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Everything posted by delmar

  1. Let me know if you want to meet and drink. I am setting up a time to meet with some other pyrates that will be there. Delmar
  2. What is funny is: If all of us looked at somthing we say or do when we are pyrating, we will find somthing that is out of place. It may be your arrring, your clothes or the sun glasses your wearing. It is just that some people focus on the clothes and point out how out of time others are, the those others complain how that person looks great but talks like a 20th centure person. So, if there is truly a all perfect re-enactor, I would love to meet them. We all fall short some where. Mine is my hieght! Delmar
  3. How the heck do you post a pic in the dialoge box? Thanks, Delmar
  4. Just thought I would check to see who may be going to Estrella War in AZ? Thought I might be able to meet some of the members from this site. Thanks, Delmar Sex, Mead, Swords, and Bows!
  5. Yea, Those that do not go to sca because of drunk dumb asses, along with people out of custome, well your right, At the re-enacting pyrate events you never see drunk people or people out of custome. Oh wait........ The difference is the sca does not invite these people to come this way, we discourage it and these people are usally dealt with in the morn. Where as the re-enacting groups go in public and invite people out of costume to attend-- whats the diff. they invite and we don't? Also many of these open public pyrate gathering are held in areas where you go to bars and drink, hell many of the parties end up or start in a bar. How real and great is that. There are bad points in the sca nad in the re-enacting groups. It comes down to what you are trying to do, not always what happens. I can bet that people who complain that sca and other re-living groups are not period or let people get drunk have themselves or had a friend get drunk and acted stupid, we just don' t have the pics. Hey, we are all trying to have fun SCA or not, its how much we sit and judge what others are and are not doing. That leads to a death of the fun we once had. Do I wish we had perfect events (all in true garb, real talk, ect.....) yes, but I ignoir that which I dislike and focus on the good parts. Delmar
  6. Well my dad is spanish and my mom was taken by him during on of the raids upon a ship she was on. My mom is ?--a wench? This gave me the name of Bizmalah Delmar. Bizmalah-- spelled in another way, is for allah. It is said in the coran to mean to allah the most merciful the most gracious, but in other languages means dont press your luck. Not sure if this name came from mom or not. Delmar -- Spanish for the sea or ocean. So don't press your luck of the ocean! Delmar Sex, Mead, Swords, and Bows!
  7. I am in the SCA and try to stay as close as I can to the real thing. I never stop drinking and I can't find me pants.
  8. We may be the only crew, but with us you only need one.
  9. We are a groups in the SCA. We started about 25 years ago. We have been here a long time. Are there any pyrates in the New Mexico? Just checking
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