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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
Tudor sighed as she turned back from looking for the Quatermaster's direction and saw Ilex crumpled on the ground, whimpering and crying in pain. "Crying just makes the pain worse . . ." Tudor said with a sneer. "Trust me, I know. I've been beaten enough times in my life. See, that's what happens when you play the dangerous game you were playing and fail." She said then without warning slammed her fist against Ilex's chin, which was lifted in pride and indignation. Ilex's eyes widened and suddenly she started to cough, blood and a piece of broken tooth dribbling down her chin. Ilex looked up at Tudor, hatred and malice seething from her. "Being a ship's whore does not give you any right to lay a hand on me!" Tudor laughed. Not her normal, subtle giggle, but a loud scathing laugh, then silence fell after the next sound of fist against flesh and snapping bone echoed over the ship. The pain of her shattered nose left Ilex in a shock. "No - being a member of a crew gives me EVERY right to beat you when you meddle in our affairs to our detriment! Don't hide behind the fact that you are a woman when you loose playing a man's game!" She yelled at the crumpled heap on the deck, spitting angrily on Ilex's now blood soaked dress. She growled in frustration and then turned. "I need a drink." SHe said huskily, then looked at McGinty. "Keep an eye on her for a few minutes." she said then looked at the prisioners stiff and pale form. "I doubt she'll be giving you much trouble. It'll take a few for the pain to kick in." -
Sorry Merc. Let's see wot I gots in the kitchen for ya . . . Sausage and egg pizza? Breakfast Special this morning: 2 eggs, 2 bacon, home fries and biscuits covered in gravy. mmmmmm - fooooood! Don't apologise though -you make is sound as if i minded living off of booze alone
I think Merc will have to live on booze alone . . . seafood = for me
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
"aye sir." Tudor said then turned, but paused and faced the Quatermaster again. "Sir, with your permission . . . I never liked having an unfair advantage - hitting someone that was tied up. Permission to unchain her? I promise, she won't get anywhere" "Leave at least one hand tied so as she can't escape." Was his answer. Tudor nodded shortly, then swaggered over to where Ilex was chained. Without word or warning, Tudor's small but tight fist was firmly implanted into the prisioner's eye socket. The yelp of pain was short but shrill. "I have every respect for whores . . ."Tudor yelled at Ilex, then placed her first in her other eye. "But whores who meddle in affairs they don't understand and get people killed . . ."She knelt down to where Ilex was crumpled on th deck, she grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled her head back so as to look into her now racoon like features. "Then we have problems. Leave the conspiracy to me, darlin." She said in a whispered tone, then shoved her back into the ground, and sharply jabbed her heel into Ilex's spine, leaving it there to pin her"I know you're in pain . . . I felt it enough to know it when I see it . . ." Indeed, the unnatural angle at which Ilex's arm was being twisted by her binds was more pain then most people felt in a life time. "That and I've killed stronger men then you with a single blow . . . but it can all end know . . . for a price." She paused again, to let her words settle into her head beyond the pain. "How much is your life worth to?" -
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
She instantly turned to obey, but she looked towards the Quatermaster, questions in her eyes. "Sir, I was looking to save me own skin, not the Lady's. I assure you . . . there would be no comforts for her if I took her below." She said, that malignat look still in her eyes - a look that said it would be far worse for Ilex if left alone with Tudor. But still, Tudor obiediently ran Ilex's binds through the ring bolt. She had planned for subtler techniques in beating any information from Ilex, but she could adapt. Why she felt such malice towards her, to the point where she no longer wanted to just beat the prisioner, but to inflict pain of both physical and mental varaiety, Tudor was unsure, and it unnerved her just a little, for all that was called for was a little dose of a comman beating. -
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
She gave a sheepish grin . . . "aye sir." She nodded her headin salute, then went back to where Ilex was coming around. She began to speak, but before she had a chance, Tudor had a handkerchief pulled from her pocket and formed into a gag. She then called for a bit of rope and tied up Ilex's wrists, unchaining her, and without mercy, picked her up off the deck forcibly and started pushing her towards her own cabin. Impatiences was obvious, for every time Ilex tripped or stumbled, Tudor would either push her forward, or drag her on ward. -
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
She bobbed her head in acceptance of the Quatermaster's orders. "Aye sir." She then turned on her heels and swaggered across deck. "OY! McGinty!" She bellowed across to one of the crewmen, who looked up and saw her motion for him to follow as she headed below. Slowly, she made her way down to the bildge, McGinty close behind. Soon, they had pulled the prisioner up out of the stench, and Tudor was pushing her along, back up the levels to the deck, showing no mercy to her injuries or weakness. "Here, you chain her up." She said t McGinty and he gave her a rougish grin. "Not like that" She said with a chuckle and a grin as she turned to go seek out the hose. "She does stink something fierce . . ." McGinty complained as he bound her up. Tudor shot him a malicious grin over her shoulder. "Some of that be partially my fault - earlier when I was down keeping her 'company' I might have, um, scared her into making a bit of a mess of herself." In short order, all was done as the Quatermaster had requested, they 'lady's' shackles had been run through a ring bolt and the hose was ready to douse her. While she had been, for the most part, only quiet and whiney as they had drug her to the deck, the screams once the water started could most likely be heard for miles. Every crewman winced at the shrill bellowing as the salt water sprayed over Ilex. Tudor growled in annoyance and crossed to where she was held. "Ah, quit yer screaming!" Tudor hollard over the other woman's cries, and quickly brought her fist to Ilex's chin, who's head snapped back from the force. The screams stopped as Ilex grew temporarily unconcious. "I don't know who I was showing more mercy to there," Tudor started with a grin to McGinty. "Her pain or my ears" And with that, she went to find the Quartermaster to see if he had any more orders for her. -
I was going to name my pirate ship Serenity - just cause of the irony of a pirate ship being called that and all that jazz - but then all this Firefly/Serenity buzz started flying, so that name is rather scrapped.
I can't handle the stress of it all - William, a pint of cider and keep it coming! (I kinda like this .. . gives me a chance to boss you around for a change boss!)
In more ways then one . . . I still think he had those hits coming to him!!
pssst . . .william . . . your for got to mention the love affair . . .
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
Tudor quickly bobbed in a half curtsie and silently went off to her quaters. As soon as the door was closed she stripped off the red petticoat and tossed it into the corner to wait until she had time to wash it of the stench. She opened up the small crate she kept her clothes in and pulled out a pair of slops and fresh shirt and quickly donned them. Having cast her calf boots aside, she decided to not bother putting them back on, instead continuing barefoot. Her last step before entering the ward room was to pull half of her hair back to keep it out of her way as she served the meeting. That of course didn't last. As she entered the ward room, avoiding eye contact with all, dutifully going about her business of procurring refreshment for the crew involved, a rebellious curl slipped out of it's band and trailed it's way alongside her face. She simply ignored it, and silently went about delivering the food and beverage to everyone as the meeting began. -
Welcome home Ciaran!!! Pass the screech, please . . . I've heard good things about this thing!
they are! I am as obssesed with Jack Sparrow as the next emotional teenage girl, but I at least have the common sense to realise that Pirates and piracy is something bigger then Johnny Depp in eyeliner(no matter how hot that is). And after a while, the whole Jack Sparrow thing is just going to get a bit old.
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
Tudor breathed deeply as she reached the upper levels of the ship, glad for a few moments respite from the stench of the bildge. She had finally decided to answer the call of nature when her prisoner had fallen asleep. Even if she decided to wake up, Tudor had tied and gagged her hours ago . . . her endless tirade against her and the crew tiring Tudor's ears. There would be no escaping for Ilex anytime soon. Not with the knots her bounds were tied with, Tudor thought smugly to herself as she made her way to the head. -
You mean I'll never get to see the real version? Ever? I mean . . . noooo. I love him. . . but it's not like Jack Sparrow is the only pirate in the world . . . grr . . . catering to fangirls they are!
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
Tudor took another deep breath before opening the hatch that led into the bildges. As soon as she had pulled it open she was assailed not only by the putrid atmosphere of the bildge, but the screams, complaints and general whining of the prisioner. With a roll of her eyes, Tudor pushed her forcibly back to the floor as she approached her as she made her way down the five rungs of the ladder. "Shut your mouth and back down!" She yelled. Mistress Ilex almost pouted as she looked up at Tudor from the floor, as Tudor still stood on the bottom ladder rung. It was almost as if she had expected kinder treatment from someone of the same sex. "Now, just mind yourself and don't even breath wrong or you'll rue the day ye first took breath." Tudor situated herself in a half sitting, half leaning position on one of the low beams, and started to toy with the one pistol from her belt. "I never miss y'know." A trained monkey with a pistol could do this job. she thought as she glared at the prisioner. -
*sneaks sheepishly into the TK after a prolonged absence, using the now rusty managers key William ad given her so long ago . . .* I've been here the entire time, really . . . so what's going on? Drinks are on me everyone - 'it's a late-night, just got off work, am bone tired and have finally come home to the kate party' . . . okay. . . so the title's a bit long, let's just say PARTY then! Cheers!
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
"My apologies if I have dissapointed sir." Tudor said quietly, then headed through the door the quatermaster held open. "I shall go see to my duties." She exited quickly, knowing her battle would not be won by continuing on. She left with an odd combination of emotions, ranging from rage to desolation. For the first time in a very long time, she hurt. The worst part of the situation was that her whole stance had been misunderstood. It was never meant to be a 'private affair displayed for all to see' as the Quartermaster had put it. That had just been a slip of the toung in the heat of the argument. A very bad slip, but a slip none the less. All she had meant to accoplish was to demand a little respect from her fellow crew member. All she had accomplished was to lose the respect of her superior. Somehow it had turned into a bizarre lover's spat. All she had been asking for was a little respect, and all she had recived was dissappointment and anger. She wondered if it would be any diffrent if she had been a man. If she had been, Armand would have called her out, and maybe then she could have proved to him that she was more then capable of handling herself. Maybe then Mr. Lasseter would have thought diffrently of her anger, if she had been just another crew memeber taking umbridge at a fellow crew member of the same rank giving her orders. Where was his guilt in all this? Where was the reprimanding of Armand for assuming to give orders to some one equal to him in rank? She doubted that would ever happen. In the end she knew he was being galant . . . but she didn't want his protection - she wanted his respect. And if she had wounded his overblown sense of dignity - then she was mearly bring him down to where she was in his. She wasn't some noblewoman who needed to be mollycoddled and protected. And she wanted to smack him again for his galant patronising of her, thinking that is was so. All these thoughts ran amuck in her head as she walked the corridors. She took a deep breath as she paused infront of the room where Ilex was being confined. "Damage control . . ." She mumbled to herself before entering the room. -
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
"First of all sir - I don't see how my interactions with Armand sould have an impact on your regard for my behaviour or my capability as a memeber of this crew. It is an entirely seperate issue. And I expect it to be treated as such." She paused. "And although I will question any order I find lacking, it does not mean I would not obey it or that I assume to know better then my superiors. Mearly that I see a hole other may not see. And they only reason I brought up my ghosts is mearly to assure you that I was trained well and that my obedience will always be implicit." She paused once more. a resigned and tired look on her face. "Now sir, if you will point me in the direction of this Lady Ilex - I shall see to her." -
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
"Sir, if actually given the opportunity to be involved in any action you would send me on, the temper you saw displayed would have had no need to continue. Instead, as usual, I am kept on board and treated as an errand girl. But I have never been one to disobey an order, and I will do my duty to the best of my abilites." She paused, her gaze steely. "That being said, I question orders . . . and I think you are not using you resources to their best." She paused. "I will do as you request, I shall gaurd the lady . . . I wouldn't want you to question my discipline. Ghosts would come out of my past and haunt me if I ever was undisciplined to the point of being a detriement." She paused again and gave the wall another kick. "As to Ar. . ." She couldn't bring herself to say his name. "as to the frenchman, I was more the ready to be proffessional, he's the one who drug emotions into it." Her eyes were blank -
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
Dorian found Tudor in her quaters, or rather, he heard her and followed the noise. When he opened the door, that wasn't fully closed to begin with, he saw the short red-head violently pummeling and kicking the wall, the cot, the smallish desk, and anything else that was nmistakenlly getting in her way. Her main focus was, however, on the wall, and it was looking slightly worse for the wear. She didn't even notice the quatermaster come in. She look ed up when he cleared his throat and shot him a look that was a cross between anger, sadness and frustration. "You might not want to talk to me right now." -
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
"Aye . . ." She looked at him intently for a moment, then crossed to where he sat, taking the boots out of his hands and tossing them aside. Then with deliberation she straddled his lap, put her hands on either side of his head and lowered her mouth onto his. Her toung gently prying his mouth open and dueling angrily with his. She then quickly broke off the impassioned kiss, then stood. "We'll discuss it later." And she left the room for her own quaters. -
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
Tudor's eyes glinted in a mixture of hurt and rekindled anger. "If I thought it would do any good I'd smack you again for that comment." She glared at him. "As it is though, I'm trying to make things right so we don't end up hating each other. I don't apologise often, so a little respect for what I just said would be apprechiated, monsieur." She said, steel to her tone. She then paused and swallowed, then across the room at him again. The eyes that had been of a strong-willed woman for most of the apology were now shadowed, more like a scared, hurt little girl. "What do I have to do to make this up to you?" -
Pyrates of the West Coast
Tudor MercWench Smith replied to Diego Santana de la Vega's topic in Fiction
Tudor sighed as she watched him go, her breathing slowly becoming even after her tirade. She rubbed her hand over her face and sighed once again. "Bugged that one up but good, didn't I?" She asked mainly to herself, but looked to the Quatermaster for his response. He just shook his head. "If you'll excuse me sir, I have some damage control I need to do. I shall return shortly to get your answwer as to whether or not I go ashore." Slowly she trod in Armand's path, making her way down to his quaters. She didn't even knock on the door, for fear of being turned away, instead just quietly opened the door and stepped in, seeing Armand gather items he would need on shore. He looked up at her, the same cold stare he had given her on the deck. He just looked at her, didn't say anything. Avoiding all eye contact, Tudor scuffed her feet on the wood planking of the floor. "Suppose I am a whore." She said with quiet resignation in her tone. "All my life I've fought tooth and nail against becoming one . . . ran away from home, became a mercenary, killed countless men, just so I wouldn't have to suffer a little degredation. Didn't work." She paused and looked up at him, not crying, but looking as close to it as she had ever really been. "Blackwell once said being a whore isn't that diffrent from being a mercenary. The only diffrence is, whores just sell their bodies, mercenaries sell their souls." She sniffed, looked away, then faced him again. "I am sorry. I've never actually had a man care . . . never had a man show me affection. Don't quite know what to do with it. I'm sorry if I hurt you . . .made you think . . ."She trailed. "Damn. I'm wretched at apologising. I guess I don't do it enough." She laughed, shortly, trying to lighten the mood. "I didn't know where you stood, whether it was for one night or . . . I still don't know where you stand, but I've probably buggered up any chance of anything else, so I'll just shut my mouth about it." She paused and swallowed hard. "I shouldn't have done that in front of the crew,"She quickly changed subject to the rest of the argument. "I mean, you had it coming to you . . ." She quickly insisted. "But I shouldn't have done that in front of everyone. You are a man of dignty and I took that dignity, kicked it where it counts, then spat on it. I'll never be able to apologise enough for that." After saying her peace, she looked up for Armand reaction.