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Everything posted by Pew

  1. Answer the question, then post the next decision for the next pyrate . . . I am a devoted rum follower, but . . . Beer or wine?
  2. A fine new bottle of pyrat XO. . . .
  3. Thank you all for the well wishes. Merry Christmas to all! :)
  4. Very cool. I don't have a blog or web addy to virtually find me at so I'm virtually lost . . . B) That would be neat to do here as well. A monthly theme so we send our books to ourselves. I like it.
  5. Old Monk Rum and Ginger Ale
  6. Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale
  7. Any worth recommending? Just finished some Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale. Dying to get a sixer of Anchor Steam's Winter brew.
  8. Pew

    Rogue Rum

    I tried it as well. Was not a big fan as it lacked the depth I was used to, but a definite must try to make 'the list'.
  9. Anyone else?
  10. "Th' Dog 's gonna havta find 's in this gale Cap'n," Preston struggled to yell at Dorian, "She's gonna need all th' help she can get." Dorian nodded and sent to boys about to light and hang the lanterns about the Lucy. Each were to be doubled and tripled near the bow and stern. Captain Lasseter had strict orders to bind them soundly well above the waterline where a rogue wave could not easy squelch the light and deliver the lanterns themselves to the bottom. The boys took an unused oilskin and fashioned a makeshift tarp against the wind and rain where they could light them safely. Strobes of light now began to illuminate the Lucy so that Captain Brand and the crew could hasten their approach and make accurate bearing upon the Lucy.
  11. nothing yet, but then I expect mine to take longer to deliver, seeing as I am outside of the US The customs declaration form was postmarked August 26th, so it should be any day now.
  12. The mutiny suddenly interrupted, all hands bent to the rail now awaiting a new prize to be taken.
  13. Anyone else?
  14. I hate Freshman. Two periods of ninth grade English. Gibbet me now. . . . .

    1. Maeve O'Treasaigh

      Maeve O'Treasaigh

      You just need a new career....

    2. Pew
  15. The cannon onboard had been loaded but not lit prior to the mutiny; someone had now had that opportunity.
  16. Preston knew that the first cannon fired was a signal of trouble, but the reply followed by a second report meant more than that. They were in need of dire assistance. Whitingford peered out the stern windows staring into the darkness trying to see any sort of light to flicker across the foamy sea. He thought he saw a vessel on the approach but couldn't tell if it was the Navarra or the Watch Dog. He paced across the small room. The former ship's master coughed a bit of blood and could taste the iron once again. It was hard to decide if he was feeling better or worse. Preston quickly apprised his own situation; forearm raw, coughing blood, and a bit worse for wear. He returned astern and sat as best he could at the stern windows and placed his head in his hands. The Lucy pitched and scended wildly and more than once did Preston have to grab the bench to keep from being tossed. Liam knocked quickly and entered. He set a small pile of clothing on the table. "Liam," Preston asked, "fetch me a set o' oilskins an' 's many lanterns 's you can muster." "Sah, th' Cap'n said . . . ," Liam tried to protest. "Cap'n's a bit busy eh? He'll need 's many hands 's he c'n muster topside. Now 'urry along lad," Preston urged. He climbed to the table and dressed quickly. The former officer grabbed a bottle from the cabinet and took a long pull. He coughed roughly again and breathed deeply. It was going to be a long night. ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~ Navigation Log of the Lucy: Direction: E, ship on the wind, making stern-way with her nose into the wind Speed: 6 knots and slowing, into the wind, mounting sea, 4m high with foaming crests Wind: Near gale conditions, from the ESE
  17. Sent today . . .
  18. To all artists from this round: I must write to explain my extreme displeasure with the goings on from this round. The purpose of the PTC (Pirate Trading Card) exchange is to have a simple fun exchange of mini-art. This is not intended to be a 'one-upmanship' of skill or a long drawn out affair. The deadlines are posted for a reason. I did extend the deadline several times because of the small number of participants who did complete all ten cards. A smaller number would not merit the effort to go forth with the round overall. As for the cards themselves: Just draw/paste/paint something on a 3" by 5" card and mail it out. Repeatedly, I asked to include a SASE or to include a few pieces-of-eight to cover the return mailing cost. Several of you still did not. While I can afford a few reales for each of the mailings (and if you use media mail, it is even cheaper), it is simply easier to just stick the cards in the SASE's and voila!; they are returned to you. Now it becomes a time intensive process of having to buy correct sized envelopes, have them weighed and stamped at the P.O. and then mailed out. The purpose of using flat 3" by 5" cards is so that they do fit in a simple envelope. Anything larger and the mailing costs increase. While three dimensional art is very cool, it is not appropriate for this genre of PTC's. I know this was not explained in the beginning, and I apologize for not making that clear. It is supposed to be a quick easy turnaround of mini-art. When you commit to a project here on the Pub, it is generally assumed that you will follow through with that commitment. Each person in this round created a piece of mini-art (and some were customized for each participant), with the expectation that they would receive in return that same amount that they have created. Each artist will now receive their unused works in return. When folks don't follow through with their end of the 'deal', then each artist has wasted their time and materials for nothing. If you commit to a project, especially when it involves time/money/effort, please commit to the end. Others are counting on you. I understand life gets in the way and this round occurred in the swing of faire/fest/gathering season. If you feel that you cannot follow through, THEN DON'T COMMIT. That's fine. I'm sure we will have more of these PTC rounds in the future. Yes, shit happens in the midst of life. A simple, "I'm not going to be able to commit to this round," will suffice. Don't wait until days or weeks after the deadline to then say, "Can't do it." At this point, cards have been mailed out and we are waiting on 'you' to complete the round. Thank you to all of those artists who did participate in this round. You all did a tremendous job and the cards turned out excellent! Thank you again and I hope to see more of your work in the future. To all: I apologize for the terseness of this message. As adults, I hope we can move forward from this round and look forward to a fall/winter round as we are stuck inside our proverbial cabins. Oh, one more thing . . . . they are going in the mail as soon as I receive a return address from one of the participants. Please post up when you receive your batch. Tx. -P.E.W.
  19. Wow, those are very cool Jon!!! I wonder if there is anyway to get my hands on a set . . .
  20. Next stop: Ocracoke Island

  21. Mine is Pyle's rendering of Blind Pew from Treasure Island.
  22. A fine chianti . . . With a side of fava beans. . . . .
  23. I do b'leive we're neighbors, separated by the Corsica River. . .
  24. Out of the original 10: 1 Pew 2 Michael 3 Gunpowder Gertie 4 Cap'n Mac 5 Ransom 6 Captain McCool 7 Adam Cyphers 8 Patrick Hand 9 Nigel 10 Karadimos I've received: 1 Pew 2 Ransom 3 Cap'n Mac 4 Karadimos 5 Patrick Hand If you will NOT be sending any artwork PM me and let me know. Oherwise the cards will be sent out Thursday (due to some stragglers begging for reprieves.) I will be out of town Thursday-> Monday. If they are in my mailbox when I return, they will be returned to you. Please include a SASE.
  25. With that, several of the men threw down their swords.
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