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Everything posted by TheCaptainWilliam

  1. Sorry ta bother ye lads n' lasses, but I be needin the Lyrics to The Corsairs: The Green Album! I cant find it anywhere! YEAAARGH that makes me MAD!
  2. I LOVE THAT GAME!! It shivvers me timbers and make me wanna YEEEEEARGH!! and has on many occasions! Many a night has been wasted pilfering French ports for me Dutch maties! I at one point had entirely wiped the French off the map! It took me 6 hours of straight play!!
  3. I don't know if ye heard it all ready, but The Corsairs is just plain good listening. Also you might consider: Salty Dog, Drunken Lullabies, Rebels of the Sacred Heart, Whats Left of the Flag, Seven Deadly Sins, and Tobacco Island all by Flogging Molly!! (wahhoo, I mean Yeeeaargh!!)
  4. Its a 7 hour ordeal Fur me an' the Crew of The Good Ship Interfearance, but if ye be wantin us Capn' Scurvy our blades be yours! We're 16-18 and we number 7 able bodied men!
  5. Ye might be a Pyrate when littraly e'ry onea the blokes a' school refers ta ya as "That Pirate Kid" And ya n' yer friends go to school in 200$+ Pyrate dress and explain it ter ya Principal as "showin yer Colours"!! When yo ha' a weapons rack in yer room o' cutlasses when yer 16... . When your first impulse at a dance is to jig... When ya get more pleasure out of brawling, singin, and tie'n knots than watchin tv... When yer prized possesion is yer Pyrate garb, and yer startin yer seccond suit When yer parents give you things like "The Corsairs: Green Album" fur ye birthday, without ye askin! When yer friends give ya things like Flintlocks a collateral to borrow you (multiple) copies of PotC
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