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Everything posted by TabithaAnne

  1. So I have finally given in and actually posted our company's info on myspace....figured it was good free marketing. SO ADD US! PLEEEEESE!!!!!! With the myspace servers so slow it takes me an hour just to send out 10 friend requests. Our jewelry will speak for itself. http://www.myspace.com/applesofgold
  2. All I can say is I LOVE EVAN! He a kick in the pants. Yes, he's the pirate hunter....he comes out to Ojai faire every so often in his spandex pants. Yes spandex. Kinda like that Disney Pirate photo that's floating around the internet. When I met him his personality was EXACTLY like the guy in the film. I really don't think there's any acting there. Of course he is in porn so there really is no acting skills required.
  3. Well, I watched the episode last night and all I could think of was how that poor little girl is going to re-act when a guy breaks her heart for the first time or what's gonna happen if she's not married by the time she's 30.....she started to have a nervous breakdown just by thinking of things being different. Boy does she have a lot of learning to do! I have to give the Baurs props....it takes a lot of guts to go on a reality TV show.
  4. I will be coming but alas it will only be for a day due to the fact that I am no longer with a home port. Too much drama in the guild I was in. Ugh.....I think I will just come out and pay to play.
  5. Wow, so many things have gone on here since the last time I read all the threads.....wooo.....so much to catch up on. Yes, the extras are from Port of the Black Sail a group out of the San Fernando Valley. (Most of them are my friends) and this was the first ever hard core porn turned into a soft core porn for mass distribution from what I hear. Digital Playground had such a huge success on the hard core version that they released the soft core version.....yes.....the day before POTC 2 came out.
  6. Tickets are on sale now at Ticketmaster.
  7. Ok another post about this! Tickets should be up ticketmaster by the end of the week. It looks like it's the same day as Depp Con? The Johnny Depp convention. Did anyone else know that there was a convention for Johnny Depp fans? But anyway WE ARE OFFICIAL!!!!! We handed out over 600 flyers in about an hour and a half at Southern on Sunday. The response we have gotten from this is just incredible! So here's another flyer and some more info..... Come join us for a night of Booty, Floggings, and Grog a plenty! Join us on my space. And pass us on to your friends!
  8. Well, its official! I will be out at Southern this Sunday if anyone wants tickets! We should have some for sale. I'm the one with the black hat and purple feathers with the fox head on the back. So if you yell "Pandora Foxx" I'll hear ya and know where you're from.
  9. Here's the info I have so far. Hollywood Pirates Ball needs your help! I'm working to secure the Key club for July 8th 2006 but they as all clubs in Hollywood need a deposit or proof we can make enough to cover the deposit. We will be doing a presale on the tickets for $20.00 then $25.00 at the door in costume and $30.00 non costumed at the door if you would be buying the tickets in advance through Ticketmaster (if we get the key club) or Enchanted Divas North Hollywood (a point of sale location) We are also looking at having a vendor area. So if you would be interested in Advertising on our flyer let us know. Do us a favor and email us a quick note at: piratesball@gmail.com and let us know how many you would want to get! Please do this for us if you want The Ball to work! The more emails received the closer we get to realizing the Ball in all its fun and Glory. You can also join the Pirates Ball Group here to keep up on the goings on prior to the event. Thanks guys! You all rock!
  10. We are still in the process of finding a location. We have few venues that are interested. I think it may end up being just a charity event due to the fact that I have left the guild I was in due to certain politics. But don't give up on us yet. We are still planning it!
  11. That's kinda what we think it "might" end up like. BUT it's a first year event and this is our first try at this. We are in the process of talking to a few clubs in the area. So stay tuned.
  12. this thread is hilarious! Mary Sue.....you can have some of mine if you want them! 34DDD and a proper fitting bodice puts them up at my neck.... I fully agree with Rumba if a bodice doesn't have steel boning (flat steel not spiral) there's no point in it. More boning = more support. And yes somewhere there is pictures of one of the irish boys in my irish dress and he has cleavage. And from the back you can't tell the 2 of us apart. It's kinda creepy.
  13. Tell me about it! I have decided I am getting a scooter. Thank goodness I only work 5 miles away from home. Rumba I thought you were based out of L.A.? I feel sorry for the people that commute every day.
  14. For those of you in Southern California..... Port of the Black Sail is trying to put together a pirate ball at a place in L.A. So far the Key Club is the top contender. BUT we need to see what kind of interest there is out there for an event like this. So we have a MySpace group to join if you would like. My Webpage Otherwise than that you can send me a message here or at TheBlackSail at yahoo dot com. Hope to see you all there! -Tabithaanne
  15. There's actually a few more of the same scene in our gallery. http://blacksail.myhizouse.com click on the photo and then click on the gallery and they are in Spring Esco 2006.
  16. You are more than welcome to!
  17. This was morning notes on Sunday......I'm not sure which group these guys are with though.
  18. I think these are your guys but I am not sure. This pic was taken Sunday at morning notes. Petee it was a pleasure to finally meet you! Are you guys doing Big Bear pirate faire?
  19. Ok guys.......well during Escondido we (Port of the Black Sail) actually brought the movie out and was watching the bloopers on Saturday night. And as far as that annoying "Arrr" or should I say "LLLLL" that would be our favorite "special" pirate Captain Dagger. Soem of you guys know who he is. He thought it would be funny. I found it annoying as well. What? You guys didn't like the uber frilly pirate costumes? They also cut out a lot of the battle scenes. So the ones that you did get to see weren't all that great.
  20. Has anyone seen the South Park episode with Mel Gibson in it? Yeah....that about explains it.
  21. Check Font Freak I have found quite a few there. www.fontfreak.com
  22. I can see if I can get my group of scallywags together as well. Send me a pm if I can help. http://blacksail.myhizouse.com -Pandora
  23. My goodness! I finally had some time to look over everything I missed. It's close to impossible to keep up with everything. Rumba - Yes that is me on the Ojai site.
  24. Ok, here's the low down or should I say down low on "Pirates." I have a very good friend that works closely with digital playground. This film was "I think" the largest budgeted porno ever made. Most of my crew went out to Florida to be in it. Close to free extras that come with fighting experience and costuming. The effects and movie aspects of it are great from what I hear but the acting is typical porn. Evan Stone "the male good guy" is hysterical! And the women well.....all I can see is the image of Jesse Jane running topless from on the beach with CGI skeletons chasing her. HAHAHAHA LMAO!!!!! Ans as far as the price goes you get 3 DVD's with a bunch of behind the scenes and making of bits. So there you have it. I will be picking it up this weekend just so I can go "Oh look there's so and so." Signing off. Your friendly neighborhood porn reviewer. -Pandora Foxx Port of the Black Sail http://www.piratesxxx.com
  25. Does anyone have any pics of the battle on Sunday? We had so much fun doing the firing line but my camera didn't work so I don't have any photos TOT7S - Sorry I didn't get to come by and talk to you guys much. I had internal errors to be dealing with. - Pandora - POTBS
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