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Everything posted by TabithaAnne

  1. Ok, so we have one topic of music. Here's a question.... Does anyone know where we can get pirate bagpipe sheet music?
  2. Thank you Bess! Was the loftydragon selling things on ebay before Halloween? Her stuff looks familiar.
  3. I SOOOOOOO want to attempt a captain hook jacket. (Not neccessarily for myself though) If someone can produce decent jacket pictures I would be forever grateful. :)
  4. Ok, not everyone may be impressed by my work, BUT I am damn proud of the get up I made for my sweetie. He's the one on the right hand side of the picture. It was supposed to be a Jack Sparrow (ok so I'll admit it I find Johnny Depp REALLY sexy as a pirate ) costume but ended up being a lot less detailed than I had hoped. I ran out of time and $. http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?...171&mode=search
  5. I knew one of these pictures would have to surface eventually! YAY!!!!!! Here is my finished jacket *NOTE* All the trim you see had to be hand sewn on hence the comment before. I do not know who the gentleman standing next to me is they just pulled us out of a crowd and asked us to be in a picture. http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=168
  6. Nigel, your coat is fantastic! The person who made your coat is very talented. I wish she had more pictures of her work up on her site though.
  7. And if you are looking into someone making you something make sure you have LOTS of communication and they know EXACTLY what you want. And that you have a price ahead of time......saves everyone a lot of angst.
  8. Their jackets look much better than a lot of the stuff I have seen. I easily put $600.00 of work into my own coat. Of course most of the money is in labor, but.....With the trim and everything else that goes into it that price does seem pretty fair. It all depends on what you are looking for, $500.00 for a coat without the embroidery and without some of the fancies sounds like a reasonable price as well. And it's true; you get what you pay for. If you look for the cheapest price you are going to get the cheapest product, that's one of the reasons I started sewing. It's highway robbery what some people charge for REALLY badly made stuff. When I sew for someone I make sure that it would be a garment that I would be proud to wear and something that is going to last and also a fair price.
  9. A very good friend of mine is trying to get a project off the ground. http://www.douglascastle.com We are still in the planning stages but once we get started we are going to need all the support we can get. One of the things he misses the most is the anti-commercial feeling of faires that REC has done such a wonderful job of doing. They have taken away from the learning and celebration that faire once was. With RPFN closing it does open the doors for other faires such as Marin and other smaller faires. If you check out the website please let me know what y'all think. Thanks! Tabitha
  10. So who am I going to get to pillage and plunder with on Catalina Island next weekend?
  11. Most of my projects are related to Queen Elizabeth's time and very restricted in the group I am in. (Scots) I have also done Victorian (1890's being my favorite time period) and the occasional halloween costume here and there (some of which I will selling on ebay before too long to thin things out) . My b/f is getting a reproduction from POTC for Bucaneer days in Catalina but due to $ I had to leave off a few things so he's now getting an outift "inspired by the movie" I on the otherhand have decided to be completely creative and go the gaudy, outlandish pirate just because I don't get to do it very often. I am going to try to post pictures of the partially done costume which needs to be done by next weekend. So there you have it. Although if you have a question I can sure try to answer it but I am sure there are a lot of people on this board who know a lot more than I do about this particular time period. Tabitha P.S. It's funny how many people love 99 cents Simlicity Patterns on ebay. And I did e-mail the woman who is selling the "almost exact" replicas of the costumes and she is making the jackets out of upholstery fabric (I'm sure it's cheap polyester) I sure wouldn't want to be wearing it on a hot day.
  12. Ok, I know this is probably late in saying this and I know I don't post all that often BUT as I look at ebay for costuming pieces I find it extremely funny all the POTC costumes that people are selling for outrageous amounts of money! As a costumer it bugs the bejeezus out of me that people don't do their research to get a somewhat decent outfit. Ok, I will step off the soap box now, oh wait, it's a bit too tall too step off, I have to go get my rope and climbing gear.....GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
  13. I too, have a parrot although before ANYONE decides to get one learn EVERYTHING you can. If I knew what I know now I probably would've decided it wasn't a very good pet for me. But I am dedicated and would never have it any other way now. Harry is a 16 year old amazon. I know out here in Southern Ca a lot of the event don't let you bring pets with you unless you get a prior ok, but hopefully I will be able to get out to the Ojai festival this year and bring Harry with me, it's close enough so when he begins to get tired and grumpy I can take him home. Does anyone have any info or opinions on that faire?
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