel more empowered, more energized, and freer than i have ever felt.
  19. i DO mean drowining in love - in the sense that your entire atmosphere changes - and it permeates you from your skin down to your core. i mean the very sweetest sort of drowning - that which extinguishes your parched former self. And i mean the sort of altogether unintentional dive into this lovely, deep, permeating love, where neither party sees it coming until it's filled both of your lungs, replacing your very breath.
  20. "No, I think she meant both. Besides both can be salty!" Sorry for the delay in my response. i didn't actually MEAN both, but i don't think he's too awfully fond of the salty stuff...
  21. hee hee - i'll work on it, and post for you tomorrow
  22. Maybe others with these socks can confirm or deny this, but the garters were definitely needed, although the socks are certainly long enough that they go over my knees.
  23. i've never actually done this before, but i found a piratey product with which i am so very pleased that i actually feel compelled to share my joy with all of you. Before Pennsic, i ordered a few pair of the striped heavy cotton socks from Jas. Townsend and Sons. For those of you who aren't familiar with Pennsic, it's an enormous event, and involves an amazing amount of walking, most of it on very rocky paths. These socks are absolutely fantastic! They breathe like you're barefoot, yet cushion like sport socks. Plus, they look beautifully period. i purchased the red and black striped socks, and i tea dyed them to tone down the red, to suit my own costuming tastes. As a side note, i wear these socks with garters just below my knees, which are actually quite comfortable - you'll forget you're wearing them. They are not meant to stay up on their own. - Weasel
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