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Everything posted by TabithaAnne

  1. I've had the CD for about a week, and it's all I have been listening too. I love it! If you like bagpipes I would recommend Wicked Tinkers. Very different sounding music but great nonetheless. The have a snare drum, a base drum, the bagpipes and a digeridoo.
  2. Capt. Grey, I finally finished getting the coat together and I have to agree with you that yes it is a very hard pattern. I was kinda dissapointed with the pattern, it really wasn't what I was expecting. I found the godets extremely hard to put in. Of course maybe it was the fabric I used. I used a denim weight cotton. Once I get the buttons on I will try to post pictures.
  3. Kon-tiki- Who keeps the armor clean and the horses brushed?.....That would be the squires.....for the company I work for that would be myself and my friend Michelle......
  4. Gentleman of Fortune-I agree with you fully! I go through this every year at Southern with the group I am with. The basic dress for the women has no documentation of how it is period. I have been told by the costume mistress herself that the dress was just something she came up with but yet when others talk to her she insists that it is historically correct.....it's really irritating. That's one of the reasons I went with the colors and fabrics I did on my costume. There's NO WAY that it can even remotely be considered historically accurate and I would NEVER tell someone that it is. Hmmmm.....neon pink frock coat.....could be interesting.
  5. Silver Steele-Thanks for the offer! Leave your true love to his amnesia. I've dated a few knights and they aren't all they are cracked up to be.
  6. If you go stop by the horn booth and buy something!!!!! Just ask for Squire Bauptb (Bob) and tell her that Squire Pete sent you!
  7. MInd if I join you guys? Been single since January. Had no idea it was going to be this much fun....Although I have one foot in the boat with the rest of you guys about how there's no room in my life for a relationship right now. I'm honestly thinking that there may never be. And I'm ok with that. I'm just gonna be the little old purple haired lady with the 58 cats.
  8. Must have one.......DROOL!!!!
  9. HELP!!!! I would like to ask your opinion on which name I should use for a character. Here are the choices and how I came up with them let me know what you think..... Tabitha Foxx: My cats first name that I always use as a handle, and I used foxx because Captain Foxx sounded really good to me.... Pandora Foxx: Cheesy but the name sounds good and Pandora means gifted one from what I found on the internet although I'm not sure about the jokes that would come with it..... OR AnyaBeth Foxx: A combo of my first name (Anastasia) and my middle name (Elisabeth) Thanks for your help!
  10. I'm some of the fine people here participated but I was rummaging through pictures of my mom's and found pics of the ren faire in the 60's. They had NOOOOO idea what historical accuracy was. Faire is supposed to be fun not having to worry about whether your trim is the right percentage of natural fibers. Eventually I do plan on making a historically accurate pirate outfit for those events that I go on boats for, or for the time period. But for most of the faires I go to they are for fun so that's why I wear the fun costume. It really irritates me when one person thinks that just because a jacket is made out of upholstery fabric it's no good. It ruins the idea of why we are at faire TO HAVE FUN! Some of the jackets I've seen are gorgeous but not even close to be "period proper." I shall step off my soap box now. Thank you for your time..... -Stacy
  11. So....I go to the store tonight and I found red and dark green 100% cotton velvet and I got the new simplicity pattern. SOOOOOO, I am whoring myself out for hire.....am willing to do trade. I also found black and white striped bloomer fabric, muslin wieght. YAY!!!!!! So you guys know the e-mail let me know if I can be anyone's personal costuming slave..... Stacy
  12. Privateer, I got my hat at a booth out at Southern faire from a german named Kat. She's an absolute sweetheart but I don't know what other faires she does. I know you can get them from Jas Townsend and a few other places which I am sure that some of the other people on the board can tell you about. -Stacy
  13. Just give me your measurements! I can make them any size!
  14. Hey all! I finally got a shirt done and I'd figured I'd give the women here a chance at it prior to listing up on e-bay. It's a shirt almost exactly like mine. I really hope this works....if not there is a picture in the gallery under Stacy at Ojai. http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=427 The only difference is that it is made out of muslin. It has regular cuffs with buttons and it also has 1" wide venetian lace aournd the cuffs in a grape apttern. The lace on the collar is about 4". Size medium. I wear a size 8-10 and it fits me. I can make them larger if anyone is interested. I'm asking $50.00 for it. E-mail me at Tabbykte@hotmail.com with any questions. I also have bloomers that I will list here. I do have a limited supply of black and white striped cotton (a bit heavier than muslin) that I can make bloomers out of if anyone is interested.
  15. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the new patterns for the year from simplicity.....aren't they a year behind? It's not like they could make it easy on us the year the movie came out or anything.....I went out and bought a period pants pattern that was a NIGHTMARE to put together and made my own jacket pattern and used a butterick pattern and a simplicity pattern for other parts.....and THEN they came out with a pattern for everything. Oh well I guess I'll buy it anyway.... One question, does the jacket have any fit and flare to it or is it just straight up and down like the other pattern they have?
  16. Is anyone coming out to visit me? It's the next 3 weekends. I'll be working with the joust so if anyone is coming out stop by and say hello!
  17. Dammit! I knew I should've stopped by and introduced myself! We had a great time at Ojai! (My friend and I) Too hot for my jacket though I met Rene over the weekend and I think most of us are too smart for the games that those boys play.....
  18. I had a great experience with 5-star deals. I ordered to swords and when I didn't get them within a week I called them and they informed me that they were out. They told me that could pick out two others for the same price. I ended up getting two different swords (the Napoleon cutlass and another plain one) that were worth $40.00 and I ended up paying $20.00 for them. They are decent swords more showy than practical but they do the job and the one I got is SHARP! Which I wasn't expecting.
  19. Well, I'm not working Southern this year. Breakup with bagpipe player..... oh well, another one bites the dust. I will be going going out Memorial Day weekend to play. Not sure what I am wearing though. If anyone is going I'll figure out what I am wearing so we can find each other.
  20. I'll be at southern every weekend! Two shows a day! (Clan Maccolin) But I am always game to switch clothing and play!
  21. A friend and I have just made reservations to go out on the Lady in Morro Bay on the 28th. Is anyone else going to be there? It would be absolutely wonderful to meet some of you guys!
  22. That is great! Only the Japanese could come up with something like that. I wish I had that much time on my hands.
  23. Anastazia, I love your jacket! I love your entire outift! Much like my my own tastes! I wish I could get away with looking intimidating...it just doesn't work for me. The gentleman in the red coat was supposed to be Captain Morgan, from what I hear that's a very popular costume at Buccaneer Days. Since you sew you know the importance of having cotton or silk velvet instead of poly.....his was poly. It was indeed a very nice looking costume though. And you are very right there does seem to be quite a few of us who would be more than happy to sew for others for a lot less than you would be able to any of the product on some of the websites.
  24. Simple answer......A.D.D. I can never stay on a time period for too long. j/k But seriously I've always loved pirates. How can you not? Except I was always the damsel in deistressed when we played as kids. True romantic Libra I guess. Like everyone else fave movies as a kid were goonies(which we still have the original tape), the princess bride, labryinth, and hook. I started in Renaissance and now am onto the 18th century costuming. I love the fact that I get to have more creativity in my work. But of course you can't make the clothes without knowing ALL the history and the more I read the more I love it! What made it even better is the fact that their were people hung in the caribbean for piracy with my last name! So I am hoping to be able to do some geneology on the subject.
  25. My other half plays the bagpipes, as much as I wish he didn't......they can drive you truly mad when fired up in a house with vaulted ceilings.... So....if anyone needs a bagpiper in the Southern/Northern maybe even AZ. he's for hire.
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