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Cap'n Mad Eye

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Posts posted by Cap'n Mad Eye

  1. Just found out about this one through the pipeline. Was kinda suprised not to see it posted anywhere 'round here. If it was my apologies...but since it's takin' place in a couple days I figgered I'd throw it up here fore everyone who may be interested.

    The Half Moon, Norseman, Martha Lewis, Martha White and of course the Kalmar Nyckel will all be at their shipyard. Not sure if Shaelyn and I will be making it down, but we're gonna do our best. Would be nice to get away for the 4th and invade someone else instead of being invaded for once! :lol:


  2. Alright folks, I know I posted a bit about this the other day.

    However, we've got our plans finalized for the most part. We're

    runnin' a double shot event down here. So any of ya scaverous dogs who

    want t' be makin' the trip down t' the dirty south here be the skinny...

    Thursday Night:

    Time: 10:45pm at the Hoyt's Regal Cinema Hamilton Crossing

    Show Time: 11:59pm (yes that's not wrong...they're starting the reel at 11:59!)

    Location: Mays Landing, NJ on the Black Horse Pike right near the

    Hamilton Mall

    After that drinking and chaos at a local hotel or bar. Bars are open

    until 4am nearby and 24 hours in Atlantic City.


    We've got a few things planned on Friday at a couple different locations.

    The Quarter Invasion at The Tropicana Hotel and Casino

    Start: 3-3:30pm

    End: 6:00pm

    After that heading back over to the Hoyt's Regal for the 7:15pm

    showing of PotC: Deadman's Chest

    Once that is over with we'll be heading into Somers Point for a small,

    but potent pub crawl along the bay. Bars included are Caroline's,

    Bubba Mac's, The Anchorage and maybe one or two others as well as a

    final stop at Dolphin Dock marina for closing out the night. Still

    working out all the details on that last bit.

    Once we're done we'll have some kind of transportation back to our

    hotels and the partying can continue. Just incase we've all imbibed a

    bit too much of the rum t' be gettin' back.

    Feel free to get back to me here on this or via AIM or Yahoo.

    Discounts on hotel rooms are possible, but will fill up fast.

  3. Trying to rustle up a crew in the KC area ta see it in garb and such. Hard ta do being so landlocked an all.

    We be tryin' t' do the same thing in the Philadelphia/South NJ area, but so far not many have stepped up to the plate. Most folks seem t' be goin down to Baltimore. Hopefully we'll get a semi-decent crowd goin for opening night though.

  4. Mad Eye- it's more a social thing than actual law. Back in the before times, there was something published called "Queen Carol's Guide". It was basically a guide to the Society and it was, for a long time, the standard for what we do. In that guide it said that the Society extends to 1650, even though the incorporation documents clearly state pre-17th Century. Years ago, the BoD took a poll and advice from the populace, and at that time confirmed 1600 as the cut off date. Some kingdoms and groups turn a blind eye to the 1600 date, particularly to include the Cavaliers of the 1640's. It is not 'approved' by the Society, but depending on where you are in the Knowne World, it will gain varying levels of acceptance.



    Thanks for the clarification there Hawkyns. I had a feeling it was just a social and not official standing, but definitely good to know the truth behind it all.

    I'll make sure to stop on by since you're just across Dragon Sea Jr from us. Feel free to come on over as well if'n ya so desire for a round of grog or whatever else ya fancy! B)

  5. You are correct, the SCA cuts at 16oo. My persona is of an Elizabethan sea dog/reiver of 1588. We play multiple time periods in different societies.


    Master Gunner

    (from Kathryn Ramsey's account)

    Just curious. I haven't been keeping up to date on every section of the SCA, but I've heard that some kingdoms and local groups have extended past this? I've heard of a few going up to 1650-1675. Although that could just be local and not kingdom wide. Or I could've had too much rum that night :rolleyes:

  6. Well meself and Shaelyn along with some other folks are lookin' t' be doin somethin fer opening night. So if'n yer from the NJ/Eastern PA/DE area and be interested in gettin' together fer the movie and then maybe raisin' some hell afterwards let me know!

    Not sure which theater we're gonna hit yet...so any ideas and suggestions are more than welcome!

  7. As always Shaelyn and myself will be there with a good bit of our crew as The Outlanders once more. We're camped out in B-09. Just go as far west as possible and look for the mast.


    With only a few days left in the pre-reg season for Pennsic we're issuing "last call". Yep that's right, all you Pennsic homeless, unwanted, down right bizarre and insane folks out there we're talking to you. Why camp in singles when ya can have a better time with all of us and not get baked out of your tent at 8 in the morning! If ya know anyone needs a home we'll take care of the folks real good too. Can ask anyone...we specialize in "virgins" B)

    Home to the Virgin Sacrifice as well as the mischevious, dangerous and sometimes psychotic Dead Imps. Not for the tame at heart we be, but if'n yer lookin' for a good time and nights that you'll remember forever...we're the right place for ya.

    So before we raise the gang plank and set sail for yet another journey into the Pennsic Unkown, get onboard if yer daring enough and we'll take care of the rest. If ya have any questions, comments, concerns or police reports feel free to drop a line here or on our forums:


    Oh yea...we are not the kingdom...just a bunch of crazies that live on the edge of things. B)

    So come one.come all...we got plenty o' rum...and room onboard fer whoever may be ponderin' one o' th' best events on the Eastern Coast!

  9. I will be seeing Finbar in Port Royal next week and will pass on your regards.

    -- Henry

    Excellent and many thanks! Been a while since I had any contact info on the man besides runnin' into him on occasion...

  10. Myself and Shaelyn are both plannin' to make the trek down this year from Jersey...amazing how many of us there are around here ain't it?

    The past couple years it was a lot easier to get there since we lived in FL at the time...but a caravan of sorts from th' Jersey/Philly area could be oh so interestin'...

    An' what's this I hear of Pennsic Pirates? Me an' my crew attend yearly...vedy intervesting...

    Btw...Sailorgirl, when you get down there find The Wolf and tell them Kalum and Shaelyn of The Maleficent send their greetings! Captain Finbar and crew are a great bunch...

  11. Myself, Shaelyn and a good bit o' me crew should be out at PARF on random weekends in Sept/October. We'll be splittin' time there and at MDRF so who knows what exact days we'll be there or not just yet!

  12. Just a heads up t' anyone in the PA/NJ/NY area that's got an itch t' scratch for some faire fun and just don't wanna wait til Sterling starts up in July. June 3rd-4th is opening weekend it be runnin' for a full course of 7 weekends...not a huge faire, but for a first year it's 50 merchants should be plenty happy me thinks...

    Myself and some o' th' Maleficent crew shall be showin' up in full force fer their openin' weekend. Would love t' get an invasion force called up for this one!

    Fer more info go here: http://medievalmajesty.com/default-lo.html

  13. What parts of Jersey Captain Swan? Me and Shaelyn shall be returnin' t' the area come the end of July. Our whole crew is from the NJ/PA/MD/NY/OH/MI/NH region...

    As fer Greater Pittsburgh..sadly we won't be makin' that trip..falls right durin Pennsic War and well..can't be missin' that event now ;) :)

  14. Well there Maggie..I do humbly apologize fer not sayin' a greetin'. I was a wee bit out there the whole weekend. Me brain wasn't fully functionin' at full sail if ya will. The only day that we were there was infact that Saturday...so that splains why we didn't see Paisley...There was a lot of people that I never got around to meetin' up with unfortunately, but such is life at times. :ph34r:

    Shaelyn and I are thinking of doing some kind of pirates night out in Orlando before we leave...but not sure exactly what's going to happen with that just yet...

  15. We will be offering our usual classes in blackpowder firearms, with an opportunity to join us on the line to fire for battles, both as small arms and cannon crew. All firearms at Pennsic must conform to the Society standard of being pre-1600. This means handgonnes, matchlocks, wheellocks and snaphaunces only. Any smallarm or artillery piece that will actually be fired in the classes or on the line is subject to inspection and acceptance by the Captayne General of Artillery and his staff.


    Captayne General of Artillery


    Any ideas on the days and times for the classes? Since we're practically neighbors (being both in the Bsections) and the battlefield be so close I'm thinkin' I ought t' be takin' a class or two that ya be offerin' this year.

  16. Ahhhh.... I'll be ther fer the full two weeks, t'be sure. You'll find me down in the swamp during the day, usually hiding from the sun and hangover. I camp with Clan Kindred of the Wolf, right across the foot bridge. At night... your guess is as good as mine. Probably I'll be over at Ravenspittle, Vlads, Lost Boys, or Black Rose Tavern, unless I'm home,. So far, Kindred seems to be planning our party for the first wednesday or thursday. But I can't be certain, so don't hold me to that. It'd be nice if ye could make it, though, if ye be workin', ye may not

    That be what we do best lass! Hide from th' evil day moon! Fear it's rays of impending easy bakedness says I!

    Kindred ya say eh? Hope ya'll made it out of the gushin' river without losin' t' much of yer swag. I know some other camps that didn' fair too well sadly. First weds or thurs...party ya say? I think a nice long walk down t' see ya is in order :lol:

  17. The 'ntire two weeks? That's the only way t' do it in my book darlin! If you're going to be there, or anyone else for that matter, for the landgrab party on the battlefield be sure to keep an eye out for the Toast, Drink, Pass IV party. We've hooked up with Captain Una and crew this year to throw the party and well...should be interestin'.

  18. ello cptn mad eye

    have you heard of the seven leaves?

    i be Dyanheart ships heart of the mary jane wich crash lands by the lake each year. i look foward to sharing a tankerd of grog with you and your crue this war.



    But of course I know of the seven leaves! Katrina is a good friend of mine! You may remember Sir Nic from our camp last year. He visited a couple nights as did Shaelyn and myself. I'll definitely be lookin' ya up on that offer mate!

    Just listen for the sounds of "Rum....Rum....Rum Rum Rum". That'll be us. We're out every night cept for Sat the 13th...we hold the Virgin Sacrifice in camp. Is much fun and this year proves to be one helluva show! :ph34r:

  19. arrr i see that penncic hase been marked in the clander so i assume that some one is going ( aside from me and mine ) just thought it would be nice to meet and have some grog!


    hope to hear from some of you scervy dogs .


    Aye mate...the Entire crew of th' Maleficent attends Pennsic annually. We wouldn't miss it fer the world. So that be meself, Shaelyn...and well 30 other salty dogs and lasses hell bent on mayhem makin'. We also got some o' th' JuryRig crew and a few other ships in our camp.

    We're known as The Outlanders and camp way out in the middle of n'where, but we like our spot. Where ya campin mate?

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